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I would def, give it to Theo. That boy could ball, at first glance, I would've never thought he was that good of a player. Nice outside shot, not the biggest on the court, but biggest on the stat sheet where it counted.

POY should actually be the person who means most to their team's success, its fortunate he was leading scorer and a huge part of grundy's title.

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Clay something i think Gwynn-CC

Cory Schleshinger-spell check-CC

Omar Reed-Tazewell

Theo Justus-Grundy

Jake Remines-Graham

Havent told him yet but congrats to Theo on POTY. Deserved it and we had a good run at it back and forth.... Teams started focusing on me and ball just didnt come my way.

Great players fight through it and do their jobs- but Im just an average player crazy.gif haha.....

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There's no doubt that they aren't deserving and that they didnt work hard for that!! But, when you finish with their record and be put out in the first round of the tournament!! It just dont jive!! But, then again most of all that stuff is political anyways! Usually, the top team gets more than anyone else.. since Grundy won regular season and Taze the tourn.. they shoulda split on like 2 each!! then, maybe one from carroll and graham.. 6 is not to much for first team.. then go from there with 2nd team and I think anyone that the coaches want end up with honorable mention!! So, if a player got left out of honorable mention.. its becsuse the coach didnt support him!!

thats just my opinion of looking and listening over the years!! lol.. But, congrads to all those that did get mentioned!!

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