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Can someone check on this kid?


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I feel this thread is divided between two sets of people. It is not a Graham-Beaver divide. This is a parent/non-parent divide. I feel grown men who get on this board and are bashing this kid are non-parents and those who are taking up for the kid are parents. Again, the game we watched on Friday night was played by children, not adults.

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Guest JJBrickface
I feel this thread is divided between two sets of people. It is not a Graham-Beaver divide. This is a parent/non-parent divide. I feel grown men who get on this board and are bashing this kid are non-parents and those who are taking up for the kid are parents. Again, the game we watched on Friday night was played by children, not adults.


Children? lol Several high school kids like to drink, smoke weed, and have sex. That is young adulthood not a child's lifestyle.

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post is not divided betwen parents and non-parents..its divided between people who can see an idiotic statement and make light of it and those that act like they have a pole up their ass and cant take a joke!


BR didnt call this player up and chastise him, he made a post in a joking manner...big deal. the player is a child but hes old enough to know when hes speaking out of line and making ridiculouis statements.



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post is not divided betwen parents and non-parents..its divided between people who can see an idiotic statement and make light of it and those that act like they have a pole up their ass and cant take a joke!


BR didnt call this player up and chastise him, he made a post in a joking manner...big deal. the player is a child but hes old enough to know when hes speaking out of line and making ridiculouis statements.









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Hey guys. I haven't posted in a long while and I am just split between both sides here on this one. I understand that the player was trying to say that they, Graham, had an off night, and I also understand that any night this year Graham would have a hard time keeping up with Bluefield's speed.


I am not going to bash the player for what he said, nor am I am going to agree with what he said. I think we all need to remember this student's emotions were running wild when he was interviewed by the good ol' Daily Telegraph. I like that he is trying to be positive and not give up on his team completely. That is something that you don't see much with any players that are on the losing end of a tough battle, whether they be 17 or 40.


This is the usual bickering that goes on every single year after this epic battle, it is just more aimed at a particular individual, a student in this case, than I can remember it ever being. I think we should really all get over it and let it go. Does what this student said have any impact on the game or a major impact on any of the other games to be played this season? No. We all need to just move on and focus on each team's next opponent and enjoy another great year of high school football with these storied programs.


Go Beavers!!!!!!


Good luck to the G-Men for the rest of this season.

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I'll end my participation in this thread with a final comment: First, put yourself in the player's shoes The player was defending his team, and in no way disrespected the Beavers. He was saying the G-Men had an off night, and "in his opinion as a player" they could do better in a rematch. We've all felt like that a time or two, haven't we? Why throw him under the bus for his loyalty to his team?


My second point is to imagine, if you can, that this young man is your son. Someone posts this about him, and you see your son having to be defended because of his statement. I'll guarantee you that as a parent you would be outraged that an adult would be making fun of your 16 or 17 year old for what he said in an emotional moment after a game. Those of you who are defending the original post would be the first to cry "foul" if it happened to be your son. I ask you to genuinely give that some thought.


I'll end with this comment:


"Qualities of admirable character:


Practice humility.


You do not have to exert control over others with your position. If you want to have an admirable disposition, practice modesty and show consideration. Respect others for what they are and listen to their opinions. Your relationships with people determine your effectiveness in your role.


You can't fake it because time, events and situations will show if you have it. It takes time to build an admirable disposition. You are not born with it but develop it through training, experiences and a strong vision or desire to become a worthy person to yourself and those around you". (Author Unknown)


Be a positive example, especially to our youth. Believe me, they are watching and learning through our actions and words as adults.

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