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Ok, the sensitivity lessons being taught here @ AHS is getting a little bit old. I just had to sit and listen to my teacher talk to us about bullying for yet another half hour. Let me say, high school is crude at times, but awesome at other times. Yes I've been picked on, and yes I give right back. I'm not a bully ok, but the constant reminder of how to act I think causes flare ups with aggressive kids. I just think they over sensitize us here at AHS. I am very liberal in my views, I dont discriminate against any race, gender, or preference. But I will admit I've made some fat jokes, but who hasn't? Anyway, maybe thats what America is today - just soft and sensitive?

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Ok, the sensitivity lessons being taught here @ AHS is getting a little bit old. I just had to sit and listen to my teacher talk to us about bullying for yet another half hour. Let me say, high school is crude at times, but awesome at other times. Yes I've been picked on, and yes I give right back. I'm not a bully ok, but the constant reminder of how to act I think causes flare ups with aggressive kids. I just think they over sensitize us here at AHS. I am very liberal in my views, I dont discriminate against any race, gender, or preference. But I will admit I've made some fat jokes, but who hasn't? Anyway, maybe thats what America is today - just soft and sensitive?


I think thats Washington County as a whole. Its why our football teams have struggled for so long......soft and sensative, lol. We're trying to turn that around though.

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Ok, the sensitivity lessons being taught here @ AHS is getting a little bit old. I just had to sit and listen to my teacher talk to us about bullying for yet another half hour. Let me say, high school is crude at times, but awesome at other times. Yes I've been picked on, and yes I give right back. I'm not a bully ok, but the constant reminder of how to act I think causes flare ups with aggressive kids. I just think they over sensitize us here at AHS. I am very liberal in my views, I dont discriminate against any race, gender, or preference. But I will admit I've made some fat jokes, but who hasn't? Anyway, maybe that's what America is today - just soft and sensitive?


Wow, bonus points for a topic that is not trumpet blowing.


Part of what I have seen in my years is that things like appropriate behavior and understanding of other's situations used to be the job of parents. I know I learned most of this stuff at home and by strong role model examples.


Today what I see are parents who don't want to parent, but be your buddy. I see parents too self absorbed to care for their children in many ways. I see folks coming up who have never learned that actions carry consequences. I see folks who have high self esteem, but no moral compass. All of this crosses social and racial boundaries.


Should this be taught in school. No, but it wouldn't have to be if it was being learned elsewhere.

Edited by Hacker
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Wow, bonus points for a topic that is not trumpet blowing.


Part of what I have seen in my years is that things like appropriate behavior and understanding of other's situations used to be the job of parents. I know I learned most of this stuff at home and by strong role model examples.


Today what I see are parents who don't want to parent, but be your buddy. I see parents too self absorbed to care for their children in many ways. I see folks coming up who have never learned that actions carry consequences. I see folks who have high self esteem, but no moral compass. All of this crosses social and racial boundaries.


Should this be taught in school. No, but it wouldn't have to be if it was being learned elsewhere.


I cant even begin to explain how right you are. Kids today expect everything to be given to them, and like they're above any rules or consequences. For example... when I was a kid..if I would have skipped school, my a$$ would have been black and blue from a belt buckle.....If a kid skips school now, chances are his mom or dad defends his actions to the school. No wonder our jails and prisons are over populated.



Falconman, Theres a first time for everything I guess.

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everything is a big deal these days...it was better when you could just fight it out in the parking lot and go on about your business...most of the time you were friends again within a day or two and no one got really hurt, except for maybe pride.


now, kids cant do that and stuff builds up and gets worse until it is a big deal...if they do have a little scrap in the parking lot then they take the people involved and everyone who sees it to juvy court.


and people wonder whats wrong with the kids today...

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Yes I've been picked on, and yes I give right back.


Happens everyday...right here...:D


If you don't want to be coddled and pampered, you've come to the right place!!!

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Ok, the sensitivity lessons being taught here @ AHS is getting a little bit old. I just had to sit and listen to my teacher talk to us about bullying for yet another half hour. Let me say, high school is crude at times, but awesome at other times. Yes I've been picked on, and yes I give right back. I'm not a bully ok, but the constant reminder of how to act I think causes flare ups with aggressive kids. I just think they over sensitize us here at AHS. I am very liberal in my views, I dont discriminate against any race, gender, or preference. But I will admit I've made some fat jokes, but who hasn't? Anyway, maybe thats what America is today - just soft and sensitive?


That is EXACTLY what America is today: too damn soft and too damn sensitive.


Someone calls you fat? Either walk away if you want to turn the other cheek or shoot a nice barb right back at them. Someone hits you? Bloody their nose. Someone running off at the mouth? Tell them to shut their trap before it gets shut for them. Your kid misbehaves? "Spare the rod and spoil the child". Kid too big to "use the rod"? Take away what's the most important to them. Parents have the authority to parent as they see fit.


I've never been one for this coddling, over-sensitive bullcrap. Common sense must override at some point.

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That is EXACTLY what America is today: too damn soft and too damn sensitive.


Someone calls you fat? Either walk away if you want to turn the other cheek or shoot a nice barb right back at them. Someone hits you? Bloody their nose. Someone running off at the mouth? Tell them to shut their trap before it gets shut for them. Your kid misbehaves? "Spare the rod and spoil the child". Kid too big to "use the rod"? Take away what's the most important to them. Parents have the authority to parent as they see fit.


I've never been one for this coddling, over-sensitive bullcrap. Common sense must override at some point.



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everything is a big deal these days...it was better when you could just fight it out in the parking lot and go on about your business...most of the time you were friends again within a day or two and no one got really hurt, except for maybe pride.


now, kids cant do that and stuff builds up and gets worse until it is a big deal...if they do have a little scrap in the parking lot then they take the people involved and everyone who sees it to juvy court.


and people wonder whats wrong with the kids today...


Exactly. I have a Richlands/Tazewell story from 1968. A friend of mine from RHS was dating a girl from RHS, and they broke up. She started dating a Tazewell guy. That didn't go over too well. That led to what would be considered a gang fight with seven or eight of us from Richlands meeting a similar numbered bunch from T-Town, and it was on.

Want to know what happened? The two guys involved fought it out, and when it was over, we all went our separate ways. They settled it between themselves, and no one else got involved in the fight. No guns, no knives, just bare knuckles. That was the end of it. If kids today were allowed to do the same, I would guarantee you they could police themselves a lot better than today's authority. Sure, you're always going to have the exception where some group goes too far, but most of the time these things would work themselves out without adult intervention.

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You can't even fail kids anymore. Kids are graduating at an alarming rate of retarded. I don't even mean that in a crude sense, there are some slow, coddled children earning the same GED I did with little to no punishment for lack of effort.

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Hey! Don't leave us hanging. Who won the fight? Who got the girl? Must have been the Tazewell guy lol.


There were about two punches thrown, a lot of rolling around on the ground wrestling, torn clothes, and after both guys couldn’t breathe anymore it was over...basically a draw. Very anticlimactic. That’s the point. Let the guys work it out themselves, and the result is basically harmless. No one got hurt, no one went to jail, no police, parents or school administration got their panties in a wad...and it was over.

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There were about two punches thrown, a lot of rolling around on the ground wrestling, torn clothes, and after both guys couldn’t breathe anymore it was over...basically a draw. Very anticlimactic. That’s the point. Let the guys work it out themselves, and the result is basically harmless. No one got hurt, no one went to jail, no police, parents or school administration got their panties in a wad...and it was over.


thats pretty much how it used to go...maybe a bloody nose or a black eye here and there.

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You can't even fail kids anymore. Kids are graduating at an alarming rate of retarded. I don't even mean that in a crude sense, there are some slow, coddled children earning the same GED I did with little to no punishment for lack of effort.


Easy on the word "retarded". There are many children who are "retarded" who have a better work ethic than the ones in school just for a check from the government!!!

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I cant even begin to explain how right you are. Kids today expect everything to be given to them, and like they're above any rules or consequences. For example... when I was a kid..if I would have skipped school, my a$$ would have been black and blue from a belt buckle.....If a kid skips school now, chances are his mom or dad defends his actions to the school. No wonder our jails and prisons are over populated.



Falconman, Theres a first time for everything I guess.


Very good point. Now we have raised little chicken shi?ts who want to hide behind a computer and bash people with the keyboard. Instead of the belt buckle, they may get banned from a forum!

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Very good point. Now we have raised little chicken shi?ts who want to hide behind a computer and bash people with the keyboard. Instead of the belt buckle, they may get banned from a forum!


I would choose the belt buckle, however, my only option is to ban them from the forum...

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They have always tried to promote inclusive ideology here at Abingdon, but all week, the term "Bully" has came up almost everyday. What has brought on this outcry? I don't know if kids here are getting bullied or what? Just tired of the whole mess.

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I was always picked on in school but did I go off the deep end? I just used it to better myself.


I was always tought if you are being bullied to defend yourself. Don't start anything but don't just sit there and take it either.

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They have always tried to promote inclusive ideology here at Abingdon, but all week, the term "Bully" has came up almost everyday. What has brought on this outcry? I don't know if kids here are getting bullied or what? Just tired of the whole mess.



Maybe it was the suicide of the girl on the east coast. Or maybe it was the three kids in one town who committed suicide. Maybe it was the kid at Rutgers that got outed by his roommate on the Internet and then committed suicide.


Don't we all know how the media reacts to these kind of sensational stories and then communities react to the media.


Tazewell Co. schools have been working on bullying for well over a year, so at least it is not reactionary here.

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