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Everything posted by clodhopper
  1. Top 5 of dumbest statements I've ever heard, good go'in. You don't have a CLUE what you're talk'in about!! You are a GOP dream voter. Replace the word "Unions" with the word GREED........then you'll be a LOT closer to the truth. Ahhhh, the good ole days. Worked for enough company script to buy a new pair of shoes every fall for each kid. We got to live in company shacks. Get killed in the mines? throw that widow out of our company shack, let her and those kids starve....we don't make a dime off them!! You're sick you say?........TOUGH!!!......work til you die, we'll have another in here tomorrow. Holiday? what's a holiday? Who said 40 hours is considered a work week? not here!! I believe I'll stick with my union!!
  2. Blacksburg 28 at *Salem 31* Virginia 21 at *Abingdon 28* *Chilhowie 42* at Holston 20 *Clintwood 32* at J.J. Kelly 20 *Narrows 21* at Bland 20 Game of the Week Powell Valley 7 at *Gate City 32*
  3. Blacksburg 21 at Cave Spring 20 Holston 21 at George Wythe 28 Hidden Valley 13 at Pulaski County 21 Richlands 28 at Bluefield 16 Gate City 21 at Clintwood 28 Radford 27 at Giles 16 Game of the Week Christiansburg 14 at Salem 28
  4. Patrick Henry 7 at George Wythe 38 Northwood 6 at Chilhowie 42 Patrick County 28 at Bassett 32 Giles 38 at Lebanon 24 Marion 13 at Richlands 34 James Monroe 28 at Wyoming East 27 Game of the Week Radford 14 at Christiansburg 21
  5. Grundy 13 at Marion 35 William Byrd 41 at Carroll County 14 Gretna 38 at Graham 21 Honaker 14 at Abingdon 32 Oak Hill 13 at Bluefield 28 Salem 28 at William Flemming 14 Blacksburg 28 at Lord Botetourt 7 Clintwood 19 at Powell Valley 21 Lebanon 38 at Northwood 7 Gate City 27 at Va High 13 Williamson 12 at Big Creek 31 GAME OF THE WEEK - The Backyard Brawl!!!! Tazewell 28 at Richlands 27
  6. Christiansburg 14 at BASSETT 21 Cave Spring 13 at PATRICK HENRY-ROANOKE 14 PULASKI COUNTY 28 at Jefferson Forrest 27 Abingdon 14 at TAZEWELL 28 GRAHAM 21 at Richlands 18 Powell Valley 20 at JI BURTON 21 Game of the Week GRORGE WYTHE 28 at Giles 14
  7. BASSETT 21 at Hidden Valley 7 Franklin County 14 at PULASKI CO. 28 Richlands 14 at ABINGDON 21 GRAHAM 32 at Marion 21 Carroll County 7 at TAZEWELL 34 Holston 13 at BLAND 14 FLOYD CO. 28 at George Wythe 14 Game of the Week LEBANON 28 at Gate City 27
  8. I'm wide awake, you just don't want to face the fact that after 8 years of Texas oil men and with the help of 6 years of a republican House of Representatives, we got screwed. That's exactly what happened. You can keep believing Limbaugh, Hannity and that posse of liars if you want but I believe you're really smarter than that. Why do you think we're in Iraq? Iraq was about to open the floodgates, they were gonna open the spigots and flood the market with crude, it would have went to less that $5.00 a barrel. What do you think was discussed and planned in the "secret" energy meeting with Chaney in 2001? They HAD to do something before this happened.......and they did. They did'nt bother to plan the war, they just had to have one, and quick. September 11th, 2001 gave them the opening they needed (mind you, I don't believe in any way that our country was involved in the 9/11 attacks) and they took full advantage. Our bravest and finest have paid the price for record profits and Bin Laden is still on the loose. Bad administration? the very worst. Before Bush I wasn't very interested in politics, I figured them all to be liars and crooks. I still believe them mostly to be liars and crooks but this administration has made it painfully obvious.
  9. Great pitures........thanks for passing them on.
  10. With this administration everything IS a conspiracy!! Bush+Chaney+James Baker+Rice+Rove= Conspiracy Of course, as usual, republicans have to blame somebody else for their screwups. The trouble with your reasoning is that there is NO oil shortage, there's plenty of oil. Now, you can start drilling on every acre in this country and it won't change oil prices one bit. Why? because the oil companies won't agree to refine the crude in this country exclusivley, they want it on the world market, they'll make their usual killing in selling crude AND refined petroleum to China and India, it won't help the american consumer at all. The Saudis would LOVE for our producers to put more oil on the world market, that would be less they would have to extract (aka. cut back production) and still make the same money plus we would be depleting our reserves til we'll be forced to buy theirs at whatever price they want. IF, the oil companies would agree to refine and sell crude in this country only, I'd let them drill through my house but they're not going to do that. The oil companies already have 68 million acres of leased federal land that they have'nt sank a drill bit in yet because there's no oil shortage. When the oil executives hear "drill baby drill" you can see the dollar signs roll in their eyes. All of us need to wake up and quit being used by these two political partys, neither have our best interest at heart. We've been used long enough for the purpose of power and greed. What happened to a fair profit at a fair price, the american way? It's over! Greed and power will be the destruction of this empire like all the others down through history if we don't change our direction somehow.
  11. I don't know you personally but you've been a friend to everybody on this board. May God be with you and your family.
  12. I'm from Lebanon so I can relate to that, but I hold that strictly against the coach.....period. The players are going to play to the best of their ability, which they should. It is the coach's job to know when the game is well in hand and play his younger players from that point. The trouble with returning the favor is that it does'nt bother the coach that much but will humiliate the kids. Two wrongs won't make a right but I understand where you're coming from.
  13. Good Post. It happens everywhere though, it's not exclusive to Richlands. Fans get spoiled, high school football is a cycle deal and you soon find out who your real fans are during a down cycle. It's happened to practically every program in Southwest Virginia at one time or another, the "fair weather" fans will be back soon, good programs don't stay down long.
  14. Why are "Wedge Issues" Essential to Republican Rule? First of all, wedge issues are emotional in appeal. They bypass the cognitive function of the brain and go right to a subconscious emotional response. Name any Republican wedge issue from immigration, to abortion, to gay marriage, to flag burning -- not to mention the granddaddy of them all: "the war on terrorism" and FEAR -- and you run head into an emotional, not a reasoned, hook. In short, the Republicans are tremendously skilled at employing the art of the demagogue to get Americans -- around half at any given time -- to avoid reasoned discussion of public policy. They do this by appealing to emotional, instinctual reactions that are not processed through a thoughtful process. It's called pressing a hot button. Second of all, the Republicans use wedge issues to, essentially, pickpocket the American public and dismantle the American government. While they have the public and the media distracted with red hot emotional topics, they go off and make the wealthy wealthier, increase our national debt, dismantle the Constitution, and take away government social services. Wedge issues are a powerful distraction -- and allow the right wing to accomplish their goals while the public is preoccupied with some trumped up emotional issue that the Busheviks could care less about. Finally, wedge issues are a tremendous fundraising tool for the right wing. In fact, the campaigns of right wing candidates were financed by the money generated by right wing wedge issue direct mail. Richard Viguerie was the guru who started the direct mail juggernaut for GOP candidates -- and organizations -- and he's still going strong. It shouldn't be forgotten that Rove came to the fore in Texas politics as a direct mail consultant. In short, wedge issues that press the hot buttons of right wing donors sell big time. We heard Viguerie speak recently and he referred to "pre-sold" wedge issues. In essence, these are topics like "gay marriage," "abortion," and "war on terror" that you include in the first sentence of a GOP direct mail piece and you are guaranteed a good response because they have such visceral impact on Stepford GOP followers. Progressives and Democrats have far fewer "pre-sold" appeals -- except for the mention of Bush and Cheney -- because progressives and Democrats think more before acting. That may sound snobbish, but it's true from a direct mail perspective. Basically, the Republican "rule by emotional appeal" boils down to a big brother elitism whose message to Americans is simply this: "Don't think. We'll do the thinking for you. Just follow."
  15. Middle-Class Life Under Bush Republicans: Less Affordable and Less Secure Health care premiums have increased 78 percent. The cost of family health insurance has skyrocketed 78 percent since 2001. This is compared to a 19 percent increase in wages and a 17 percent increase in overall inflation. The average premium for a family of four topped $12,000 in 2007, with the average family contribution of over $3,200. When premium growth outpaces increases in wages and inflation, workers typically have to spend a greater portion of their income each year in order to maintain coverage. From 2001 to 2007, the amount families pay out of pocket for their share of premiums has increased by approximately $1,500. Gas prices have more than doubled. Prices at the gas pump have jumped 145 percent from $1.47 per gallon the week President Bush took office in January 2001 to an all-time high of $3.60 in the latest week of energy price data. The price for a barrel of oil has increased 268 percent during the Bush Administration from $30.63 in January 2001 to $112.58 in April 2008. The average household with children will spend about $5,030 on transportation fuel costs in 2008, an increase of 164 percent or $3.127 over 2001 costs. College education costs have risen by over 60 percent. Average tuition, fees, room and board costs at four-year private universities have increased by $10,067, from $22,240 in the 2000-2001 academic year to $32,307 in the 2007-2008 academic year.Tuition, fees, room and board charges at four-year public colleges jumped from $8,439 for the 2000-2001 academic year to $13,589 for the 2007-2008 academic year - an increase of $5,150, or 61 percent. Middle-Class Families Squeezed By Declining Income and Fewer Job Opportunities. While families work harder, their wages continue to decline. Middle-class families are working harder and earning less today than they were at the start of the Bush Administration. Median household income, adjusted for inflation, has declined $982 from $50,566 in 2000 to $49,584 in 2006. Job creation among the worst since Hoover Administration. A growing economy should be good news for those seeking jobs. But over the course of his term in office, President Bush is in a statistical dead heat with his father for the worst overall job creation record since Herbert Hoover more than 70 years ago. Overall non-farm payroll employment has increased by just 5.38 million since President Bush took office in January 2001 compared with 22.7 million during the Clinton presidency. Overall employment growth has averaged just 61,800 jobs per month under President Bush (or 0.6 percent per year) - not even half of the 150,000 jobs needed each month to keep up with population growth. It was not uncommon to see monthly job gains of 300,000 and even 400,000 during economic expansions during the Clinton Administration. Private sector job creation has been especially poor during the Bush presidency, with only 3.8 million new non-governmental jobs created since 2001, an increase of only 0.5 percent per year. Bush's deficit-financed tax cuts have widened the income gap between millionaires and middle-class workers. Recently released data from the Internal Revenue Service indicates that the wealthiest one percent of Americans (with an average income of $1,316,000) earned 21.2 percent of all income while the bottom 50 percent earned only 12.8 percent of all income in 2005. A Wall Street Journal article entitled "Income-Inequality Gap Widens" observed that "the richest Americans' share of national income has hit a postwar record, surpassing the highs reached in the 1990s bull market, and underlining the divergence of economic fortunes blamed for fueling anxiety among American workers." The Wall Street Journal has attributed the widening income gap to President Bush's tax policies: "It appears that the highest-salaried workers - executives, managers and professionals - are widening their lead on the typical worker...The Bush tax cuts appear to have widened the income gap, according to many analyses." The New York Times observed that IRS data "showed that over one-quarter of the investment tax cut savings went to just 11,433 taxpayers, (those who made $10 million or more) saving them almost $1.9 million each." The Times also reported that a White House spokesman said that "the fact that nearly all of the growth in incomes was among those in the upper reaches of the income ladder and that the majority of investment tax breaks went to those making more than $1 million 'is not a very interesting story.'" The St. Louis Post Dispatch summed it up: "The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy have thrown the federal budget deeper into deficit while doing little for ordinary Americans." In fact, President Bush's capital gains and dividends tax cuts will cost $2.349 trillion billion over ten years, with most of the benefits going to the richest one percent of Americans. In an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, economists found that the immediate effect of the Bush tax cuts has been "skewed in favor of those with high incomes," benefiting the most wealthy households the most. In 2006, for example, "families making more than $1 million a year saw their after-tax income increase by 6 percent because of the tax cuts, while families making $40,000 to $75,000 saw after-tax income rise by about 2.5 percent." More American families and children face severe financial problems. In 2006, 36.5 million Americans were living in poverty, an increase of 4.9 million over the 2000 level, the year before President Bush took office. The average annual increase in the poverty rate during President Bush's first term is second only to that during George H.W. Bush's administration and contrasts sharply with the declines in the Clinton and Kennedy-Johnson Administrations. Poverty has hit America's children particularly hard. According to the latest Census report, almost one out of every six American children lives in poverty. The number of children living in poverty increased 10.06 percent during the Bush Administration. Bush Republicans turned record budget surpluses into record deficits. President Bush inherited a unified budget surplus of $236 billion from President Clinton, the largest surplus in American history. Budget surpluses were expected to continue for another ten years when President Bush took office in January 2001. By 2002, however, the unified federal budget had returned to a deficit of $160 billion and has since reached historic highs. Last year, the budget deficit was $163 billion, or 1.2 percent of GDP. Bush Republicans, addicted to borrowing, increased the national debt by over $3 trillion. President Bush is the most fiscally irresponsible American president, having presided over the largest explosion of debt in our nation's history. Every year since taking office, President Bush requested that Congress increase the statutory debt limit, resulting in a $3.2 trillion, or 57 percent, increase. At the end of 2007, the federal debt was $9.0 trillion, or nearly $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. The public debt currently stands at $9.4 trillion. Enormous trade deficit is undermining U.S. competitiveness. In 2007, the annual U.S. trade deficit was $708.5 billion - twice the size of the trade deficit in 2000, the year before George Bush took office. In February 2008, the Commerce Department reported a monthly trade deficit of $62.3 billion - when George Bush took office in January 2001, the monthly trade deficit stood at $33.3 billion. As troubling, our trade in Advanced Technology Products, a strong indicator of U.S. competitiveness, which was in surplus as recently as 2001, experienced an annual deficit of more than $53 billion in 2007, and a monthly deficit of $3.34 billion in February 2008. Debt owed to foreigners climbs to record levels. In order to finance record budget deficits, the United States has had to borrow at unprecedented rates from foreigners. As of September 2007, the United States had accumulated $1.4 trillion more in debt to foreigners than this country had accumulated in its first 224 years. By contrast, during the last three years of the Clinton Administration, the United States paid off more than $200 billion in debt to foreigners. Record government and personal debt levels threaten economic future. Record federal deficits and debt create record interest costs for Americans. In 2006, interest costs on the federal debt amounted to $405.9 billion and this figure will grow to $645 billion by 2017. Personal debt levels have also reached a modern record. The Washington Post noted that "flat wages and rising debt nationally have converged to leave millions of middle-class households feeling acutely vulnerable to bumps in their financial planning." According to the Federal Reserve, last year the ratio of financial obligations to disposable personal income reached an all-time high since the data was first collected in 1980. The ratio, which accounts for mortgage, consumer, and other obligations, has remained high. In the fourth quarter of 2007, 19.35 percent of disposable income was spent on debt. Meanwhile, "American consumers are holding debt in growing numbers and in larger amounts than ever," and "more Americans have fallen behind on consumer loans than any time in nearly 16 years ,as credit problems once concentrated in mortgages spread into other forms of debt." Average student loan debt soared to more than $19,000. Interest rates for Stafford student loans have risen substantially over the past three years, from 3.4 percent to 7.14 percent for outstanding loans and 6.8 percent on new loans. As a result, loan payments will be considerably higher for students taking out new loans and for those who did not consolidate loans in recent years. Without adequate federal grants funding, students and their parents must rely more on student loans to finance their college educations. According to the Institute for College Access and Success, more than 60 percent of college seniors graduate with debt, with an average $19,200 in debt per graduate. And, according to the Institute for Public Policy and Higher Education, 31 percent of the median family income is needed to pay for one year at a four-year public college after financial aid.
  16. Facts?, since when has a right winger wanted to be bothered with those pesky facts? But, here goes. George Bush has denied us our First Amendment rights from the very first days of his administration. Even during his inauguration he denied the right of protesters to be heard by confining them to “first amendment zonesâ€. In doing this, George Bush denies the rights of millions of Americans to learn about the grievances that their fellow citizens harbor towards him. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0125-02.htm He has repeatedly denied government access to journalists who fail to tow his line; he ties up our airways, using tax dollars, with government propagandists pretending to be real journalists; and he has even claimed the right to imprison journalists who expose administration crimes to the public. In all of this, George Bush has prevented American citizens from learning about the issues that they need to know about in order for a democracy to function. http://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/pressthink/2005/03/10/ktz_dscd.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/bush-planted-fake-news-stories-on-american-tv-480172.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glenn-greenwald/silencing-bush-critics-wi_b_15494.html George Bush’s warrantless domestic spying program is a clear example of massive and repeated violations of our Fourth Amendment rights. Though Bush has repeatedly assured Americans that the program’s purpose is to “catch terroristsâ€, he has offered no evidence to that effect. If the Bush administration’s wiretapping of American citizens had a justifiable basis behind it, there should be no reason it couldn’t request warrants to conduct them. Though Bush claims that that would hamper his “War on Terrorâ€, that claim is patently absurd, since the law allows the requesting of warrants to be retroactive. Furthermore, knowledgeable sources have maintained that, though thousands of warrantless wiretaps per year have been ordered and conducted by the Bush administration, fewer than ten per year are justified by the constitutional standard of “reasonable cause†for suspicion. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-10-nsa_x.htm?POE=NEWISVA http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/04/AR2006020401373.html?sub=AR My biggest concern about George Bush’s warrantless spying program is that he is using it to spy on his political opponents. It is clear that this is a major purpose of Bush’s refusal to abide by the law and our Fourth Amendment by obtaining warrants when he feels it necessary to spy on people. If his purpose was to fight terrorism, there would be no problem with obtaining a warrant. Spying on political opponents is a great way to neutralize them and to consolidate one’s own political power. J. Edgar Hoover used this mechanism to retain power as FBI Director for many decades. So did Richard Nixon, and he was impeached for it. When power is used and consolidated in this manner we take a giant step towards dictatorship. It should be obvious that this is why George Bush insists on his right to illegally wiretap American citizens without obtaining warrants, even if actual evidence to that effect was lacking – which it is not. http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0710-21.htm The provision of powers to our other branches of government was written into our Constitution as a check against a chief executive who attempts to consolidate power to the extent of becoming a dictator. The principle is known as “the Separation of Powersâ€. The power to enforce the laws of the land, and the authority given the President as Commander-in-Chief during war time are especially important to check and control because arbitrary enforcement of laws, which are especially prone to occur during time of war, are a notorious means of denying rights to vulnerable individuals. For that reason, our Founding fathers balanced those executive powers by giving Congress the sole power to enact laws and declare war. http://www.constitutioncenter.org/explore/BasicGoverningPrinciples/SeparationofPowersandaSystemofChecksandBalances.shtml But by appending “signing statements†to more than 800 laws enacted by Congress – more signing statements that all 42 previous presidents combined have used – George Bush has arrogantly asserted his intentions not to be bound either by the rule of law in general or by the Separation of Powers provided in our Constitution. The American Bar Association has said that it: opposes, as contrary to the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers, the misuse of presidential signing statements by claiming the authority . . . to disregard or decline to enforce all or part of a law the president has signed… The so called “War on Terrorism†and our war in Iraq has been used by the Bush administration repeatedly as an excuse to deny basic human rights to thousands of people. Yet Bush and Cheney repeatedly lied to Congress and to the American people to justify our invasion of Iraq. In so doing, according to the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR): .... George W. Bush has subverted the Constitution, its guarantee of a republican form of government, and the constitutional separation of powers by undermining the rightful authority of Congress to declare war, oversee foreign affairs, and make appropriations. He did so by justifying the war with false and misleading statements and deceived the people of the United States as well as Congress… Virtually all the safeguards that were written into our Constitution to prevent our democracy from descending into tyranny have been violated repeatedly by George Bush and Dick Cheney: Our freedom of expression has been repeatedly violated, in order to keep Americans in the dark as much as possible; the Bush administration repeatedly spies on its political enemies; it sees nothing wrong with denying a trial to those it captures, throws into dungeons and has tortured; it has repeatedly asserted its immunity from having to respond to Congressional investigations; and by repeatedly firing federal employees who fail to go along with its political agenda, it has turned the executive branch of our government into a crass system devised solely for the furtherance of its own power and political goals. And our Congress – our main hope for putting the breaks on this tyrannical grasping for power – has yet to do anything to stop them. It isn’t a question of whether or not the Bush administration will acquire dictatorial powers. They already have them, and nobody is stopping them because Congress thus far has shied away from going beyond the use of their investigative powers, which they have used only when permitted by the Bush administration. So the question before us now is, ‘Why are George Bush and his cohorts doing this, and what are they planning on doing with all these powers 17 months from now?’ It could be that they’ve grabbed all these dictatorial powers just for fun or to stroke their ego, or something of that nature. Seriously, that could be it. Or, it could be something worse. I really don’t know. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/04/30/bush_challenges_hundreds_of_laws/?page=full
  17. It appears to me that you only think you know more than most voters know! I've worked at the same job for 27 years and have NEVER been given anything. As a matter of fact I know more Republicans on the draw than Democrats......a lot more. Republicans LOVE handouts as long as they're the ones getting them. Democrats are asking for handouts? You mean like the 92 billion dollars gave to corporations in subsidies? that kind of handout? I know it would be hard for Exxon/Mobile to make it without their "handout" as would most poor corporations. YES, George Bush and dick are every bit as much fascist as you say Obama is a socialist. Fascist: A reactionary or dictatorial person, I believe that pretty much sums up Dubya. BUT, we are interested in the same issues, probably not too far apart. You better believe I'm interested in gas prices, gas was $1.46 a gallon when Bush and Dick took office, funny how it doubled after 2 oil men were given the office. Just a coincidence I guess? You can't have a war on terrorism, terrorism is an ideology, how do you declare war on an ideology? I am concerned about terrorism though, same as you. I have a problem understanding how 16 Saudis carried out the 9/11 murders, a Saudi masterminded it and we attacked Iraq? Apparently George has a problem with geography or could it have been the close ties between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal family? I too am concerned about taxes, George's tax plan has worked out great (if you're a millionaire) not so great for the working class. But not to worry, we'll just pass the massive debt it caused on to our kids and grandkids, should'nt concern us. We probably agree on illegal immigration, George, Obama and McCain all have really handled that situation well, as has the Houses of Representatives.......do NOTHING, we might get their votes. As far as how they act in times of distress, how do you measure that? I believe either will do better than the fella we have now. You know, "we're under attack", sit around seven mins. while reading "My pet goat".........picked a real winner in that catagory last time.
  18. WOW, what a bargin!!! I just don't see how those poor oil companies and Saudis are gonna make ends meet. Surely, it would'nt be a political ploy, would it? Maybe gas could go down to around $2.50 a gallon til say the first tuesday in November. It's unbelieveable how easily manipulated people are. Do you honestly think crude oil was going to stay at $140 a barrel and risk losing their bead and butter party? Nope! Gas was $1.46 a gallon when Bush took office, now we think $2.96 (double) a gallon is a sweet deal. Unreal!!
  19. I love the new republican catch phrase "socialist", have you heard of fascism? You should have, you've lived under such rule for 8 years. It's unbelieveable to me that people are too lazy to actually do ANY research but will believe anything they hear from the right wing cronies. I am a christian also, did I say anywhere that I approve of abortion? I don't, at all. I'm pro-choice not pro-abortion. I believe in the constitution and law, something that has been lost the past 8 years. If the law changes (which it won't, the republicans won't let it, they need the issue too bad) I will be 100% for what the law says. I do have enough sense to know when I am being used by a political party, apparently you do not. The republicans come up with these wedge issues every election and the simple minded fall for it. How else could they get you to vote against your best interest? What have the republicans done about abortion? NOTHING, and they won't, they need the issue every election to reel in the simple minded. matthew 25 has nothing to do with abortion, I did'nt say it did. It just shows the difference in the party of greed and the party of common people. Anyhow, if the past 8 years hasn't convinced you, nothing I say will make a difference. You've went to the kool-aid and drank your fill. It's unbelieveable to me that we've had the worst President ever for 8 years and people are still willing to vote for his clone. How gullible can you be?
  20. You DO live in China, remember, we gave them this land in trade for cheap made goods. If you're against abortion.....don't have one! There have been several democrat Presidents and congress was controled over 40 years by democrats........how many guns have you had taken from you? You might want to read your bible a bit closer. Matthew 25:31-46 would be a good place to start. This country has been drove off a cliff by this inept administration. Sure, they blame Clinton for it ALL as they always blame someone else. Gas was $1.46 a gallon when Bush and Dick took office. We suffered the worst terrorist attack in our county's history. The attacks were carried out by 16 Saudis out of 19 terrorist, a Saudi was the mastermind.......so we attack IRAQ! Real wages are down, inflation is up, the national debt is unpayable, people are losing their homes at an alarming rate. The oil companies, credit card companies, drug companies etc. have been more than taken care of. The GOP goal is to rid the money people of that pesky middle class, this administration has almost accomplished that, McCain should be able to finish us off. WAKE UP!
  21. Patrick Co. 21 at FLOYD CO. 26 PULASKI COUNTY 26 at Patrick Henry-Roanoke 20 Brookville 14 at SALEM 28 Blacksburg 18 at GRAHAM 21 Powell Valley 14 at RICHLANDS 32 CHRISTIANSBURG 32 at Giles 24 JI BURTON 34 at JJ Kelly 21 Game of the Week George Wythe 27 at RADFORD 28
  22. GRETNA 21 at Martinsville 20 CARROLL COUNTY 31 at Patrick County 14 Patrick Henry 13 at ABINGDON 36 Giles 21 at BLACKSBURG 28 Honaker 12 at RICHLANDS 31 GATE CITY 30 at Tazewell 16 Fort Chiswell 14 at CHILHOWIE 28 Powell Valley 15 at LEBANON 21 Game of the Week BLUEFIELD 27 at Graham 24
  23. I was'nt replying to your post Herbie, I'm sorry you took it that way. Your post was a very sensible approach. Sometimes I get tired of people that think their team can do no wrong. I know that I've seen incidents by my team that should have been dealt with much harder than they were. The risk in football is already great and we accept that risk to play the game. There's no need to add avoidable risk to this game we love.
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