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Everything posted by Dookthecook
  1. Hay is wave Nation like yalls'n lil Bro? I mean up dare in them hollars.? I teasen uncles Ben n Vern dat. They get matter then a mountain lion n a briar patch. Yahoo I laff! And hee hee.
  2. Naw wva teems per Dook. Naw sir ree. Union graham giles galax marion ridgeview va high poo aski countee narrows wave nation thom walker
  3. Me Sampson and the gals were like loss sheep in a kyote din. Dat is no futbol to see. So not havin tv . We fo went ova miss Ana line magill pub and eats. To our dismay my vawls were gettin throwed roun like wag dolls. By dat ol woll tide detergent scraggly waggilys. Me and familee really spise that dick saber. I mean spise. we go got Ana line turn cable. Lo and b ho them jumpin people were on tv. Their team .fightin cobblers or was it Hokees. I can't reconcile but thosen in orange were snot smackin those smurf color pajama crew . They wun leff. They wun rite. Soon jumpin all a woun. Boy the whoopin da crew put on the smurfs. Thanks Ana line. Swell time by alll!!
  4. Tom Walker beet em. Guarantea
  5. Jus' n stay way from tom Walker coach
  6. Tired plan great in Ewing. Resort and all in Nortg Ewing. Come on down!
  7. Lance shud come watch thom Walker play. Pine Ears specialist!
  8. I bet Wave Nation would claimage him. They gud at dat!
  9. It.be heels. Anything kan taken place.
  10. Id be kendergarten cops... yahoo and hee hee
  11. Heels student of book of plays.
  12. Be laxing this weeken. Sampson getting 5.0 for nudder road vacation. Boardhost high supreme pardon my going trippin back past your SWVA lineage. We and gals watchn one of two one wingers. Give me scoopage of either bird / river or Giles / glennver . Then maybe to LAN of jumpin people
  13. Go vawls go. Over line over goal. Go vawls go
  14. None ya dew it. Dook will be bliged. Thom Walker bust and choppin yahoo
  15. Uncle Vern and uncie Ben makin c county to be power . I'm not dummie. I sea misleadingly jibbar jabbar. Cmon wavenation . This is wasting Friday nite lite.
  16. Jus start skewl at north Ewing commune collage. I'm promise to prove my prounoun nuncination
  17. All Mr Virginny offensive lineman. Back in nite and day. We so pride!
  18. Actual those one wingers use many diffrent plays. Saw the one wingers at bulllit back n day. If n one wingers have throw then you admit defeet! One winger fans seem like spoiled cabbage. Whew smelly! My sauces say one winger d fence is them that Achills hill! Tom Walker have some stud defending peeps. Wanna bar few! ?
  19. Wuff wuff lil doggy say. Heck far I gree. The wild dawg bark . The flyin bird no more!
  20. Look up hi. Thosen Pine Ears rizen like bikkets on Granny Ida Mae woody stove. Down here Pa calls her Ida gal! but we all say Go Pine Ears!!!! Yahoo we say!
  21. Famlee members please come back. Pine ear fans happy
  22. Ha ha and hee hee.. Thom Walker hung 50+5 on Two Valleys up hear n oakywud. Cussin Sampson and the gals plus self so pride of Pine Ears. Self u ask? Dat be me Dookthecook. Yahoo I sew pride! we tailsmackin all day. Drink few buddy lites wiff panfer tailsmackin people. They reel gud people. Since we n's hangin roun all weak in. We tode them too potty wit us Dookthecook's. bout game. Did I say how pride we be of pine ears. Yahoo we said when we scored what called tuchdown. Agin an agin we hollerd yahoo and yee hi. At 1 moment I felt like those jumpin people of V of T. Special when they play tune Mr Sandman. These n pine ears reel dill. Regions hear we come. Sampson so hap he bout cry. Member Sampson all state star for pine ears back in time ! fer now its back to motel . Ruby gal waitin . Her wink at ol Dook . I say yahooooo! Nite famlee messy board peeps! 1 udder .. born bred in gud o lee . But by golly pine ear I are. Go ears go over the line over the goal we cum from ewing our pride a brewing. yahoo
  23. 3 critical care razzle doozle. This one hear. Lite of day lit up two valley field. Wave Nation at east of montcalm(I think) part two. Vern said stangs run fast. I told him Sampson 5.0 fasser! Galaxy at some g of w! Hear that game of Friday nite lites. Mentun lites. Sampson wint get some bud lites.
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