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Bluefield/Princeton pregame discussion...


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For those that may not know Beaver/Graham is over with and the outcome is what it'll always be. It's time, and has been time for several days, for the Bluefield folks to start focusing on a very capable Princeton team on Friday night. Does anyone have any thoughts about a game that has yet to be played and the outcome not decided? Princeton has the dynamic young back in Tevin Allen and another capable back in Jerrell Powell. Princeton also hasn't scored a point on Bluefield since 2005, do they break through in 2008?

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I think it'll be a pretty good game. Do you know what Princeton brings back along the lines?


Ordinarily, I would say that having a game under your belt is a real advantage for the Bluefield kids, but coach Simon has a really tough job getting his guys refocused on the next game. If they haven't let the last game go yet, it could actually end up being a small advantage for Princeton.


As for the game, I think Princeton does break through....and scores. I do think it will be close, I would pick Bluefield by around 7-10 points.

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I talked to a few people, including the linemen on the team, and if they do what they say they are gonna do... well it may be a long night for them.


I wont tip my hand yet, because this is beautiful. Your more than welcome to PM me about it...


If Bluefield's coaches are smart, which im confident they are, Bluefield wins if what i was told holds true and I cant seem to imagine them lying after we argued about it for so long...

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I look for this game to be pretty decent. I believe Princeton's offensive scheme is a year late as they have transitioned to the traditional spread offense rather than spread option. The reason I consider it late is because now they do not have a receiving threat; different from last year with TJ Benners and Que Wilborn. Princeton can send out Jerell Powell and/or Tevin Allen to catch the ball, however, that eliminates one or both options to run.


For Bluefield to win, I believe they need to re-institute the flexbone. I think running strictly the spread offense last week hurt us as we have many weapons in the backfield at our disposal. Run the flexbone successfully and we win the game. If we do, I look for Donte Baker and Tre Williams to have big games.

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I thought bluefield should have used the ground game more to in away,s particularly early in the 3rd quarter, but considering many of bluefield's plays were quick strikes to the wideouts it likely enabled bluefield to avoid wearing down their o line against graham's size some. It was likely easier for bluefield to hold up graham's line for a quick second or 2 than blocking for the ground game more.

If seems that reading from the telegraph's preview that princeton has a # of seniors returning and some respectable size along the line themselves, combined with some good rb's and in my opinion they present a formidable challenge.

Bluefield would be wise to prepare for a tough contest.

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The seniors they return havent had playing experience. From what I know of them, the only one who has seen time is the qb Austin Harris and that was for one or two weeks last year when Powell was injured. If Allen and Powell can have consistent games on the ground then it will be very tough. I dont think there will be much of a passing attack from the Tigers on Friday unless they send out Allen or Powell from the backfield, but as I said earlier that will eliminate one or both of their running options.

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