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halftime/band question


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I've read, I think, 6 articles about A-dale and the comments are 99% against the coach.

But I saw ONE story that gave some details which I found VERY interesting... there was friction at earlier games and the AD was 'warned' about this earlier in the day.  A suggestion was made that the band do a post-game show, but someone told the drum major to go ahead at h/t, even though the other stuff was also scheduled.

I know I'm in the minority, but I don't 'hate' the coach.  The shaking WAS too far, but he also has a JOB to do, and it looked like 99% of the ppl. don't quite understand that, Instead of hating on the coach, I see a problem in 'the system'... ppl. gotta work together, and if you step on my toes, oh, THREE times, I might get a little crazy, too.

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One article stated that the yelling to get off the field started with 4:30 left in half time. Also, the football teams supposedly get 3 minutes after halftime is technically over. Sure the coach has a job to do but so does the band director. It is not up to the coach to do what he did and for that he has earned every last bit of the criticism he has gotten. 

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haven't been to a reg. season game in ages.... anyone pay attention to how much time is left on the clock when the band leaves the field?

Anyoe ever see a DoG penalty to start the 2nd ha;f because h/t lasted too long?

Battle got a delay of game penalty once not too long ago because the band's halftime show was too long. When we went to Lee this year, there band ran out the clock for pregame entrance and halftime and the refs added time to the clock...though it was there senior night, so there was a lot going on.

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One article stated that the yelling to get off the field started with 4:30 left in half time. Also, the football teams supposedly get 3 minutes after halftime is technically over. Sure the coach has a job to do but so does the band director. It is not up to the coach to do what he did and for that he has earned every last bit of the criticism he has gotten. 

Well, no one knows what the plan was.  Maybe it was colder than usual and the coach wanted extra warm-up time.  No one went in-depth to find out the details of why it happen... they all just wanted to push that it DID happen.  Horrible reporting by everyone.  GET THE STORY.

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Its a situation that should have been handled behind closed doors on Monday with the Band Director, Head Coach, Principal, AD and probably the Superintendent.


No way you ever do that, regardless. If there's an issue and a delay of game penalty is coming, have the officials come over and explain to the BD why they need to wrap it up.

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