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Everything posted by swva_havok_fan

  1. Lol... other than Gate City, I think we win out from here. The meat and potatoes part of our schedule is done.
  2. 1. Richlands 2. Abingdon 3. Giles 4. Galax 5. Graham 6. Union 7. Pulaski County 8. Patrick Henry 9. Hurley 10. George Wythe
  3. Lol. I have a reserved spot, so if someone gets my spot, it's because one of the parking attendants aren't doing their job. No worries. Just trying to be funny. :)
  4. I agree with this. With Ridgeview not looking for a deep playoff run, I'd like to follow Abingdon some in the playoffs. However, a loss to Richlands and/or Graham pretty much guarantees only one home playoff game at most for Abingdon.
  5. Lol... just don't take my parking spot or I'll be coming at you with the #RKOOuttaNowhere! :)
  6. I was standing actually with some of the Richlands folks down between the 20-30 yard line on the concession stand end. One of them was apparently a member of this board because he kept refreshing the browser on his phone with the board's web page. Lol. I didn't catch his name/username though, but told him mine. Richlands folks were the first to congratulate Ridgeview on their win vs. Gate City last year, something I thought was very cool.
  7. Lol. There is no Pals in Dickenson County.
  8. I will try this Bearded Moose place you speak of one day. Lol
  9. So, we know the game will suck and it will be a sad homecoming for the Pack, the real question is for those coming from Union, where do you eat? I highly recommend the Ridgeview deli mart ran by the Compton family (Larry, Judy, Jason) that is around the next curve from entrance to the high school. Good hot dogs and fried bologna sandwiches. Also, if you don't mind going a little out of the way, there's always Pizza Factory in Haysi.
  10. Lol... I made a trip to Bluefield last week just to say hello to you and you never came to see me. My feelings are hurt.
  11. Heather and Casey are great people. I've talked with both in person on several occasions. Heather is very knowledgeable about the Tennessee side but isn't as informed about the Virginia side. When Sacco was on the Thursday night picks, he was the star of the show hands down and really was informative on the Virginia side of things. Also, Jordan Conigliaro who is now in Pittsburgh also had begun to develop an understanding and huge knowledge of the Virginia side before he left.
  12. So, the real question is, are we hijacking the Abingdon thread this week or not? :D
  13. First half, they were playing Yates at QB and he threw the picks. Fourth quarter, they were playing Mullins at QB (who finished out the year last year) and were successful. Mullins needs to be taking the snaps. Not Yates.
  14. I disagree 100%. They finally got it together in week 6 last season, but the first three games this year have been a mirror image of the first three games from last year.
  15. I did two weeks ago and won... See Houston vs. Oklahoma. :D
  16. I have to admit, Battle has me worried slightly for when we play them in a few weeks. They held Abingdon to 35 and seem to be much better this year than last, when they gave us a pretty good game in Bristol.
  17. I really liked when the BHC released a single edition football preview instead of spreading it out over two weeks of papers. Oh well, guess subscriptions declining and papers bought at newsstand declining/higher website traffic increasing will cause you to do that.
  18. Didn't make the trip to the basketball game last year? Anyways, Ridgeview needs to quit depending on the sweep to the left, sweep to the right, run up the middle crap. It's not working. I've never longed for the Colley air raid attack more than I do right now. With each passing week I hear more groans in the stands in agreement, not just from fans who used to wear red either. Credit where credit is due, Paintsville is an amazing team and I'd put them up against anyone in deep SWVA, but when something isn't working, try something else.
  19. Union by 35 at least. This coming from a Ridgeview fan.
  20. Lee High and Grundy both start to get into the meat and potatoes part of their schedule in a week or two. I don't expect either to be there much longer.
  21. Why couldn't Mullins have been out against us? :( Anyway, hope Richlands blows them out by 50.
  22. Yes I speak to Dan River's Stats guy via Twitter pretty much on a weekly basis. They only have 9 games. Power points wise, the VHSL will consider Bartlett Yancey a win by forfeit for Dan River, meaning any wins by B-Y also gets Dan River two bonus power points.
  23. Who's Union's other loss going to be? Central?
  24. LCC is actually pretty down this year I think. I think you guys win by 2 scores at least.
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