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Everything posted by 8ball
  1. 8ball


    I never doubt Brittany's ability -- she will and should start, but her concept of team was not observed and that is something that she must work on. Sometimes you have kids that are mentally capable to play at a higher level and sometimes you have kids that are physically capable to play at a higher level - and the transition to varsity from middle school is a big step -- she needs to work on being a team member -- not the team. If she can improve her disposition her team will help her transition and she will be a force to be reckoned with by mid season next year.
  2. 8ball


    I could say that several things probably have happened. 1. It's customary for kids especially girls to stop playing as they get older. Girls find boyfriends and practice and games take dating time away from them. Some kids decide to work and other decide to concentrate on a specific sport. 2. I know a few girls who are not playing because of the girl drama and parent competition which is fueled by Palmer. Many are tired of hearing just how good Reagan and Brittany are. I watched these two the other night when they lost to Tazewell and I will have to say Reagan can play at the varsity level -- she has her head, however, Brittany needs to learn some self control. It is my opinion that Brittany thinks she is a one woman show and she does not depend on her teammates -- I was not impressed at all and she had 20+ points. 3. The pressure put on kids from their parents and the community to win -- when in all reality they have not had the basketball athletes out to win. Kids begin to feel that they can't satisfy anyone and get tired of hearing the negative so they take themselves out of the mix. I hope that anyone who is not playing has made this decision for themselves.
  3. I loved watching you and hope to see you play somewhere in college, GOOD LUCK.
  4. The problem with this comment is there was actually something wrong with Lockhart. If there are still those that do not know Lockhart's football days are over. He played the last two games with a tear in his left [throwing arm] bicep and a pulled quad in his right leg. If any of you have ever had injuries and tried to play through them you also know that you will protect or attempt to protect those injuries -- Lockhart tried to play through these and inturn magnified the injuries to his arm and leg and added a career ending back injury.
  5. The quarterback for Tazewell that was injured earlier was not even on the sidelines last night -- he was in the stands as were a couple other players. I am not sure what this means - has he quit? If so then he will not be considered in the All SWD team. Does anyone know what his status was as the season ended.
  6. Big Blue - Dixie was played through the 1987 football season. Dixie was dropped after the 1987 season due to complaints from Va High. Big Blue was the same as it is today -- I loved Dixie -- never thought anything about it being inappropriate or offensive.
  7. Bruce Evans was an Auburn fan -- not Alabama and yep his kid's name is Auburn. I remember the days of Coach Evans at RHS.
  8. Tazewell's 8th grade beat Richlands' 8th grade girls the other night and it wasn't a close game. I agree Brittany and Reagan are both good players -- but they will have to work to stay ahead of the competition. It is very good for them that Tazewell County now allows 8th graders to move up to JV once the middle school season is over. Should be beneficial to their transitioning to the speed of the game. Actually, most varsity programs have try outs -- everyone that comes out should be aiming to make varsity from freshman to senior. One should never think that just because you are a freshman you make JV -- and one should also not think a junior has to make varsity. The VHSL rule says juniors can play JV if they have not competed in that sport at the varsity level. It should never be assumed that you make it -- you need to work and maintain a good attitude.
  9. The first official day of ALL winter sports according to VHSL is November 16
  10. Really couldn'st see how they could since Tazewell County Public Schools pays for the use of the stadium and Tazewell is in Graham's district-- however if they were to ban Tazewell then the Tazewell - Graham game would always be at Tazewell --
  11. I know I am in a minoroity around these parts, but I am not a hokie fan. I don't really wish them bad, but I just can't bring myself to cheer for them. I think there are two reasons for this -- One is I remember when you could show up at a VT football game on Saturday and get a ticket at the window - they had some solid faithful fans but it wasn't crazy like it is now -- It is now a band wagon. The other reason -- is my main reason--While I truely believe that Frank Beamer is a good man -- I think he whines way to much -- I would love to say to him -- You coach at a very competitive D1 school and no one is trying to get your job -- most love you -- so please stop whining. I respectfully appreciate his complaint about GT - but ultimately Tech lost and I wonder if this same complaint would have been filed if Tech had won.
  12. Corner -- thanks for the information -- I appreciate the fact that you being very adult about all of this and getting the record straight. I am also very glad that whoever did this is taking the heat and paying the price. Although hitting a wall is not the right answer, hopefully everyone has learned something and they can move forward.
  13. I heard there was damage as well, but did not hear a dollar amount or the exact details. I was told that there was at least one hole in the wall. I was also told that the coaches don't know who the culprit was??????? I wonder where the coaches were during all of this. IMO there are way to many football coaches that should be monitoring these kids that this should NEVER happen. I would imagine that someone [hopefully Tazewell High School] will pay for these damages. Wonder what the punishment will be from the administration at THS? -- Lathel served a 10 out of school suspension for a cell phone [second offense] being out - after serving 3 days [for the first offense] in school. I haven't heard of any punishment being delivered from the administration. I would bet there won't be any at all. Possibly a lecture. My bet would be -- Tazewell High School pays the bill, attempts to keep this as quiet as possible, down playing it, and all goes well with the football team. Wyatt is tight with the administration -- he's one of the boys. What a good message to send the kids?!?!?!
  14. Tazewell was definately out coached in last year's Region Championship. The cell phone issue is resolved.
  15. Both Muncey and Staunton had offers at other schools -- Staunton attended Richmond for a year and Muncey was offered a full ride to Appy State, but both wanted to play for VT. Muncey has the best work ethic I have personally ever wittnessed. He is fulfilling his dream to be a Hokie - has attended and played in BC bowl games all while getting a top notch education -- Muncey graduated from VT last December and is now in grad school there with plans to finish in the Spring of 2010. Starter or not -- he has live a dream that few can say they were ever given the opportunity to live and even fewer were willing to pay the price of hard work to live. I think it is great when any student or student-athlete makes the decision to attend college and get an education -- it is their choice which school and if they play sports. Many athletes decide not to play, many choose to stay close to home and others want as far away as possible. I really don't like when anyone discredits them - when all they are doing is making SWVA look better and bettering themselves. It comes to personal preference -- some athletes want to play every play some while some want to be a part of something and accept any role they can earn.
  16. Not sure of how Lockhart was originally injured -- but he has took some hits this year. As for Mountain he is still serving his 10 days out of school suspension for having a cell phone at school. Again I think this punishment does not fit the crime -- just my opinion.
  17. I was told he had a torn bicep in his left arm and a pulled hamstring prior to the Richlands' game. He added more injury to these injuries during that game and is out at least for this week - I hope these injuries are not as bad as they sound -- I hate to see a kid get hurt playing a sport. Garrett Hylton [sp?] the lineman who was taken via ambulance from the field had surgery yesterday, I hope he recovers well. Again, I hate to see anyone out due to an injury.
  18. Impressive players I have watched this season include Johnson , QB - Richlands - Senior Corner, Defense - Tazewell - Senior Vaughn, Gate City [not sure of his age] Clark, Gate City[not sure of his age] Abingdon's QB was good [not sure of his age] Carroll Co. had a good running back [not sure of his age] Z Pauley, Defense, Tazewell - Senior Richlands #8 is really fast -- but I am quite sure he's an underclassman -- but keep him on a list for next year as well as Lockhart, QB from Tazewell.
  19. I was quite shocked that he transferred -- he appeared to be all about being a Bulldog -- but I guess I was wrong -- not the first time though. . . . I think he is living by himself -- he was 18 last September -- his parents continue to have a residence in the Adria area of North Tazewell -- but again he is 18 and lots of 18 year olds live alone -- It would be nice for him to have a good game against Tazewell - but I can imagine that he will have a lot of pressure.
  20. I think that is a great idea --
  21. Tazewell County's School Board adopted a new 'cell phone policy' this year -- first time a kid is caught with their phone it's 3 days in school suspension -- the second time they are caught it's 10 days out. However - you can get in a fight and beat the living daylight out of someone and if you are related to each other -- you are told to settle family feuds at home not at school and sent on your merry way. I think this new policy is a great example where the punishment does not fit the crime. I would bet you that any given day at any given TCPS building you could easily find teachers and staff using their cell phone -- I don't think kids should be texting while in class, but also don't think the teacher's and staff should be texting during school either -- they are receiving a paycheck -- I wonder if the anyone at the school level thought what this punishment will do to Lathel's final numbers and how it may affect him with college recruiting, and district and region voting. I would think that the first offense should be taking the phone and calling the parent to come pick it up and have a conference. The second offense could be a Saturday school, a third offense 3 days in school suspension with all extra curricular activities being suspended for these 3 days as well, and a fourth offense would have the kid and their parent meet with the school board for a discipline plan. Lathel will be missed -- but this is way more extreme than the 2 football games he is missing -- what about 2 weeks of instruction?
  22. Would have paid to have seen that!!! I love the mountains - I love to visit lots of places, but never have I been on a vacation that I haven't been happy to get back home -- in four seasons country -- where the vast majority of the people speak English albeit the southwest virginian version - none the less it's English!!
  23. I don't think they will give it to a player twice -- Cody may be recognized in the honorable mentions [i think I saw him listed last week]-- However, Cody's and all of the other weekly winners numbers and production will be culminated and a Player of the Year will be named at the banquet -- they usually take the field of 13 or so and name a top three or four at the banquet and then name the POY. Bluefield Daily Telegraph and the Pocahontas Coal Association does a really nice job with the banquet and the trophies that each Player of the Week receives is beautiful -- the POY gets a different trophy. If you ever get an opportunity to attend the banquet make sure you take advantage of it --
  24. I agree with you -- I don't like the word -- but to miss an entire game is tough especially when the game is the Tazewell - Richlands game. I think even officials get a little ruffled somtimes and to extreme measures, but that is purely my opinion. I think a personal foul would have be sufficient for him to have been disciplined at Monday's practice for.
  25. The VHSL rule is if ejected a player sits the next game -- if the player is ejected due to fighting it is a two game suspension. The official who ejected Dean must complete an ejection form and submit it to VHSL and provide a copy to Tazewell High School within two days -- there are times [albeit rare] that an official chooses not to submit this form and the player is allowed to play without an appeal -- I would suspect that Tazewell will plan to play without Dean and if he is allowed to play they will feel fortunate. I would love to know the reason he was ejected -- I was there and didn't see anything, but it could very well have been language on the field -- to far away for the fans to hear.
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