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Weight Question

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Ok. So I was looking back to some older pictures of me (high school years) and it really hit me just how much weight I've gained. That coupled with the fact that by the time I got to my seats at the VT/UNC game, I was so out of breath it wasn't funny. So I'd like to get back to the size I was in high school (70-90 lbs lighter). I don't eat that much, which perplexes me more than anything. I usually eat a meal before I head to work at 1 pm, then I don't eat a full meal again until the next day. I do snack on a bag of chips or so at a vending machine usually every other day or so. So my body has gotten in this rhythm of only eating once a day. Also, my schedule is not really condusive to a gym membership, as I work 2-1 and I'm gone from 1pm-2am with the commute. So by the time I wind down and get into bed at 3, I usually wake back up at 11 and have to leave by 1. So I don't have much spare time.


I was wondering if you guys have any tips or tricks that can help me. I'm starting to get more and more scared by my size. Any tips would be appreciated.

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I know you said joining a Gym might not work for you, but a Membership at the Wellness center @ Claypool Hill is $35 per month. They open at 8am, so if you could get up a little early it might not be bad on you, or work it into your days off. You would be surprised how a 30-60 minute workout 3 times a day will make you feel. Just walking on a treadmill or working out on an Elliptical makes a big difference.

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What do you usually eat in your one meal? That is the key to your diet. I know from your prior posting that you're a fan of McDonald's... so if you want to drop some weight, to much of GMan's dismay, stop that! :D


Of course, McDonald's can be semi-healthy if you want it to be. Cut the burgers and fries and go for the grilled chicken and a side salad or fruit or anything. I'm not real familiar with McD's menu because I am a Wendy's man. Recently, I started a diet too and I get a plain grilled chicked sandwich (put hot sauce on it at home) and then get a baked potato.


If you drink soda, substitute it for water. I know that it isn't as tasteful, but it much better for your diet (and cheaper too). Lots of bad in Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc. Diet is better but it still isn't as good as water. I got into a habit long ago that I order water no matter where I am 9 times out of 10.


Snacks aren't bad either as long as they are healthy. I have cut out potato chips and candy bars for snacks and now I choose granola bars or something a little bit better for me.


There are a million ways to diet, this is just what I've been doing the past 2 weeks or so (about the time deuces started his P90X thread). I've slipped up a lot more than I would like to admit, but just today I've had 2 people tell me I've lost weight. I don't know if I have or not, but it's nice to get that kind of reassurance.


People on the board will have a lot more info than I do, but honestly there is a wealth of information on Google and online that you can tailor specifically to your diet.


Good luck man you can definitely do it! We're in this together!

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What do you usually eat in your one meal? That is the key to your diet. I know from your prior posting that you're a fan of McDonald's... so if you want to drop some weight, to much of GMan's dismay, stop that! :D


Of course, McDonald's can be semi-healthy if you want it to be. Cut the burgers and fries and go for the grilled chicken and a side salad or fruit or anything. I'm not real familiar with McD's menu because I am a Wendy's man. Recently, I started a diet too and I get a plain grilled chicked sandwich (put hot sauce on it at home) and then get a baked potato.


If you drink soda, substitute it for water. I know that it isn't as tasteful, but it much better for your diet (and cheaper too). Lots of bad in Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc. Diet is better but it still isn't as good as water. I got into a habit long ago that I order water no matter where I am 9 times out of 10.


Snacks aren't bad either as long as they are healthy. I have cut out potato chips and candy bars for snacks and now I choose granola bars or something a little bit better for me.


There are a million ways to diet, this is just what I've been doing the past 2 weeks or so (about the time deuces started his P90X thread). I've slipped up a lot more than I would like to admit, but just today I've had 2 people tell me I've lost weight. I don't know if I have or not, but it's nice to get that kind of reassurance.


People on the board will have a lot more info than I do, but honestly there is a wealth of information on Google and online that you can tailor specifically to your diet.


Good luck man you can definitely do it! We're in this together!



I actually don't eat McDonalds all that much. The most is usually twice a week. Maybe more if I'm going out of town on a trip or something special like that.


While I do love grilled chicken, I absolutely hate salads. The smell of Ranch dressing alone makes me puke buckets. And that fact alone makes me hate salads. I can't even look at one without thinking of Ranch. (Plus I don't like pretty much every vegetable known to man).


I've thought about that no carb diet. Our drummer went on it for 3 weeks in the summer, and dropped 20-25 lbs. But he said it's hard to keep that one up, since you can't really have anything to eat.


So I really don't know what to do.

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I know you said joining a Gym might not work for you, but a Membership at the Wellness center @ Claypool Hill is $35 per month. They open at 8am, so if you could get up a little early it might not be bad on you, or work it into your days off. You would be surprised how a 30-60 minute workout 3 times a day will make you feel. Just walking on a treadmill or working out on an Elliptical makes a big difference.


I have no idea what to do in a Gym or weightroom. And I have pretty much no friends that work anything like the same schedule that I do. And doing it with someone is much more enjoyable, and would make it worthwhile.

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I tried the low carb thing, lost weight, then gained it all back. The only thing I've found to work is counting calories. I got a free app on my phone called my fitness pal and I was amazed at how many calories i was eating. I'm sure there are other tools that are similar. It helps you identify how many calories you need to target to meet your desired weekly weight loss. It works well for me cause you can scan store bought items, it has a list of restaurant food, and you can just input the number of calories if you know it.

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I actually don't eat McDonalds all that much. The most is usually twice a week. Maybe more if I'm going out of town on a trip or something special like that.


While I do love grilled chicken, I absolutely hate salads. The smell of Ranch dressing alone makes me puke buckets. And that fact alone makes me hate salads. I can't even look at one without thinking of Ranch. (Plus I don't like pretty much every vegetable known to man).


I've thought about that no carb diet. Our drummer went on it for 3 weeks in the summer, and dropped 20-25 lbs. But he said it's hard to keep that one up, since you can't really have anything to eat.


So I really don't know what to do.


I didn't know how much you ate McDonald's really. I just remember you saying that you were going to keep a running tally of your McDonald's costs and see how much it was, so I assumed that it was a good bit.


I hated salad too until a couple years ago. I actually only started eating it because I was absolutely sick of everything in the cafeteria in college so I forced myself to try stomach something new. I'm glad I did, honestly. And good thing you hate ranch, because it is terrible for you. ;)


The no carb diet is good, but I've heard from a lot of people that it isn't really feasible. Carbs are a big source of energy and your body really needs those. Also, when people go without carbs for X amount of days, weeks, months, whatever, they tend to balloon as soon as they start back on them and put weight back on very quickly.


I'd recommend just honestly studying everything you eat. If it is bad for you, don't eat it. If there are healthier alternatives, choose those. Eat lots of turkey, chicken and other lean meats. Cut processed cheese (or just cheese in general if you want to get really want to lose weight) out of your diet. Use peppers for flavor if you like those (I don't, I just soak everything in hot sauce) instead of ranch, cheese, etc. Go with wheat bread, pitas, tortillas instead of white breads. Cut portions, eat slower, and drink lots of water so it fills you up and fulfills your appetite. Don't eat late at night.


Any bit of exercise is going to help you out too. Whether it is a 2 hour session in the gym or a quick 15 minute walk/jog around your block, it is going to be good for you.


Again, just random things that I try to do. Hopefully they will help you.

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Eating once a day can actually cause you to gain more weight than eating the same amount spread over several smaller meals. You want to keep your metabolism up and you do that by eating less more often.


When you were in school you got plenty of exercise in the band, and by playing basketball everyday at the rec park. If you just walk 30 minutes a day you will lose some weight.

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Ryan, dieting discourages so many people because even though it works, it's hard to maintain. There is no substitute for a great cardio workout once a day. Along with that, drink plenty of water. Water keeps your system flushed out, and sometimes when you're craving a snack a bottle or glass of water can help curb the hunger. I would also recommend a good fiber supplement. There are a lot of good ones out there. I take Colonix by Dr. Natura. I take it every morning. They have a whole cleansing program available as well, and it's good to cleanse your body at least once a year. I won't get too graphic, but you will be amazed what your body expels during your first cleanse, and don't be surprised if the first time you use it you notice a considerable loss of weight just from the cleanse. Check it out if you want to get serious about losing weight and getting healthy. I have used it for five years, and I highly recommend it. http://www.drnatura.com.


Almost forgot. Big D is correct. Eat more than once a day. When you only eat once a day, your signaling your body to "hold on" to whatever you are eating because it is conditioned to store that one meal, knowing it won't get anything else. Start eating smart, measured meals about three or four times a day, and you will notice a difference. McDonald's and junk food has to go if you really want to lose a lot of weight.


That said, there is no substitute for exercise, and good cardio routine will burn calories fast if you do about 30 minutes a day. Good luck.

Edited by blueinbama
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The key is to eat in smaller portions. And eating only once a day is horrible for your body. You need to boost your metabolism by eating 4 or 5 times a day. The key is to eat healthy things. As mentioned above, drink water. You can lose 5-10 pounds in a MONTH by drinking nothing but water.


Going to the gym and do a mile on the tredmill and then a mile on the elleptical, mix it up though. Once you do that routine so long your body gets use to it and you won't burn as much fat/calories. I lost 50 pounds in about 6 months by just eating once a day (salad for dinner) and going to the gym 6 days a week. If I would have eaten correctly, I'd probably have lost a lot more. But when you starve your body, it's not a good thing. You need to eat.

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I think starting Friday, I'm going to start riding my bike at least 2 miles a morning. As well as cut back on my servings, and try to get a few power snacks in (some sort of healthy snack bar) when I can't eat. I already drink a lot of water, so thats not a real problem. So we will see how this goes.

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Ok. So I was looking back to some older pictures of me (high school years) and it really hit me just how much weight I've gained. That coupled with the fact that by the time I got to my seats at the VT/UNC game, I was so out of breath it wasn't funny. So I'd like to get back to the size I was in high school (70-90 lbs lighter). I don't eat that much, which perplexes me more than anything. I usually eat a meal before I head to work at 1 pm, then I don't eat a full meal again until the next day. I do snack on a bag of chips or so at a vending machine usually every other day or so. So my body has gotten in this rhythm of only eating once a day. Also, my schedule is not really condusive to a gym membership, as I work 2-1 and I'm gone from 1pm-2am with the commute. So by the time I wind down and get into bed at 3, I usually wake back up at 11 and have to leave by 1. So I don't have much spare time.


I was wondering if you guys have any tips or tricks that can help me. I'm starting to get more and more scared by my size. Any tips would be appreciated.


My dad went through a similar problem with his weight and didn't know what to do. In the end, the best thing that worked for him (he dropped from around 350 to 290) was staying active (he's already super active working 3+ jobs, but if you could just go for walks, hikes, jogs, runs whenever you have the time every day or just hit the treadmill), eat smaller portions (which he really didn't do noticebly, but still lost weight), and probably the most important thing, he cut out all soda and gatorade (which is as bad as soda in this respect). Just cutting out soda and gatorade without the other things and subbing it for water and sugar free drink mixes (the kind walmart has tastes like it has sugar, but doesn't) helped him drop most of his weight. I did the same and dropped sugary drinks and I've lost some weight pretty easily too.

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I think starting Friday, I'm going to start riding my bike at least 2 miles a morning. As well as cut back on my servings, and try to get a few power snacks in (some sort of healthy snack bar) when I can't eat. I already drink a lot of water, so thats not a real problem. So we will see how this goes.


Great plan, Ryan. Your plan is attainable as long as you stick with it and work at it. It's going to be hard at first, but it gets a lot easier and you'll feel much better about yourself from the moment you start.


I know a guy who weighed around 260-270 lbs. He lost about 90 or so pounds in about a year by simply exercise (mostly running) and watching what he ate. He couldn't run down the street when he first started and just ran a marathon about a month ago.

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Guest The Variable

The folks here telling you that eating once a day is bad for you are absolutely spot on.


When I was in Iraq, I was only eating once a day. When I got home, I gained 40 pounds. Before that it was impossible for me to gain weight or keep weight on. After that, my metabolism tanked. Before all that, I used to eat all freakin day. I was always munching on something.


Talk to any nutritionist out there and you would here the same thing.


Weight Watchers is a good start and will get you to really look at your overall eating habits and what you need to change. They need to become real habits that you stick to.


And then there is exercising. You can start out by just walking everyday. When you feel good, bring that up to a run.


My mom is 50. 2 years ago she finally decided she wanted to lose weight. She was very obese and by doing these simple things she has lost over 80 pounds. At your age and being a guy it is much easier for you to shed the weight. You can do it. You have to be disciplined and determined but you can do it. And you have to trust in yourself that you can do it.

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Many of us have been in this same situation. I was overweight in high school but shortly after graduating I knew I had to change my eating habits. Ever since then i've sort of become a semi health freak.

My advice would be to start running a few days a week. Also throw in some weightlifting in you can, both will pep up your metabolism. Once you get in a nice groove of working out it can help motivate you to eat healthier. Plus working out will really change the way you act and feel. I've gone through a few tough times of depression, and can honestly say working out has been the best recovery method to a happier life.


The diet is the key to losing weight. I diet year around, but I don't call it a diet. I try to eat "clean" most of the time, but I do indulge when I go out to eat a few times a week. Eating every 3-4 hours of the day can really boost your metabolism. NOTE: BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL YOU NEED TO EAT! Many people skip breakfast, but eating breakfast will control the desire to overeat later in the day, not to mention rev up your metabolism.

My day of eating normally looks like this:

6:30am: 500 Calories

10:00am: 300 Calories

1:00pm: 450 Calories

5:00pm: 550 Calories

8:00pm: 250 Calories


I know ^ can be difficult due to scheduling issues, however there's many healthy snacks and drinks you can keep on hand throughout the day.

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