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You guys start a thread looking for objective comments and then you act stupid when someone post facts. I keep up with all the Beaver and Graham kids and go to most of their games at home. I also work with Coach Campbell and we talk baseball all the time. I thought you left a deserving kid off the list and I said so. I don't know about the other SWD schools because I only get to see them play once or twice a year and can't make a judgement on that.

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He never played good against Tazewell I believe he was 0-3 with 3k's tonight but not saying he shouldnt be on the SWD list. Beause there isnt alot of good outfielders this year so u never know....

For the transfer thing---Tazewell boy sports will decline next year(yes even baseball) and also had a better chance of playing at Graham. Good athlete I will grant him that.

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dont know anything about murray. i will take your word for it on wheter he deserves it or not. my point was that it appeared that more players were being named from the 4th place team than some of the others. i really dont know anything about the selection process..........

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will someone from tazewell, someone from graham. and someone from carroll please list their selections. it would be interesting to see from each perspective. (and i am not just talking about who they think should make it from their own team) i would like to see some more all district teams picked the other district teams. curious to see how many players are shared among the different selections.......

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His Father moved his business to Bluefield Va that is why he moved. Sports had nothing to do with it. I know he has been happy at Graham and the kids and teachers up here love him. He's a classy kid. As for how he played against Tazewell this season...I know he played well against them in the games that I saw. I think most of the comments from the Tazewell players on here are due to jealousy. He made the varsity team down there last year as a freshman and Coach Peery was high on him. He's only a sophomore and will get bigger and stronger. As for being well-liked in Tazewell, from my observations the Tazewell fans don't even like each other. Have you ever listened to the profanity and abuse that their ballplayers and parents throw at each other during the games. I have never heard adults talk to other people's kids that way. They should be ashamed but I doubt they have enough sense to realize it. In fact, I know they don't.

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Interesting! However, after attending many, many bulldog baseball games throughout the years, I can only think of two fan sections that are out of control at Tazewell. And, I have never seen or heard of a player cussing out another's parents, or parent/player. I do know there is one man that finds it extremely humorous to yell and try to initiate controversy with the other team... he finds this funny. It is actually not. The other is a group that sits on the hill, I doubt too many people can hear their comments. I don't think your comments are appropriate in putting all of Tazewell fans into this category of bad sportsmanship... we're not. And, I believe every school can look at their own fans and find that one person, or group that you would like to tell to "shut up" or that you choose to sit as far away from! Also, I can't think of anyone on the team that is "jealous" of Wills Murray. For the most part he was well liked at Tazewell, and still is.

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well i play for Tazewell, but i do agree about "that one particular fan" who seems to get a kick out of trash talking. Although he ruiting for Tazewell, it still kinda gets at me. But I dont know what to do about it.

As for why you all Tazewell talks so much crap. Well prior to the Coppinger tournament one of you Bluefield Beavers started puttin Tazewell down on this board. So goin down there we had the mind set that we were gonna teach you a lesson, and run our mouths in doing so. You ran your mouth first, and we finished it. So get off our backs. We get along with most every team, including Richlands, our cross-town rival...if our team was gonna run their mouths to anybody, wouldnt it be them? so lay off

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