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Pat Robertson is freaking retarded!


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A lot of people lacking faith.

It seems that for a "christian" nation, when put to the test, the idea that there is really a god at work in this world is considered extreme and nonsense by most of the people of this country.

Christianity's great when people are in church an hour on sundays, but, the thought of that very god of the bible, acting out in this world, showing vengeance on earth,..... what an extremist point of view, why is this guy even permitted on cable? Haven't some of you requested prayers or told others you'd pray for someone on here before, even this past year?

So exactly who are you praying to if not the god of the bible who's hand is supposedly at work bringing about his master plan that is beyond our comprehension and to big for us to grasp?


So why is pat robertson some retarded extremist?


I'm with you Buzzsaw...after all, this is the same God that flooded the earth because it was full of corruption. If he did something so devastating back then, why wouldn't he do it now?


I do however agree that Robertson is a dummy.

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What is Graham football being punished for?


For selling their soul to get all those good football players from Bluefield in order to win a couple of State Championships...


You should be very concerned, Salem's time is coming with the "deals" they've made for players...:D...


When you dance with the Devil, expect to get your toes stepped on...

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A lot of people lacking faith.

It seems that for a "christian" nation, when put to the test, the idea that there is really a god at work in this world is considered extreme and nonsense by most of the people of this country.

Christianity's great when people are in church an hour on sundays, but, the thought of that very god of the bible, acting out in this world, showing vengeance on earth,..... what an extremist point of view, why is this guy even permitted on cable? Haven't some of you requested prayers or told others you'd pray for someone on here before, even this past year?

So exactly who are you praying to if not the god of the bible who's hand is supposedly at work bringing about his master plan that is beyond our comprehension and to big for us to grasp?


So why is pat robertson some retarded extremist?


I simply am saying that he is a fool. He is not GOD, he doesn't determine who is right and wrong. That isn't his job. He is a fake religious man who uses people's faith to make money off of them. How incensitive and stupid could he be to make a comment of that nature, not once but twice.

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I simply am saying that he is a fool. He is not GOD, he doesn't determine who is right and wrong. That isn't his job. He is a fake religious man who uses people's faith to make money off of them. How incensitive and stupid could he be to make a comment of that nature, not once but twice.


LOL. "He is not GOD, he doesn't determine who is right and wrong."


You seem to have just determined that he is wrong...are you God?


Oh, the hypocrisies of religion.

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I simply am saying that he is a fool. He is not GOD, he doesn't determine who is right and wrong. That isn't his job. He is a fake religious man who uses people's faith to make money off of them. How incensitive and stupid could he be to make a comment of that nature, not once but twice.


fair enough opinion.

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