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Everything posted by ISOaPBR
  1. Nope, don't watch FOX either. You missed my earlier post.
  2. Let em know. It'll probably wind up in the trash, but let em know. They've done a grave disservice to the country the last 5 years and there is nothing we can do about it but to avoid their programming and the companies who sponsor them.
  3. I started this, I may as well chime in. Some thoughts from reading the posts in this thread: * The election was there for the republicans' taking. Obama got 10 million fewer votes this time around. TEN MILLION. That's not surprising. Other than Hispanics, no where was Obama going to make gains from 08. Blacks? Lost some for his 'evolution' toward being in favor of gay marriage. Catholics? Contraception mandate. Kids who think it's cool to screw in pools of vomit/beer? Out of work. Hispanics? highest unemployment rate in the nation, but pandered to them with amnesty. All conservatives had to do was show up, and we didn't. We had a higher turnout in 04 and 08. That's the surprising part. And quite pathetic. * I don't know a thing about Mormons, but Romney leads a Christ-like life if you look at what that term means. * Yes, the U.S. is a republic. Not a democracy. * Shut up Deuce. Sarcasm in the hands of a goober is an empty gun. * Conservatives need to reach out to hispanics, true, but even more so to black america. Their values identify overwhelmingly with those of conservatives, and they voted overwhelmingly Republican until FDR. One thing Obama failed miserably at as our first black president is even making an attempt to strengthen the black family. But then if he did, there goes his party's base. * The county-by-county 'heat map' - cities decide the fate of the country. Two obvious reasons as to why. * Chris Christie? Dude? I don't know what you were thinking, but you sure knew. I hope you got my e-mail. *ABC, NBC, CBS – I vowed never to tune into your broadcasts again, unless there's a game on. I hope you got my e-mail. * Was Hurricane Sandy a true Act of God? First, history has shown that bad things tend to happen to nations who turn their back on Israel. Second, nobody overcomes a 7-point gap in the final week of an election, unless NBC news shows that you look good walking through rubble with an Air Force 1 bomber jacket on, holding hands with a fat republican governor while romantic music plays in the background. Put the two together. No storm, Obama loses. Yes storm, Obama wins, America pays the price.
  4. Keep believing what they're feeding you, brother.
  5. ...I woke up this morning sick. Not the sick you feel after having too much of something not good for you, not the sick you feel when the other teams wins the big game that you were so emotionally invested in. I felt the kind of sick that I woke up with when I realized my dad wasn't leaving the hospital. I felt the kind of sick I felt when I realized my kids were going to be raised in two separate homes and there was nothing I could do about it. That kind of not-going-away-anytime-soon sick. Yesterday we were facing a looming economic collapse, and we were facing the possibility of a supreme court with as many as four new justices being chosen by a socialist. We were facing a government-run healthcare system operated by disinterested bureaucrats where everything is half as efficient, half as effective, takes twice as long and at twice the cost. We were looking at the thought of the greatest military force in history being muzzled. We were looking at coal being all but outlawed, and anything that is purchased with energy cost factored as a part of its value – which is everything, everywhere - continuing to cost more and more. We faced the possibility of the folks riding the wagon outnumbering those of us pulling the wagon. And we voted based on vaginas, race, greed, envy and the winner's appearance. We voted for a man whose only success has been in running for office. We voted for a man with no credentials. Shit, we voted for a homecoming king, not a president. Collectively we are a nation of fools, and we will be led by one. 'Sick' may not be the right word. Cold, hard fear may be closer to what I feel. Because I believe we just passed the point of no return.
  6. My suggestion would be 12 teams, top 4 get a bye. 16 is definitely too many, especially in D1.
  7. My D1 spoiler is Galax, I'd say Gretna in D2. Galax is three plays away from being 9-1, losing in the last minute to Grayson, Graham and Fort Chiswell, who are the 8, 6 and 1 seeds in D2. They have scored on everybody, and if they can figure how to make a fourth-quarter stop or two they have every capability to go deep in the playoffs. With all due respect to everybody else's hosses, I'd say Galax has the best 1-2 runningback combo in D1 with Donte and Steven Peoples, who have 2,800 yards and 45 TDs One big question is Donte Peoples. 1600+ yards, 27 TDs, left the game with ankle injury after the first play Friday. Gretna? They won the state as a No. 5 seed last year, and you know their history.
  8. ISOaPBR


    Galax just couldn't make a stop when it had to in either game. And that's not meant to take anything away from Fort and Graham, both had great finishes, both were impressive in the clutch and both earned their wins. If there had been 3 minutes left instead of 40 seconds when Graham went ahead, Galax probably would have scored again. And vice versa. Just that kind of game. I saw Graham last week vs. Grayson and was very underwhelmed by what I saw. They were NOT the same team that played Galax. The team that played Galax was fast and physical on both sides of the ball. I'm just trying to figure out if Grayson is that good or if Graham was that 'off' against them, because that game was a domination. As far as Fort is concerned vs. Galax, any Fort team the last 20 years would have quit after giving up a 99-yard drive to go down 2 TDs late in the fourth quarter. I give Steven James a lot of credit for that.
  9. Was this at Carroll? I had heard they airlifted a ref from there, but that he had been hit. Mr. Guy is in our prayers.
  10. Yeah, I'd take 58. Judging by the miles-long traffic jam in Hillsville on race weekend at Martinsville, it's the preferred route. 50,000 Ohio NASCAR fans can't be wrong. I may have staggered into you a time or two at Wayside back then. A highlight of my life was Clarence Carter looking down from the stage at me with a puzzled look on his face like, Geez boy, what's afflicting you?
  11. Actually you want 58 East, not 52. There's also a new bypass around Hillsville that'll save a few minutes.
  12. Good to hear your input Huntercav. I always enjoy reading your take on things.
  13. No problem, smartass. And be a man. Don't call me sweetheart.
  14. To have close to 3000 posts you don't really seem to have any idea what the hell's going on. Piedmont a good fit, you say. You wouldn't have a problem driving to Danville or South Boston for a district game? You say there's no justification for Carroll playing a school with 300 students. They wouldn't be, because of the 1A-4A spread. You talk about only having to take 2-3 trips to Roanoke. Lotsa sports out there besides football. "How would the District championships be determined, that doesn't seem fair to me if Carroll only plays certain teams" Ask Franklin Co and PH. Half the RRD wouldn't have to play them. PUD District? Every post is either smarta$$ or dumba$$
  15. Carroll would HAVE to play 6A Franklin County and PH, being within three classifications (4A-6A). Half the River Ridge – 3A Cave Spring, Hidden Valley, Cburg and Bburg, would not. The VHSL has a couple of districts set up in the 6A format where some schools would be exempt from playing at least half the schools in the district because of size. I imagine its that way because of travel. So it's no different than CC being in the MED. Narrows, Bland, Galax and Fort Chiswell would not have to play Carroll. Graham and Grayson would. CC plays Grayson and Galax in everything anyway, and I suspect Fort would want to, too. As far as nondistrict games being no different than being in the RR, travel-wise, Graham would be the longest trip for CC in the MED at 1 hr 15 min (by car). There would be plenty of schools within that radius, like Pulaski, the Burgs, Floyd, Wythe, Marion, Chilhowie, Patrick, maybe a couple others. There's no way you can say travel could not be reduced. The Piedmont was mentioned earlier in this thread. The 'new' Piedmont will include Danville and South Boston. On a bus. Down Lover's leap. Average trip 80+ miles, 1:35 by car. Yall gotta remember that Carroll is 4A in number only. Yeah, there are 1200 kids. But more than 90 percent of them go home at 3pm. The story said 114 kids, male and female, grades 9-12, are playing fall sports. I read on here that Richlands had 70 out just for football. You have to be from here to see what I'm talking about. Nobody doubts Carroll would get its a$$ handed to it every night in the River Ridge. But nobody's saying they'd do the same to the MED if they were in it.
  16. Consolidation happened in 1969. Thats gonna take a helluva lot of foresight. There were 9the teams in the New River then. Dont talk like it happened 2 years ago.
  17. Christiansburg, Bassett, Grayson County, Mount Airy NC and Martinsville on your schedule is hardly ducking anybody. AVERAGE travel time is twice as long in the River Ridge. There's more to it than Franklin County. Galax lies half in Carroll Co. Would you have no problem with your kids going to Roanoke or beyond for five of their eight district road games, Interstate or not? When Carroll and Galax stopped playing football, Galax had lost about 15 straight to CC. Galax waxed everybody last year. Carroll won two years ago.
  18. Yes it's unbelievable because it's not true. Carroll is in the River Ridge unless something really unexpected happens, and then the move would be to the Piedmont. Carroll and Pulaski both appealed Franklin County's placement in the RRD. BTW, Salem's no worse than traveling to Tazewell. But four Roanoke Valley schools AND Franklin County is too much.
  19. That's what I see. Yates hops forward when he hears the squeeze is on, and his mitt is directly under the bat/over the plate when the ball gets there. That trumps what happened after. And I can't even imagine what he was thinking on the play with Lineberry.
  20. Sounds like it would have been worth the trip up there. Game called in the second inning after a brawl.
  21. Is there any streaming radio coverage of Tazewell baseball? Like to listen to the Carroll game tonight. Thanks in advance.
  22. ...was fun to watch. Those kids, maybe 80 or so, chose to ride a school bus 6 hours one way, 6 hours back, all in one day, for a 90-minute ballgame, getting home about 3:30 am. Never quit on their team either. Best chant? "Jordan farted" clap, clap, clap-clap-clap
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