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Everything posted by OFISHE8
  1. Carroll won by ten. Four way playoff tom. night at RMS. Same two teams play each other just like tonight
  2. What happens if Grundy, Graham, CC, and Tazewell all end up in a tie? Playoff, coinflip, round robin?? It could happen very easily. CC beats Grundy and Graham holds serve Friday night!!
  3. If you guys thought that dude was nuts last night, wait until this guys shows up for your next game!!!!
  4. This is a very interesting situation. First and foremost, there is no justifying "flipping off the fans" by an official(or anyone for that matter). Now, here is a couple of things to consider. If a fan feels the urge to yell at an official, why is it wrong for an offical to react? Sportsmanship and professionalism are at the center of this situation. In a heated game tempers can flare, that is human nature. But at what point do we allow it to get out of control? It is true that an offical needs to show some type of professionalism, but tell me it is not hard for anyone to take the type of verbal abuse an offical takes night in night out. What if they came to your work place and started yelling at you when you did something they did not like? This sounds like an administration problem that needs to be addressed to both sides: school and offical. Sportsmanship is a key factor in most of these types of situation and this sounds like some apologies are in order.
  5. This is an administration issue; ;however, there are other factors to consider. One being the attendance of the game, the other being the design of the gym, etc. The only rule in the rule book is concerning unauthorized people/players/coaches on the playing court. The officials can request game management personnell to make students/fans/cheerleaders, etc to move further up in the stands if there is a chance a problem could arise. This is especially true with schools with large student sections(Rife's Radiers, Mecca Maniacs, and Bleacher Bums). In a crowded gym the unwritten rule is every man for himself. This sounds like an unfortunate incident. Game management should realize the potential for something like this and react accordingly. It is very dangerous in and around the playing court and every participant, at least by the varsity level, should be well aware of the environment each and every night.
  6. Hey City of Raven, were you at Twin Valley tonight? Were you there to watch the game or the girls?
  7. I think the best remedy for any situation such as Richlands Basketball is to bring a coach from the outside. The politics, favortism, and everything associated with someone currently involved in the program would be eliminated. I realize that other factors dictate who and how a coach can be named, but in the best intrest of the kids and the program, someone needs to give the program a new and exciting look and feel. Someone like Williams at Castlewood would be an excellent choice. Look at other area coaches, who is any better? The SWD used to be loaded with some good coaches, now they are all in the BDD.
  8. Why promote within? Why can't Richlands go and find a quality coach with some experience and the ability to create a strong program? Look at Coach Aaron Williams at Castlewood. He put his time in at Abingdon JV and got the head position at Castlewood. He would be an excellent choice for a Boys Varsity program. Class, excitement, and participation would be a welcome at any program looking for a change.
  9. I think Sunday's Game in Phily proved the fact that Vick is not an elite qback. His arm is not as strong as it needs to be and his accuracy needs improvement. If Moss were to come to Atlanta, I think his productivity would decrease in the offensive scheme Vick likes to work under. Vick needs to understand the West Coast Offense a little better, this would help his ineffectiveness against a quick defense--like Phily and Tampa Bay.
  10. I heard you bricked a few free throws at Grundy Friday night--No Player of the week this week, heh?
  11. Lebanon had two big wins last week. Beating PH at PH was a good gut check for that team. They have size, strength, and shooting. With the "Rowdy Reds" packing the stands each game: LOOK OUT REGION C!!
  12. Grundy whipped Richlands tonight and looks to get back in the SWD race. If they play the way they did tonight, Tazewell beware!!! Why did the Richlands coach stop coaching when they were down 15, but coached when they were up 2 in the first half?
  13. [ QUOTE ] I've noticed in the past weeks, that some officials are being very inconsistant.. Mostly with letting lots happen inside the paint, then on the perimeter.. a defensive player guarding the ball is called for small bump fouls. The offensive player iniates the contact and the defensive guy, gets the bump and the foul!! I just cant get that one.. then I've seen some players drive to the basket throwing up shots out of control to draw fouls, and getting the calls. Then, a kid gets whacked and no call!! Maybe you can shine some light on my question? Its just something I've been seeing...Thought I'd ask you the question!! Thanks. [/ QUOTE ] In high school bball you will probably see many different officials night in and night out. Needless to say, officials have different styles and different judgements, just like you. Some officials seem to award good defense and will not bail the offensive player out when he/she is out of control. Inside the paint is the most difficult area to see and officiate. You have a offensive player trying to get position and a defensive player trying not to let them. It can get hairy. If a particular crew is consistent, I have no problem with that--Let the players adjust!! If players will play, if coaches will coach, and officials will officiate, everything will work out in the end. Words of Wisdom to Remember!!!
  14. Let's hear some forecasts for the SWD Title. I think Tazewell might have the easiest road to the regular season title. They have size, athleticism, and good touch from the outside. Grundy had a bad night at Tazewell and they may be on the outside looking in. Graham needs to find more consistentcy from tip to finish. Carroll and Richlands need to start thinking about who is going to hit leadoff. Can Tazewell make a splash in the regions? They may be a bit young to deal with the big game pressure!!
  15. Why would you take a chance on the official hearing you say that? You put your team in jeaopardy and you are one T from an ejection and suspension. Better keep quiet and dont hurt your team.
  16. There was a lot of action on the hardwoods this weekend. Here are some of the boys highlights: Council in a mild upset over Grundy Friday night thanks to a late 11-2 run--Council 43-Grundy 32 and an impressive win over Chilhowie on Sat. night 65-41 ; Richlands had a tough go of it on Friday night but escaped with a win behind Super-Freshman Ben Mulkey who scorched the nets for 23--RHS 46-HHS 37; Honaker went 1-1 this weekend at the First Bank & Trust Tip-Off at John Battle with a 51-37 win over John Battle and a 64-45 loss to Patrick Henry in the Championship Game; Tazewell showed that they may be the front runner in the SWD with at 1-1 weekend with a 56-49 win over John Battle on Sat. night, they did lose to eventual champ Patrick Henry on Friday night 63-49; Haysi High School beat Castelwood Friday night 64-49 with a three guys in double figures: Colley 17, Viers 15, Jones 17. Haysi has a big tilt with Richlands tommorrow night--Should be a good game. Lots of other action this week!! Check out the Ramey Classic at Twin Valley this week and the boys Virginia Tip-Off at Virginia High School this weekend!!
  17. Anybody heard the news about Coach Mullins resigning as boys bball coach at Bland/Rocky Gap? I heard Coach Puckett was returning!
  18. Well said! The sad part of all of this is the fact that in the near future schools are going to lose one team from thier system. Either a sixth, seventh, eighth grade because of the demand for gym time and game scheduling. You will definitely see JV suffer if schools start playing varsity on the same night. Our JV system in this area has been really spoiled on how the games are always the pre "show" every Tuesday and Friday nights. They get the same officals, fans, and support that most of the varsity contests receive. This will change over the coming years and if every school system will allow 8th graders to play JV they can eliminate that one program and get more gym time and calendar dates to play. This will draw a few more fans and possibly better officials to the games as well as the attendance they deserve.
  19. Let me ask you this: If each jv/varsity team played two games a week(which is fairly normal), that means four nights out of the week there would be a game somewhere, would that create a problem for attendance or would two boys/girls varisty games on the same night give a bigger opportunity for a larger crowd. See what happened is these schools lost a separate season in girls bball so they try to make it as appealing as it can possibly be. In the long run, we will probably see varsity on the same night and JV whenever you get a chance. It is unfortunate but highly probable.
  20. My question to the SWD BBALL forum is this: What would you guys like to see? Girls and Boys Varsity games played on the same night or played on diffrent nights? Which schedule would work better for the players? fans? coaches? Let me hear your feedback--it might have some weight toward future scheduling. Personally, I liked playing the varsity on the same night. It helped create better atmosphere and better attendance for both games. I don't agree with the girls always playing first. If the girls teams are better than the boys, they should let the boys play first. Let's see what the forum thinks!! Logon and give me some feedback.
  21. Could you put Not So Fast My Friend under mine please?
  22. Supposedly a player's finger can get caught inside the bracelet and break or dislocate. The chances are slim but still probable. Pretty crazy isnt it?
  23. You didn't watch the same game I did. Every Grundy team since Stretch took over has been well coached and fundamentally sound. If Twin Valley wouldn't have recruited the Vandyke boy, Grundy would be State bound.
  24. I have yet to see Tazewell play this year, but based on last night's performance by Theo Justus, Grundy will be a force to be rekoned with!!
  25. Grundy had strong opening game last night. I felt their guard play and depth will help lead them to a district championship this year. Coach Mounts always has a disciplined team and they showed Clintwood that the SWD will be the best district in the area this year. When I saw how Theo Justus played last night--WOW what a floor general!! Good Luck WAVE!!
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