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Is it time to beat Bama?


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VT's QB is God awful...there comes a time when someone has to step up and give the receivers a chance to catch the ball.


#2 Virginia Tech's receivers are God awful, and Im not bragging on Logan Thomas at all, but there comes a time when someone has to step up and make a catch
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My assessment of the VT-Bama game...


-Defense played great.  DL owned Bama's OL.  Both Fullers are tremendous in the defensive backfield.  Jack Tyler played well...again.


-Offensive line did better than I expected, especially with a true freshman at LT.


-Trey Edmunds is a star in the making.


-Logan Thomas has regressed at the QB position yet again.  He was terrible...period.  Some can blame the receivers (there may have been a drop or two) but he threw the ball where no one could catch it most of the time.  His best throw/completion was to the wrong team.


-Special teams coverage teams are a disaster...Beamer Ball officially rolled over in its grave...

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My assessment of the VT-Bama game...


-Defense played great.  DL owned Bama's OL.  Both Fullers are tremendous in the defensive backfield.  Jack Tyler played well...again.



This bothered me most of all.  I watched the replay Sunday, and payed special attention to the trenches.  Most of the time VT had more guys on the los than Bama could block.  There was almost always one guy unaccounted for.  Bama's backs didn't pick up blitzes, and there were no successful quick outs, screens or draw plays to counter eight guys in the box.  So this will be the blueprint for stopping Bama's run game going forward.  Bama's offense was supposed to be a even better this year with all those talented receivers, but if McCarron can't get the ball off they won't help.  


Let me ask you guys your opinion of McCarron.  Do you think he is as good as advertised, or is he a product of a system that can sometimes make him look average when Bama can't successfully run the ball?  That's actually my take.   I realize that he was under duress on almost every pass, but he seems to hold the ball too long and get happy feet way too much for a senior qb that has been a part of three NC's.  What say you? 

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We might be disagreeing elsewhere, Bob, but you're right on with that statement. I think my guys get throttled badly, in the 59-7 range.

I am a UVA man myself...UVA-Wise that is...but it was called Clinch Valley College during my time.  I hope the 'Hoos can keep it respectable but I have my doubts. 

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Here's a 22 minute video of every play of the game:


Watching this, I have nothing to add to the analysis, except one thing: I counted at least 8 dropped passes, 6 at the very minimum.  Logan Thomas' numbers weren't Logan's fault.  We need guys who can catch the ball. 


When I was sitting in the stadium, this game felt over after the pick-six.  Watching that video, I now see that we had other chances to possibly claw our way back into the game, to make the game feel more competitive, even after that pick.  It also seemed that on the few chances we had to create and sustain a drive, we had unfortunate penalties (holding, illegal formation, etc.) that slowed us down. 


All in all, I like the way our team is constructed from the inside out.  If our O- and D-Line stay tough (and that's a big IF), that will keep us close in games this year. 


And Blueinbama, you were asking about McCarron.  It was briefly discussed last year, but he is the classic "game manager".  He's going to always keep a high completion percentage, but not necessarily pass the visual test that, say, RGIII did or Andrew Luck did.  He does exactly what Saban asks; nothing more, nothing less.  And obviously that's enough considering the rings on AJ's fingers haha. 

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This bothered me most of all.  I watched the replay Sunday, and payed special attention to the trenches.  Most of the time VT had more guys on the los than Bama could block.  There was almost always one guy unaccounted for.  Bama's backs didn't pick up blitzes, and there were no successful quick outs, screens or draw plays to counter eight guys in the box.  So this will be the blueprint for stopping Bama's run game going forward.  Bama's offense was supposed to be a even better this year with all those talented receivers, but if McCarron can't get the ball off they won't help.  


Let me ask you guys your opinion of McCarron.  Do you think he is as good as advertised, or is he a product of a system that can sometimes make him look average when Bama can't successfully run the ball?  That's actually my take.   I realize that he was under duress on almost every pass, but he seems to hold the ball too long and get happy feet way too much for a senior qb that has been a part of three NC's.  What say you? 



I think Trevor Matich did a nice job on the Paul Finebaum show on analysis of Alabama's offensive line. Paul Finebaum 9/3 hour 3 show around 12:30 minutes into show.   http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=9631471

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