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Everything posted by vthokies4life

  1. The Roger Clemens (mis)trial? http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/6769799/hell-just-happened OR The Tour de France? http://www.letour.fr/us/index.html
  2. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston Haha, could be worse.
  3. Miller Brewing Company decided that by giving the ball to Jeter, Lopez was living the High Life. http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/yankees/post/_/id/19848/miller-high-life-joins-the-lopez-cause
  4. Yep. Spyridon Jullien and Marcel Lomnicky have won the national championship in hammer throw. Queen Harrison has a NC in indoor hurdles. But Tech doesn't have a team championship. Still waiting...
  5. Hey Observer, does this mean we get to put to rest the talk about Tech's lack of a National Championship? I think an International Championship trumps it. ;)
  6. And the deal is done. Virginia Tech will open up against Alabama in 2013.
  7. Yeah, fair enough. Figured I'd throw it out there.
  8. We have always jokingly and informally named a "Post of the Day/Week/Month/Year". Wouldn't it be fun to actually vote on those weekly or monthly?
  9. Hey. As a point guard, he's taught to bounce pass the ball. Fundamentally sound.
  10. Not everyone. Why take this out on Alex? I'm sure he gave his all when he put on Graham's helmet every Friday night. I'll respect that, even if I am the only one.
  11. The New York Post for a couple days in row posted such headlines as: Obama Beats Weiner also Weiner's Rise Man I love the Post.
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a .500 team!!
  13. Haha, I will not disagree with anything you've said so far in this thread. That is, I will not disagree until you mention Ke$ha. Jay-Z will at least be remembered as one who brought rap/hip-hop to the mainstream. Ke$ha? Yeah. If any of us remember her name in two years, I'd be surprised. I'm not one who believes in "fate", but her fate is to disappear after a couple of songs. Just... yeah.
  14. Well, just swept the Blue Jays. Brandon Beachy had 11 strikeouts today. Not a bad outing for the kid.
  15. Did you all see the Mets balk in the winning run last night? Hahaha, only the Mets...
  16. Well, Weiner pulled out. He announced his resignation today.
  17. Not 5... Not 6... Not 7... Not Any is still in play.
  18. Lebron simply disappeared. I have never seen anything like it.
  19. Yeah, fair enough. Also, when Lebron came into the league, we were assumed he would be the greatest ever. Magic, West, etc. proved that they were great. I think that's another huge factor that plays into all this. We didn't have preconceived notions of what his career should be.
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