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Everything posted by Pirate1
  1. Don't think there is any way in the world that Maryland would leave the ACC. BC, I don't know, depends on how there revenue is. They've been succesful in the ACC, but being as geographically removed from the rest of the conference as they are, I don't know how they are doing financially.
  2. Anyone know who and when JM scrimmages this year? Thanks.
  3. I'm not a real big Beck fan, but I would not call him an idiot at all. One of the things I like about the guy is when he has someone on his show with an opposing point of view he'll actually engage in a conversation with them, not just shout them down. Is he over the top sometimes, sure he is, almost all TV/Radio personalities do that from time to time, it's how they've made their careers, how they got noticed to begin with. Now if you want to talk about idiocy, check out the Sharpton/Coulter debate on Larry King tonight.......I think my IQ dropped 20 points just by watching(and I can't afford to lose that many)
  4. Yeah, i knew they hadn't been real good, but I didn't realize it had been quite that bad either. I'm not a VT fan at all, but it is frustrating to watch them offensively, esp. during the Eddie Royal years.
  5. What is the highest ranking O Stinespring has had since he's been the OC?
  6. Could they be a relatively new school? I've never heard of them either, and I do try to keep up with the VA side quite a bit.
  7. Don't know if it's the game you're looking for, but I'm almost positive that the Bowling Green game in '93 or '94 kicked off around 6 or 630. I had season tickets that year, and I remember it was an evening game.
  8. Actually, Lance it was while he was in office, or maybe before, my understanding is that it was a freak accident while he was creating the internet.
  9. Honestly, though, haven't our elections almost completely turned into popularity contests? Isn't that at least in part what the hell is wrong with our political system. How many people in any election vote on the issues. Obama may be a more extreme example, I grant you. But how many people voted for Bush because "he seemed like a good guy to have a beer with" or other inane nonsense. I remember during the Bush/Gore election that Gore's poll numbers among women went way up after he french kissed his wife on stage during the convention. Bottom line is most of the electorate in this country(even those that actually bother to vote) have the attention span of a gnat. Due to that we may end up getting a good candidate in office occasionally, but rarely for the right reasons.
  10. What difference does it make? The young man has overcome enormous obstacles and is still going to be able to play a sport at the collegiate level. This thread should be full of nothing but congratulations. congrats TJ
  11. Ok, thanks GMan. I didn't know when it occured, I for some reason always associated it with being around Memorial day. My bad.
  12. I could be very wrong about this, but don't the gas companies use a different mixture in the summer than in the winter? I know it seems like every year they make a switchover this time of year and the prices rise. Now that could be a convienent excuse to raise prices, I don't know....but it seems like I've heard this reported a number of times in the past.
  13. Congrats to Will Cole. Hope he has a succesful career at Tech.
  14. The game against Carroll was not a Coppinger game, it was a regular season game. Gman was referring to only the Coppinger games I think.
  15. I think it's time Mazzula got booted. Will it happen with Huggins? Doubt it.
  16. Oh, I know. If he starts he's gonna get pounded on. But I can't fault the kid for wanting a shot to play.
  17. Could he really though? If he wants to stay D1 and actually have a chance to play, he has to go somewhere that's pretty bad as far as the QB situation anyway.
  18. I truly hope not buzzsaw. That's a game I've really enjoyed over the years(though probably not quite as much as you have) I don't think they'll drop them immediately, but we'll see.
  19. True, I am probably getting a bit ahead of myself here. But having seen them play in past years. I don't think they represent the competetion we ought to be playing.
  20. If it really came down to where N.C. was the only game they could find to get ten games, then so be it. I have a really hard time believing that they couldn't find anything better than that to put on the schedule though.
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