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Soccer Fieldhouse


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It's the football field house. As far as I know it's available to all the teams.


I got to go into the new field house the other day--it is super nice. I know it is going to be an asset to ALL the sports programs for the Blues.



Life has many choices---eternity two

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I just don't understand what isn't right it's the new fieldhouse at the FOOTBALL stadium. Never been in it but hear it's very nice and a very nice weight room. I don't know what girl wants to go in the football field house for any reason approved by parents if you catch my drift; i just dont know too many highscool aged girls just trying to go do a couple sets of bench.

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doesn't seem right to me something needs to be done about that


Title IX - states that facilities must be equal for both girls and boys sports -- we all know that is not ever going to happen -- several years ago [2005?] a group of Tazewell County parents contacted Title IX and Tazewell County scored about 50-60 out of 100 points on being compliant with Title IX -- this information was presented at a SB meeting and they were to look into it -- I sure they have never.


As for the football field house -- it should probably be just for the guys, but an additional facility should be available to the girls -- the previous post is correct -- the weight equipment used by the boys is not really what most of the girls would want -- they would desire lighter weights -- most girls want to be stronger not a body builder. Also, a separate facility is best so that everyone is comfortable and they can focus on weight training not the opposite sex. Additionally, the bulk of the fund raising and manual labor for the RHS field house came from the football program -- it really isn't fair for some to set back and watch others work - and they want to reap the rewards.


Possibly basketball is the one sport where equality is occuring in Tazewell County. The move from girls' basketball to the winter to be with the boys program is a direct result of a Title IX case -- girls and their families in Northern VA went to court saying that girl's bball in the fall was not covered by the press as well as the boys were in the winter and it was over shadowed by football -- so they won a bit of $ and the girl's program was moved to the winter and volleyball to the fall. I don't really feel that this was good for our area due to the lack of gym space, but the ruling covered all of VA.


I think if the schools would look and see what they could do to make it more equal this would satisfy most --

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It is my uderstanding that any girls and boys can use the weights in the field house. The equipment is suitable for anyone wanting to strength train, not just bulk up.

A weight training class has been proposed to the school board for fall semester. This would give all boys and girls (athletes and non -athletes) opportunity to get some time in during the day. Most of the kids who play sports don't always have the time to condition after school because of practice. More importantly a weight class will teach long term health awareness . Strength training is a win - win class for everyone. Members of the school board need to do it themselves if (heaven forbid) they aren't already. Instilling proper health practices now will insure good health for the future.

I urge all parents to contact your school board representative to make sure this class is offered for the fall semester.

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The girls soccer team has no need for a field house, they don't lift and and really probly have no desire to ethier. The fieldhouse is just a big weightroom with a locker room right beside it and a couple of class rooms. The only thing the girls would probly use in there is the locker room, which is wide open by the way there is no wall seperating it and the rest of the fieldhouse, besides the girls have their own locker room. The way I see it I think everyone should just be thankfull for the facilitys we have, I mean we play on arguably the best field in the district and it's right in our back yard, I remember just last year when we all had to travel down to svcc just to practice, and all that was there was just a tiny building with a girls and a boys bathroom. So I think you just need to count your blessings and stop makeing moutains out've molehills

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The reason for the fieldhouse even being in existence is bc the football parents club raised money and pushed for it. Most of the girls sports supporters that are raising a fuss are fighting for the sake of arguement. Girls won't put to use the facilities in the field house and their is simply not enough room for co-ed locker rooms. If the girls soccer team wants a fieldhouse their parents and themselves need to have the initiative to raise money and get it done.

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What has the boys soccer team done to use the football fieldhous? Nothing-So if they can use it to improve their team so should the girls team. They have done just as much as the boys team.Nothing- The boys can use the locker rooms in the high school just like the girls. Just remember what TITLE IX states.

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You name me more than 5 girls on that team that would honestly want to lift everyday before practice for the whole season, I'm not trying to bash the girls seriously but they have access to the weightroom in the highschool which, whatda ya know they don't even use at all. So what makes you think that if you do let them in the fieldhouse, which once again is just a huge weight room that happens to have a locker room in it, that they will suddenly decide to "use the facilitys" aka lift weights. Besides again its a big open space...with no wall...and a bunch of dudes...and a huge shower in the corner...if you catch my drift so unless you want an even bigger mess/scandal I advise you let it go and again be grateful for the facilitys you do have

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What has the boys soccer team done to use the football fieldhous? Nothing-So if they can use it to improve their team so should the girls team. They have done just as much as the boys team.Nothing- The boys can use the locker rooms in the high school just like the girls. Just remember what TITLE IX states.


Yes title IX does provide "fair and equal" representation to all "gender" sports....however, there usually has to be some "give and take" (unless, T.Boone Pickens is an alumni of your school.) Do all the other girls' soccer moms/dads feel as strongly as you do that the girls should be in the new fieldhouse just b/c the boys soccer team uses it????? If the boys didn't use it..... would it make the girls (not the parents) happier???? I have an "understanding" problem w/someone just throwing out "this is the law" w/o offering solutions. There is an old saying "you can catch more flies w/honey than vinegar".....propose a mtg. w/the "powers" if this is so important. If this will really be so "harmful" to these girls in later life ( I'm guessing if these young ladies were polled they would say not) and..... try to see if something can be worked out amicably w/o dissing the other sports in "your" school for perceived wrongs.

Edited by trublue
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The reason for the fieldhouse even being in existence is bc the football parents club raised money and pushed for it. Most of the girls sports supporters that are raising a fuss are fighting for the sake of arguement. Girls won't put to use the facilities in the field house and their is simply not enough room for co-ed locker rooms. If the girls soccer team wants a fieldhouse their parents and themselves need to have the initiative to raise money and get it done.


I think the fieldhouse is located on school property. The people of Tazewell County who pay taxes are the true owner of the building. Being said anyone (girl or boy) can use the facility. It is not a football fieldhouse, soccer fieldhouse, girls fieldhouse, or whore house. IT IS RICHLANDS HIGH SCHOOL FIELDHOUSE! It does not matter who raised or donated the money. Get over it and life will be less strainfull.

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would it honestly make u happier if no one was using the facilities in the spring? i am a girls sports supporter at rhs but this is a rediculous argument.. the fact that parents are on a message board arguing about it instead of raising money and going to the board of supervisors proves that they are arguing for the sake of argument. not to actualy fix the problem

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How many boys soccer players lifted weiights before they used the fieldhous?

They couldn't because practice was too far from the school. I would be about 99.9% sure that Coach Lindsey has no interest in her players using the field house. The turf has been a HUGE advantage in the first two games (visiting teams aren't used to playing on it) and the more time they spend on it the more of an advantage it will be. PLUS while the boys are inside lifting, the girls have more of the field available to them.

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How many boys soccer players lifted weiights before they used the fieldhous?


Well lets see since more than half of the soccer team plays football then I am pretty sure that we have all lifted weights and why does it matter if we lifted weights? Like someone said in an earlier post would you rather have us practicing at the college with a stupid little shed and small bathrooms or would you rathe have the girls having a locker room and a nice field to practice on? This argument that you are trying to start for whatever stupid reason is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I talk to the girls on a daily basis and none of them complain about the facilities that are provided for them at the school. So apparantly it is not the girls that are complaining but just a jealous parent who really has no need to even post on this forum about this. And also for future reference it is called a fieldhouse not a fieldhous. Thanks

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