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Bluefield Daily Telegraph's Local Coverage


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Or shall I say, lack there of. It's funny how the Bluefield football team has more articles in today's Charleston Daily Mail than they have had all week with the Daily Telegraph, especially for a team that is on the verge of winning its 8th state title. Where is the Graham coverage for that matter? Yes, you have Larry Hypes in there every 3 days with his incoherent ramblings, but can you really call that coverage? Graham and Bluefield are having they biggest games of their season this upcoming weekend and there seems to be absolutely no coverage by the hometown paper of the schools. I'm sure I speak for the majority when I say I'd rather get in-depth previews of upcoming football games, rather than girls basketball reports.

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I can't stand idly by and not comment on this. A Bluefield Beaver football fan is complaining about the coverage of local sports in the Telegraph? That's like Aqua-Man needing a drink of water! Every Saturday for the vast majority of my thirty one plus years of reading about local football, I have had to sit and read about some obscure backup from Beaver had the most awe inspiring 80 yards and four assisted tackles, that I've got to reach for the vomitory bag. While across town Ahmad Bradshaw, Eddie Neal, Eddie Hall, Leonard Graves, Tony Palmer, Danny Adkins, and countless other good tailbacks, sitting on 200, 300, and more yards, get pushed back to page three.


Yes, yes there we go Bluefield gets killed by old Stonewall Jackson or Pulaski or East Bank or Mount View or Capital or Woordow, and gets top billing while the other "unwashed masses that aren't Bluefield High" get regulated to the movie listings page bewteen the TV times and Dear Abbey.


Hey pal you're suffering from a case of "you think you're better than you really are". Bluefield is so important that you have yo drag your ass all the way to Wheeling to play a team from outside of Charleston.


By the way have nice trip.

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Let me be the first to wish you the best of luck as well, I'll be there Saturday after Bluefield wins its 8th state title, to see your savior work his magic. If Graham does beat Gretna, you deserve the whole Sports page Sunday. It's only common sense that Bluefield is covered more than Graham since we are the better football program, as the series record indicates. Don't harp up the violin with your sad story yet about the lack of exposure for players like Ahmad Bradshaw because the BDT has put a front page story in the Sports section everytime that kid wins an award in anything, and rightfully so. I just think more attention should be given when it's the state championship game for Heaven's sake.

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I'm not certain where that hostility is from sandman, but I respectfully disagree. It is the bluefield "wv" daily telagraph, even if they have changed their title recently. That said, I agree some with sources that you'd think there were more to read about such a big game, yet as for the charleston daily mail and gazzett, it's warranted to consider that they are in a much bigger city and area, and have a lot more writers.

The local tv station wvva supports beckley seemingly as much as bluefield or graham. Anyhow, no complaints, results in the games are what matters and the fan support for each team respectively is exceptional in this area.

That said, your intentions of suggesting bluefield is such a consistantly defeated program in big games is rhetorical, certainly over the decades there's going to be defeats to good teams in big games, I could also recount many more bluefield victories in big games. Also your suggestion that all the good rb's from graham get no coverage while you suggest that the rb's at bluefield undeservingly have so much or are overrated is equally rehtorical.

Perhaps the grass is always greener, I've read a lot of complimentary articles about graham over the seasons, and deservingly so there.

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First, I wish I could read a story of ANY type in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph without seeing up to 8 errors in one article; I know computers have spell-check in this day and age. The importance of many sports articles is also messed up on a continual basis; give me football playoffs, not girls-basketball highlights.

Second, the Bluefield Daily Telegraph has a right to report on the Beavers in greater detail than the G-Men, because the paper is itself centered in West Virginia; I'm a Virginian, so there's no bias in that. Needless to say, I'd rather read the Bristol Herald-Courier than the Bluefield Daily Telegraph anyday. I do wish, however, that we had a better news service in Virginia; the Clinch Valley paper doesn't do a very good job.

Third, watch the woofin'; Bluefield has a game just this weekend, and it'd be nice not to jinx them.

Good luck, Beavers!

Good luck, my G-Men! wink.gif

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UVA, the Telegraph has the right to serve up anything it wants in the bowles of the sports pages. The fact still stands that if Bluefield is 11-1 and playing for the title, we get bombarded with Beaver football, but when Bluefield is 2-8 or 1-9, we still get a heapin' helpin' the of good ole' Beaver gridders.


As for runnig back coverage Source, no one besides Notre Dame has put it's offensive backfield on the backs of horses, until Bluefield felt the need to do so. One could only look at that picture and belly laugh at what was passed off as the godlike aura of Beaver Football.(I hope everyone remembers that, Mount View destroyed BLuefield that Friday and went on to participate in the state final game).



Bluefield Football fans view it like it's religon. They even have a slogan "WE BELIEVE".

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Like strapiton said, if you had the tradition and one of the most storied traditions in state football history as Bluefield does, you would be very passionate about it as well. It means even more to those of us who actually played football for the program or had some hand in it, we love to see the tradition continue and supported, hand in hand.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but in my original post did I ever mention anything even slightly disrespectful torward the Graham football program? No. I actually advocated that I'd like to see more coverage of both teams this week considering the magnitude of the games being played this weekend, especially for Bluefield. It's very irresponsible and ignorant of you to just attack Bluefield football for no obvious reason, other than what seems to be misplaced envy.

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Sources is definitely right in what's been said; football is one major source of pride in a storied athletic program at Bluefield, and they deserve every right to "Believe" in an 8th state championship in football. Graham has only 4 state championships in any one area, and it's in...creative writin' ('71, '75, '95, and '99 if I'm not mistaken, and I very well may be).

The Bluefield Daily Telegraph, however, should do a better job of coverin' playoff games in football country than it is doin' now; I believe their coverage overall should improve, for both states.


Here's another thought I had: this season looks a little like the '62 season in some regards. A one-possession Beaver-Graham game, two strong regular seasons, two teams in state championships IF Graham defeats Gretna, and hopefully, just maybe, two state champions. grin.gif

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It would be great if both Graham and Bluefield could bring home state titles this year, maybe the first time in the nation's history that two different schools from the same town have brought home state titles in different states in the same year.


And that other state title came for Graham in '89, not '99.

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You're initial post indicated the underlying theme of the local media at large. It's the constant drum beat of Bluefield football is next to deity and everyone else is regulated to the periphery of the sports section. Let me ask you this. When was the last time that the defining Southwest District game that did NOT include Graham was covered by WVVA? Thea answer is never. Only last year, when Princeton made a run in the class 3A playoffs, the story about the team was mentioned only in passing. In 1992 when Richlands WON the State Championship in Virginia in division 4, there was no write up abut the team in the BTD the day after the team won the Regional Championship. Only when Richland's controversial state semi final victory over Salem (remember cleat-gate), then the Bluefield based media picked up on the team and follwed it. These are only two of the multitude of examples of unprofessional, inconsiderate behavior of BTD and other media outlets that constantly force feed us Bluefield Football.


And to people who miss the arguement altogether (Strap boy), if you want to bark about a real live dynasty, look up Grundy Wrestling. Oh, that's right you can't find it listed, it been pushed off the page by Bluefield Basketball

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I think I have an answer to your contempt, sandman.



If you don't like hearing about Bluefield sports, stop reading the BDT. I'm sure the papers in the Tazewell County area will cover the sports down there more to your liking. I suppose you want BDT to cover sports in northeast Tennessee too?

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Wait, this discussion is not stupid or trivial. One of YOUR fans think YOUR team is not getting enough face time in YOUR hometown newspaper. I have set aside and read some real dunderheaded discussions on this board, but this is laughable. Bluefield football not getting press is like the weather not getting press, a defenseless argument.

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Well the coverage is not even close to being like it was back in the 60's and 70's. You might have committed suicide if you could go back to the Stubby Currence days. By the way, the coverage is equal nowadays. Each team in the area gets one article each leading up to the game that week and then a write up about that game the next day after the game. So quit your crying. This all started b/c someone said he would like the area teams gunning for state championships to get more coverage because they deserve it and have earned it. I think he probably would like to say now that he wished it was like the good ol' days when there was a write up each day for the teams still playing. I still can't figure it out why you took offense to his statement. Maybe you are just jealous for whatever reason but the fact is, the coverage could be and needs to be better (especially for Bluefield) for the teams.

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I have a couple of things on my mind:

First, there is one paper of worth (albeit very little worth to me) in Tazewell County-The Clinch Valley news.

The publication mentions very little about Tazewell County/Virginia teams altogether, and therefore has a serious ill in its very design. I was suggesting a new newspaper altogether, but because of financial means/people, that's near impossible. Maybe (probably not) the powers in control will do something to aid that little situation.

Second, Grundy does have a dynasty in wrestling, 21 state championships since 1970, if I'm not mistaken; that's an incredible feat. I'd like to see nothin' better than Bluefield win it's 8th, Graham win it's 4th, Gate City win, and J.I. Burton make a run for it. Good luck to all involved, and good night!

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Sandman, if you dont like the current coverage of the Beavers, you have three options, #1 MOVE, #2 start your own VA newspaper and focus on the G-Men, #3 shut your pie hole...as Beaver fans we always pull for Graham with the exception of the last week in August so stop your bellyachin

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i am not going to set here and knock the bluefield f program because it is a great one and has been for years but these are local teams and the telegraph sells papers on the va side also what would they do if everyone on the va side decided not to take the paper anymore that would take a big chunk out of their pocket and i would think that coverage for all local teams would then suffer. and it is not fair to say that because it is in wv that means that they should not give fair coverage to all local teams not just graham or princeton. and i remember when the beavers went i think it was 0-10 that year they still got great coverage from the paper and tv. i know it sounds like sour grapes to people that are use to getting the coverage. but put yourself in the shoes of the people on the other end what would it be like for beaver if the paper was on the va side and beaver got the poor coverage. just a thought. and as for bradshaw i realize that he gets a lot of coverage for the awards he gets but so do the guys from beaver when the win one. and i realize that i will more than likely get the same response as the other guy but before you judge me place yourself in our shoes first then let me have it. if you feel that i deserve it. and even if graham has not won as many titles as bluefield does that mean we are less of a good team deserving of decent coverage by our local paper. and it is a local paper not just the bluefield paper.because i do not see in its title the bluefield wv daily telegraph just the bluefield daily telegraph. and last time i looked at the name of the va town it also was bluefield. so if you want to let me have it i do not care and it will not bother me because you have the right just as i do to state your opinion here and i do not think i have badmouthed bluefield here either.

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you bring up some fine and valid points, and you did it WITHOUT bein a jerk like Sandman, i live outside of Charleston WV now,so i have to TRY to read the BDT online..thats the biggest joke going, im not happy with them or their coverage and i remember after the Graham game a cpl weeks ago it was tuesday before they posted a score and at that time i wasnt a member of these message boards so i had no idea and i had to CALL the BDT to find out who won, when i go to BLFD to visit the parents, i look at the paper and its a joke, the entire thing needs an overhaul, im not doubting that Graham doesnt get fair coverage but trust me the problems dont just lie in the sports section...the entire paper needs to be revamped and start over..good luck to both teams

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you are not the first to say that it seems like anything that happens on the va side does not get much coverage from the almighty bdt or wvva not just in sports. most things do not get covered. we on the va side have to rely on the bdt and wvva for information. the tazewell county free press gives graham some good coverage in sports but not much else and the clinch valley paper well lets just say that i do not read it because it is like blfd va is not part of the county. but that is just the way it is when you live close to another state and the paper is in that state i guess it looks like blfd va does not belong anywhere to either va or wv. but we have to live with it. i just wish everyone on the wv side would try and look at the problem from our view point and maybe something could be done if they would join in and see what it is like on the va side for us. but i realize that is a long shot because why should they like the one guy said it is their paper. but i do not believe that it is just one side of the va's paper it is all of ours to read and enjoy if we could. just one persons view point from the other side.

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I lived in Bluefield, and went to Graham High in my heyday, and it was difficult to find coverage on anythin' goin' on in the world of sports, news, or life/entertainment. Very good points are made about overhaulin' the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. WVVA is MUCH worse, in my opinion; not only do they not live up to the second half of their name, they have very little coverage for Bluefield, WV also, compared to what I believe.

Before one can begin to reform what the paper and news should/shouldn't cover, we need to change what is included in the media itself.

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Guest MagicMan

The reality is no one really likes their local paper anymore. That's a nationwide trend. If you want news, you flip on the tube or surf the net. Unfortunately, in more "rural" areas, you really have no choice.

The only reason I even read the paper anymore is to see if there's anything interesting going on, or while I'm on the crapper, because I don't have TV or net in there...

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No one wants to focus on the issue. And to the guy who called me a jerk. I know I'm a jerk, but I'm right.


Obviously, I've hit a nerve with the "Legions of the Faithful" because over the past twelve hours I have been burned for heresy on this board. Someone even envoked the name of Mr. Currence. With such long knives, you people, and you know who you are, have one again missed the point. Time and again you you log in to defend Bluefied High and then the posts spiral downhill with insults about everything and everyone "not Beaver". Please continue on the path of focusing on the coverage or lack of coverage, not the individuals or ideas that you don't happen to disagree with.

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