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Is there anyway............?


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To put it into perspective for me, when Gate City went up 42-7 very late in the third quarter - if Mountain hadn't returned the following kickoff all the way back then the game would have had a continual running clock per VHSL rules. That in itself tells me that it was a game dominated by one team. Sorry to hurt any feelings, but that's how I seen it as well as some out of town friends of mine that were at the game as well.


Thats the way I see it also. 42 to 7 then Mountain ran back a couple of TDs on Speacial teams and the Bulldogs scored one more on the GC 2nd string defense. GCs starting defense had a total of 7 points scored on them by Tazewell. GCs punt team gave up a TD and their Kick team gave up a TD. GCs second team D gave up one TD. I saw the game film and if anyone even remotely thinks Tazewell was ever in this game they are crazy. Mountain is a helluva Speacial teams player and will score a lot more this year on Speacial teams. I did see 31 for GC play some with the second team O behind a Freshman QB. The score ended up a lot closer than the game was but it is all part of football even if the losing teams Coach did not know when to pull his starters after GC pulled theirs. I cant see why the GC people would get mad concidering the only people that say it wasnt a blowout are a small few Tazewell fans and a pot stirring Grundy exfan(If he were a fan he would be watching them instead of trying to keep things stirred up between GC and Tazewell fans) that I am convinced is Chubz from the LPD board. Anyrate this is my only post on this subject. Time to start talking football instead of dwelling on the past. Good luck Tazewell I hope you guys finish strong and Good luck Gate City hope you folks go far this year.

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And trust me, that's coming from a Powell Valley fan....lol. If ANYBODY would complain about opposing fans it would be GC/PV.


And Lance personally, it would tickle me to death if you never set foot in Gate City again. You must've been on some good drugs when you visited.


well...too bad for you that you dont have any say in where I go or what I do...me, on the other hand....I like going to GC myself...always thought it was a fun place to watch a game...not sure why you have your panties in a wad.


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I've watched many great high school football games in Gate City and I enjoy the atmosphere at Legion Field. There is a unique connection between that community and Devil football - a connection that generates a special blue spark on Friday nights in the fall.


But that spark can create some negatively charged consequences that you'll not find at other HS football venues in SWVA.


The overflow of home fans onto both sets of bleachers would be unusual at other stadiums in our area and it creates a level of intimacy at Legion that visiting fans are not used to experiencing. Plus Gate City fans always seem extra passionate about their teams.

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I think one quick fix that would help one of the problems is to rope off the track at both ends of the bleachers on both sides -- most fields do this now -- so basically you can't have people walking in front of the stands, mingling with the cheerleaders , and or hackling the team.


I was at the Taz - GC game - sat on the first row of the visitor's bleachers -- a few things that were startling to me:


1. The vast number of people who walked the entire time back and forth in front of the visitor's stands -- I began noticing this and watched people walk by the stands and go to the end and then proceed to turn around and walk back in front of the stands -- the only purpose of this as far as I could see was for them to be seen and attempt to intimidate someone --


2. The actions of many 40+ year olds and the comments made by them when they walked by the stands -- it wasn't vulgar just immature -- an example - they would walk by,look into the stands and scream something like Go Gate City -- or the like ---


3. The lack of a plan seating plan -- I understand that GC may need all of the home side and some of the vistior's side to accomadate their home town fans -- but trust me as a visitor I would have loved for the away side to have been divided -- I would have sat in the Tazewell section if I could have found it, but allowing or even encouraging the mixture of both -- especially when when tempers get heated -- is in my opinion just looking for trouble.


4. And lastly, I was shocked at the shear number of individuals who appeared to be very young who were either carrying a baby or pushing one in a stroller. I am not sure if everyone just looked soooo young or if their were alot of teen pregnancy in GC? I counted 16 babies that were being carried or strolled by what I would call a baby all as they were passing by me -- I noticied it and then two other people I was with mentioned it to me during the game.

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The first three you described certainly have to do with the concerns of safety and creation of an unpleasant atmosphere on the vistors side w/no defined seating.

However, number four...... IMO was not necessary. There might be "alot/or not" young mothers in that area but that has nothing to do with the football game concerns for visitors.

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And all of this no longer matters. The game was over almost three weeks ago. And why 8ball or whatever do you write the same thing that others here have run in the ground? I know how bad some of the GC fans can be but that is just some of them. They have more than other schools because their following is bigger. Everyone here is just preaching to the quire.

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