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Redskins name change...


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Isn't Harry Reid supposed to be doing more important things than attacking a pro sports team for their nickname when this county has so many people out of work & starving??  His incompetence is showing itself more and more every day.


Reid now says he won't attended another Redskins game until they change their name.  WOOOO HOOOOO what a great win for the Redskins!!!


How come the Oregon State University women's athletic teams aren't clamoring for a nickname change?????

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Oh where to begin lol. The entire country would be better off if Harry Reid never went to a Washington Redskins game again or for that matter just never went back to Washington D.C. at all. We have far more important issues for the government to be focusing in than a NFL team mascot.

Also, even if it weren't politicians pushing this, the whole argument is still juvenile and petty. Why is it a crime if a small group of people are offended by something. There comes a time when you just have to overlook certain minority opinions no matter how loud they yell. If you don't, then you give random radical minorities the power to change the entire nation. I mean if the Redskins are forced to change their names where does it stop? Whose to stop someone from complaining that Notre Dame needs to change their mascot because it depicts people of Irish descent as being violent and wanting to fight.

Finally, if Harry Reid really cares about the Native American Indians then why doesn't he push some legislation to help them get some of their land back and provide more opportunities for them to get better jobs so they are better able to provide for their families. I personally think the Native Americans have more to complain about than any other minority but changing the name of a football team isn't going to make their day to day life any better or easier. If these people who say they care about the Native Americans really do, then prove it by doing something meaningful to help them rather than going on the news and talking about how racist and offensive a NFL team name is.


The inmates are running the asylum!!!

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I love the history of the name but I do think it is offensive(not more so than the play of the team tho!).


Keep everything the same just change the name to Washington Warriors, problem solved.


Reid needs to do his job and focus on important things.

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I love the history of the name but I do think it is offensive(not more so than the play of the team tho!).


Keep everything the same just change the name to Washington Warriors, problem solved.


Reid needs to do his job and focus on important things.

It is not as offensive as having 100 tons of political correctness shoved down your throat.  As somehow changing the name of a sports team will make up for hundreds of years of abuse and neglect of native americans.  Beware Notre Dame fans, someone in the near future may think of the name "fighting irish" as a jaundiced view that all people Irish like to abuse alcohol and fight.

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The Native American community definately has bigger things to worry about but to me this is a simple fix that Dan Snyder has blown out of proportion. 


It goes beyond political correctness, it is offensive. 

This issue has been blown out of proportion and Dan Snyder is not the party that did that.  To be honest, this is not about people being offended or our government trying to help natives.  This is a smoke screen for politicians in power.  There are currently more scandals going on than this country should put up with.  From Obamacare to the prisoner swap to the IRS to Benghazi to the current affairs in Iraq.....see where this is going.  Harry Reid does not give a damn about native americans nor does anyone in the White House.  I dont give a damn what the team name is.  The issue that is "offensive" is the government trying to muscle in and push their own agenda in the private sector.  I am guessing you are a young guy, not a jab at you...enjoy it because you get old quick.  However, I am not enjoying watching our country changing into a socialist nation.  Wake up man this is not about a logo. 

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No offense taken. Im pushin 30.


I do think Snyders refusal to budge on the name made this a much larger issue. From a business perspective he had the opportunity to change the name and make it a PR dream for him. Imo keep the team colors, keep the logo and change the name to Warriors. Problem solved. Thats as far as I would budge or would argue for him to budge.


The Cleveland Indians saw this type of issue coming and phased out the use of their Indian mascot because he is offensive(VERY offensive). 


If they were the Darkies, Wetbacks or Crackers it wouldn't be ok. 


Trust me I agree with what you are saying. I believe the government (particularly this administration) likes to use these types of issues to hold the peoples attention and keep us focused on less important issues (I put gay marriage in the same category). There are major problems with the way this country is being governed. 


I know this isint simply about a logo, but the fact remains(regardless of why it has become an issue at this point) the name is inappropriate. 


For what its worth I always viewed the name as a slang term, not as a slur. but that's just me

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