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Everything posted by bluesfans

  1. I am not sure where he ended up in terms of Mulkey, but he may not have surpassed Timmy Brown either?? I watched all three play in there respective times, Mulkey, Brown and McGee. Gunner was way behind the talent factor of the other two. Mulkey and Brown were very smart court players, understood the game and it showed. They were not blessed with the talent around them that McGee had this year, but in my opinion either one of these guys were hands down better players, and not becaused they scored more points. They were both better defensively and better all around players. Not taking anything away from McGee just they way I saw it. I am sure others may disagree. McGee playing at the next level, we will just have to see.
  2. Collapse is right, the three Richlands coaches went brain dead. Why would you allow your team to go down with a 12 point lead at 3 minutes and fire up shot after shot. Is it not the cool thing to do anymore to pull the ball out and make the other team come after you??? Maybe that is to old school, but I beleive it still wins games. Hopefully the team can come back tonight.
  3. With schools out again tomorrow (Thursday) what happens if they do not play on Thursday.
  4. How is Richlands number three when they beat Abingdon twice and they have the same number of losses???
  5. Is there anything wrong with having Austin Johnson, Tatum and Mulkey on the floor at one time, with the exception of it takes McGee out of the game. When McGee fouled out I thought it was a break for Richlands to get him off the floor. Seems that is the only way he comes out of the game. How three coaches can set there and allow that type of poor shot seletion all night and never react amazes me. Good game by both teams. Maybe game two will be as good as this one.
  6. Another point with Richlands, up by 30 plus tonight and still playing Mcgee. Should we not give Zach Horn some chance in these games since i am not sure he has played all year. They looked like a different team against Tazewell tonight. Sad to see one player that has such a hold on the Richlands program.
  7. He will get the 1000 tonight, I was at the Honaker game last night and I ask you, who really coaches Richlands??? Next time you go watch the head coach, seems he takes orders from his dad who sets in the stands. So just watch it next time you go to the game, maybe that is why Gunner never comes out of the line up.
  8. Why??????? Isn't 5 games a week enough??
  9. I have seen several Richlands games this year, more than in the last few years. But I beleive Mcgee is very overated. I would guess shooting percent is one of the lowest in the district for players scoring several points per game. Foul shooting is 50% or less, as seen last night against Marion. Yes he scores alot no doubt, but in terms of a smart player and all around player I think there are several in the district that a better. Austin Fuller even through he didn't play his senior year and Ben Mulkey were much better players and smarter on the court players.
  10. not only is he wearing a long sleeve shirt but he never knows what he is doing when he iis on the court. I see a few games per year and he has played for 4 years and still amazed at his play.
  11. Who is the guy who wears number 10 for Tazewell. Totally out of control. He thought he was pretty good, but out of control the whole game.
  12. Richlands 60 - Carroll County 45.
  13. I agree Tazewell is totally out of control, have something to say about every call. Everybody gets tied of hearing how the refs screwed you out of it. You won tonight and still complain about the calls.
  14. What is the county record, who leads at each school??? Bradshaw did score 1000 but no where close to 2000, no where close to 35 per game as senior. So what are the numbers?? Grahams leading scorer??? Tazewell leading scorer??? and Richlands??? On the male side.
  15. I believe Richlands beat Twin Valley last year???
  16. He iwill find out the SWD is a little different that what Poca was.
  17. Saw in the Bluefield paper last week and the Richlands paper this week. Signing with Virginia Intermont. Congrat to this young man.
  18. dennis palmer richlands assistant coach, he lifts more than anyone.
  19. Jenny Keene, Richlands 2nd team, Cody Biliter, Grundy 2nd team and Ben Mulkey, Richlands 1st team, Carroll County girls, 1st team
  20. Both boys and girls are out, noticed there are some local players on each team.
  21. I don't beleive the award is about 2 games, and it shouldn't all be about points, and if it is points should that be points on two games, the season or the career??
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