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About Hudson08
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  1. Blues vs.swva envy.Love It!!!
  2. the only fanatics i have seen on here saying 10-0 is graham.If someone had said Richlands will be 10-0 is that an unrealistic statement?NO!!!Its ok keep dogging the blues and there fans .come aug.16 your going to be leaving richlands feeling like u have been dogged .
  3. 50/50 Bluefield and Botetourt
  4. Why would you want to go watch Richlands? According to Gman and Futbolking Graham is where its @.10 and 0 baby!You can catch them at Honaker because Williams will not play his varsity against the Richlands varsity .lol Go Big Blue!!!
  5. Agree but, that is not the case for your Bluefield wv boys .Have family that played on your 2012 team."I Know" LOL
  6. Went back?Oh yea forgot it was ok for graham to get transfers from other schools!How many did u guys have from Bluefield last year?
  7. Couldn't agree more. Stu putting it on the refs. Lol.Think I would put it on #3,#21' and several others from Marion.Go Big Blue!!!
  8. Not so bad to see, First Team A beat the crap out of First Team B.Bad to me , First Team B loser staying in the game and beating the crap out of Second and Third Team A winners.Sad!!!
  9. What in the hell is wrong with whistling @ a ball game.have we become a bunch of wine and cheese folk.damn shame!!
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