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Everything posted by VHSLhelper

  1. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that Pocy MIGHT be running some of the same schemes that were used Fri. night. As a rookie, wouldn't it make sense to "scout" your schemes? And I wouldn't be surprised if more players than just the QB were there. Maybe it was a field trip.
  2. VHSLhelper


    Unaka 42, Hurley 0 Tug Valley 26, Twin Valley 15
  3. Didn't you listen to the scrims last week ? http://www.wgth.net/listen ------- Tweeder : 19 to Hansonville, right on 58 a few miles, then left on 71 to GC. (Hitting 71 at Lebanon can't make it any quicker, but getting behind a truck can make it a lot slower.) When you get there, you'll turn left onto some road to Legion Field (there's a short-cut the locals know and the regular "main road" way - know what I mean ? Oh, it's Kane St. to 421/58.) Last time I was there was for a playoff game a few years ago, so I just followed the lights once I got that close. Was about 2.5 hours from here, so about 1:45 from Hicks.
  4. [ QUOTE ] but when talking about games the home team is listed first not in alphabetical order. [/ QUOTE ] Wrong. Home team is always listed last (look at a baseball box score). [ QUOTE ] ...The way the title of the game is listed in the paper means nothing. It is called literary collation. ALL newspapers, book authors, library filing systems, etc. use it... [/ QUOTE ] Also wrong. Bristol had the V-T game a few hours ago. I think it should be called whatever sounds better. Personally, since both names contain 2 syllables, I think both ways sound the same.
  5. personally, I always enjoyed walking thru a bunch of beavers
  6. made a couple of plays tonight
  7. The fireworks on Euclid Ave. weren't for the home-boys as Va. High opens the season up with a 34-6 loss to cross-town rival Tenn. High
  8. Was looking through last week's SI today and saw their list of "top player" at each D1 school - Ahmad was their choice for the Herd.
  9. Used to be a min. of 15 & max of 20, so you had to start about 3 weeks b4 the first game. New rule says anyone can start 7/31, regardless of when 1st game is, but "The first official play date shall be the Friday preceding the Friday of Labor Day weekend (schools may actually play on Thursday instead of Friday)".
  10. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Congrats on beating a school with maybe a third of the enrollment that Tazewell has. [/ QUOTE ] what is Narrow enrollment? Tazewell is at 570 or less so if Narrows has a third of the enrollment.....not good at math but that would put them at under 250 students. Since they are in div 2 that is impossible. So congrats on being a dumbass! [/ QUOTE ] Not bad, there, Tid. Here's what the VHSL says : Tazewell 576 Narrows 253
  11. from Charlottesville : http://www.readthehook.com/stories/2006/08/17/HOTSEAT-Wagner2.doc.aspx
  12. expect game #3, Pulaski-Richlands, to start about 5:25. "Old" schedule is a bit more accurate than the newer one. Since I'm at work, I'm only going to post updates on Va. Preps' AA board.
  13. it's on 52 between Huntington & Ironton
  14. I rem. when they were talking about that last year. I couldn't get it to open, either. I hate Media General's sites. Use this link: http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Sat...spatch80x60.gif
  15. you need to get onto VVA. While they were showing tennis lessons, JHL (Johnson City) & CYB (Bristol) were showing the incident (and Blfd. is the closer of the 3!)
  16. If I come by about 3:00, can somebody sneak a steak sandwich to me through the fence?
  17. 1. MMS - I'm sure they'll schedule a futbol game with you - just ask. 2. Does VDSB still have a team? They were in the Pioneer Dist. back in the '70s.
  18. Fri at 6:00 in Williamson, WV vs. Burch
  19. http://www.wvgazette.com/section/Sports/MU%20Football/2006081231
  20. coulda been - looks like I had 2 notes converge. Blankenship must be the QB, right?
  21. latest : http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Sat...s=1045855934844
  22. East Ridge Grid-o-Rama stuff - - - > Jenkins 24, Twin Valley 12. Players : Cavs 26, TV 24. TV's D wasn't up to snuff on the left side, so it could have been worse. Or closer, since TV had an early TD off a reverse called by. Panthers hae some size this year. - - - > Phelps 20, Hurley 0 Players : Hornets 32, Rebs 25. Hornets QB has a great pitch that allowed him to become a blocker. He'll be fun to watch this year. Rebs could see big things from the little guy - at 5' 5", Gary Blankenship could be hard to find out of the backfield, but he didn't have a high gear tonight. - - - > East Ridge 12, Grundy 12 Players : Warriors 44, Wave 32. Wave failed to score with the game's opening possession, then next 4 possessions led to TD's, followed by an extra-long scoring drought. Grundy used 3 diff. QB's. Most of the passes were short & crisp. Kaleb Smith started and wasn't afraid to throw some blocks. Lots of pad-popping in the nightcap. ER looked pretty good runnin' the wing but didn't mix it up too much - 3 or 4 reverses and about as many passes. Late penalties (and a pick at the goal line by #11 as time expired) kept them from getting the win. ---- Next up ---- Fri. night scrims. at Keen Mtn. start at 6 with Twin Valley hosting PikeView, followed by Grundy-PV, and finishes with TV & Grundy.
  23. TA names Flinchum's replacement - asst. Will Crockett, a middle-weight alum (class of '94) http://www.dailynews-record.com/sports_details.php?AID=4509&CHID=20
  24. official debut is tonight (I believe 7:00 - I shoulda wrote it down) at Vansant F.C. Bring your binoculars, since I'm up near the top.
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