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Its that time of yaer again. Time to rate a ref. Name the best or worst ref or crew you have personally seen not heard about. Be fair and honest just like the Refs themselves. And once again thanks for being an athletic supporter. If you dont know the whole crew juat name or describe the person. And just dont say they have a large stomach or Sharp chin, that could be a number of those refs.

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Best crew. Means more than one person. Every crew has to have a weak link. I am going to reduce it to best members of a crew. That skinny guy that runs all the time from richlands, real good, never throws a flag. The guy that coached baseball at graham looked good in the mud at hurley last week. Johnny Altizer knows the rules well. The worst are steve honaker, don copley (70 years old is a little much), cheatin steve sheets. I once heard a comment by the head of the officials, that the southwest official association had over 100 hundred officials. The reply from the gentleman in attendance, was "you have over a 100 names not officials."

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The worst don copley (70 years old is a little much),


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Don is a good official. Just because the guy is 70 doesn't make him the "worst" official. He toughs it out at the Umpire position where a lot guys half his age don't want to be. Give the guy a little credit for doing that.

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Beein' a Ref is as hard as Viagree! I thank that every ref in these parts is pretty dog gone awful. Santolly's crew, well shucks, might as well hire Hellen Keller an let her officiate tha game. Juss put beepers in tha painted areas ta keep her safe from them goalie posts. It aint no fun boys, but if ur awful ur awful! These refs round here is pretty bad all tha way round. Boff teams! I dont thank they cheat for nobody I juss thank they stank up tha field for tha most part. Shucks them boys is like peein' in a tornado, when its all said an done they look yaller, skeered an' smell funny. Home teams gotta advantage round these parts. Yesssireee Bob.

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refing is hard. but they should be held more accountable than they are i think. i know most do not have to do it just do it as a second profession. there should be somekind of rating system done by the coaches. i know west va had somekind of system set up in basketball. wandering how that works out. but then again might have less refs than what we have now

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refing is hard. but they should be held more accountable than they are i think. i know most do not have to do it just do it as a second profession. there should be somekind of rating system done by the coaches. i know west va had somekind of system set up in basketball. wandering how that works out. but then again might have less refs than what we have now


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I don't think you can call it a second profession. I don't know for sure but I doubt they're paid much more than enough to cover their expenses. They surely don't make enough to put up with the abuse they take. I can count on one hand the number of games I've been to where I thought the refs were cheating... but I would need a calculator to count the number of fans at every single game that accuse them of it. Anyone who thinks they can do better should give it a try...

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