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Fantasy Football, draft of Top Flite's roster...


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sorry, but i believe it's going to be me with the 1st pick of the 2nd round. i initially traded those 2 for BR's 1st round pick... i wasn't paying attention and it slid by me that i technically should have got the last pick of the 1st round as well. no worries on that though - i got Holt, so i'm not going to sweat the details. but i do know that i (should) own the top pick of the 2nd round. and my pick is McMichael. i'll listen to your trade offers grin.gif and you said over on the yahoo football board that you're looking for a top TE... i'll give you Gonz if you're willing to take the risks? i traded a good amount to get him and it's not paying off... make an offer if you want.

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Heap for Gonzo? haha...I know your not gonna jump on that trade but based on numbers alone its pretty even...lol...Propose something to me and I will check it this evening...I am getting ready to leave for practice..Keep in mind all the players that are on the block if you wanna throw in a TOP NOTCH WR with him...

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ok... let's see if i can explain this...


originally - minus all that didn't respond - the draft was to go like this


1 - Blufield Rules

2 - Grundy10

3 - Beaverbaseball

4 - total


and since a fantasy goes in reverse order for the 2nd round, and BR said it would go in reverse order for the 2nd round, the 1st 2 rounds would look like this


1 - Blufield Rules

2 - Grundy10

3 - Beaverbaseball

4 - total

5 - total

6 - Beaverbaseball

7 - Grundy10

8 - Bluefield Rules


however, if you read the trade, BR said he traded his 1st round pick for my 2 players (said nothing about my 1st round pick or my 2nd round pick or changing the order or anything). which would have made the draft order look like this for 2 rounds.


1 - total (via trade)

2 - Grundy10

3 - Beaverbaseball

4 - total

5 - total

6 - Beaverbaseball

7 - Grundy10

8 - Bluefield Rules


so, technically... i SHOULD have got 3 picks in these 2 rounds (pick 1, 4, and 5). however, i wasn't paying attention and let it slip about MY 1st round pick. since it's already done, i'm saying no big deal because i got who i wanted (Holt). HOWEVER, i am saying that the 2nd round should be correct and go in reverse order like originally stated, which is:


5 - total

6 - Beaverbaseball

7 - Grundy10

8 - Bluefield Rules


do you get it now?



does this make sense to everyone or am i the only one who understands how a draft works? there's been nothing said by BR, so that's why there has been a debate... what's the call BR?

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i'm just wondering where everyone else from the league is??? i mean, Cavs just made a trade, so we know he's keeping up... why isn't he in on the draft? and i just saw that Kelly Underdogs just picked up a FA. what about Grundy88, he's active over there. and where's Beaver55?


Top Flites actions is the downfall of this league..... if he would have just updated his team and made it atleast LOOK like he knew what he was doing. but noooo...... he's too busy, but not too busy to post over here and defend his (non)actions. and when somebody questions his motives, he just says - FINE, i'll quit... i'm a big quitter... i'm use to having things go my way and just handed to me. if it doesn't go my way, i'll just tuck my tail and go. that's why i said he was being an a$$... because he wasn't MAN enough to buck up and say what was going on, or to follow through with a committment. good job - you took the place of somebody that wanted to be in the league and would have kept up with it... good job there quitter.

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Top Flites actions is the downfall of this league..... if he would have just updated his team and made it atleast LOOK like he knew what he was doing. but noooo...... he's too busy, but not too busy to post over here and defend his (non)actions. and when somebody questions his motives, he just says - FINE, i'll quit... i'm a big quitter... i'm use to having things go my way and just handed to me. if it doesn't go my way, i'll just tuck my tail and go. that's why i said he was being an a$$... because he wasn't MAN enough to buck up and say what was going on, or to follow through with a committment. good job - you took the place of somebody that wanted to be in the league and would have kept up with it... good job there quitter.


[/ QUOTE ]haha.. you're still going on about that. i quit because you whined about it.. like you are still doing. i didn't want to have to bother arguing with you about it all the time... so i said i wanted out.. So, now i'm out, can ya just leave me out of fantasy stuff?

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sorry, no... you signed up for it. as long as your team is over there taking up space that someone else would have properly used, i'll contine to say what i want. it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it. no matter how right, or wrong, it may be. so i got all season to say as much as i want - so suck it up turd.


and just like i told Grundy10, if it was me - after all this, i would have been hell bent on winning the league - but that's just me. but you're a quitter... when the going gets tough - you tuck tail and walk. good luck with that in life.

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yeah - i've noticed that as well... he actually had a good team that was winning... if he only would have kept up with it. i know good players when i see 'em. but i wouldn't have 'em if everyone would have taken part in the draft... actually none of this would have happened if Top Flite would have just updated his team after the trades or if he wouldn't have just said - screw you guys, i'm going home.


i wasn't doing this for my benefit and i was trying to be fair about it all. that's why i posted a message over there on that message board, and here, and emailed the league about it. i still wonder where everyone has been?

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Yea, I wonder too...I hope all the problems involving the trades that I was involved in doesnt keep me from being in the invitation only league next season...I know Grundy 88 doesnt really visit this board often. Soul I dont know about...I dont think he even checks it....


I know I wish somebody would trade me a top WR though! haha

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