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Everything posted by bluekick
  1. Richlands had a girls team but most of those girls also played j.v. None of them were old enough (or good enough) to play varsity.
  2. As a Richlands fan I'm gonna go with: 1. Bluefield 2. Powell Valley 3. Giles
  3. The visitor's stands at Richlands are filled up once each year, the Graham game and Tazewell game, alternately. I don't think the school board is going to allocate any money towards a new set of bleachers if they're only filled once during the regular season. It's not Richlands' fault we don't have adequate seating for some games, we don't decide the budget. If Graham had a stadium in Tazewell County... or the state for that matter... they would be in the same situation as Tazewell and Richlands.
  4. Graham Woodrow Wilson Mount View Fayetteville Liberty Richlands Christiansburg Tazewell Honaker James Monroe
  5. He's doing fine as far as I know. The injury kept him sidelined just past the end of the season so he should be back next year.
  6. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Right on bro!!! Couldn't been said better. Watcha can run the 40 in and bench press along with 50 cents can get ya a pop! Them boys just win baby......Al Davis [/ QUOTE ]I see we failed grammer didn't we? [/ QUOTE ] Apparently you didn't do so hot in spelling either.
  7. [ QUOTE ] No. they do it correctly, bar touches there chest w/ no help [/ QUOTE ] Remind me. When was the last time you actually watched a Richlands player bench? Exactly...
  8. Graham and Grundy will stay AA after next season. I don't know about Honaker.
  9. As far as I know it wasn't an appendectomy, but a reptured spleen. I have a friend that went to see her friday and she seems to be doing well.
  10. bluekick


    Congrats to CC. I'm sure Moreno had something to do with those goals, he's a great player. So does this move CC into 2nd in the district?
  11. There's a picture of the plane in the BHC today. It looks like he landed on the road going towards the college and drifted just barely into the median.
  12. My friend's uncle was the pilot. He said he went under the redlights at the rt. 19/Kents Ridge intersection. I went by there yesterday and there's no way he could have landed on the median there. I think he must have actually landed in the road.
  13. You're the pansy that's crying because Tazewell got whooped by Richlands.
  14. Our athletic director said that the college wouldn't let us on the field at all yesterday. We couldn't even practice. The college had they're graduation, I don't know if that had anything to do with it.
  15. Tazewell game out on top in a hard fought match 2-1. Richlands opened with Eric Ward's chip over Tazewell's keeper in the first half. T.J. Rasnick put in both goals for Tazewell in the second half.
  16. You're making a fool out of yourself. Me and everyone else on this message board knows this... trust me.
  17. No. I'd be doing myself a disservice if I replied to that.
  18. Richlands bested PH today 6-0. Eric Ward picked up a hat trick, Taylor Lindsey added two, and James McVey got his first of the season.
  19. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] I have one ? is it in his basketball uni or soccer uni? That really makes a difference to me. [/ QUOTE ] what are you talking about???? [/ QUOTE ] He refs basketball and soccer.
  20. 2-2. Richlands opened up with a goal in the first half off of an indirect. Carroll responded with two quick scores, the first from of a well placed indirect inside the box, and I can't remember the other. Richlands opened the second half with a goal from a corner kick. Neither team scored for the remainder of the second or in OT. If I can remember correctly, a total of seven yellows and one soft red were given out. But the game wasn't all that brutal, just very stiff refs... not very many warnings given. Well played game by both sides.
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