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Everything posted by 1girlsfan
  1. I am thankful it was only a hoax, but I hope the young adult gets some adult punishment. Jail time would definitely be appropriate, and I hope the judge makes him and/or his family pay for all the police officers' , security officers' etc...salary and overtime. I'm sorry just doesn't cut it. There are other ways to get attention.
  2. I find it alarming that we must discuss such issues, but I don't think arming teachers will solve these tragedies. We as parents need to teach morality and the value of life to our children and grandchildren. It is not the school system's responsibility to teach these things, but ours. The following standards should be reinforced and instructed at home. We need to instill in our children that life is precious. We need to acknowledge and help those children we see with potential behavior issues. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. We need to pray daily for our youth and their teachers.
  3. I think that it will be Richlands 28 and Union 13. Go Big Blue!!!
  4. Congratulations! It was a great game! Your fans were behind you 100%. Bring back the state trophy. Again, Hurley, you did great!
  5. Good Luck Lady Blues! We are proud of you!
  6. I'm proud of Frank. He is a very pleasant young man. Congrats!!
  7. I am curious about area colleges or schools that offer summer basketball camps. Who would you recommend?
  8. The girls have worked hard and it shows. Congratulations ladies.
  9. Richlands Varsity (Girls) won 58 to 34.
  10. Congratulations to Caleb! Keep up the great work!
  11. Congrats to the Richlands girls JV and Varsity Basketball teams for their wins Friday night @ Marion. This was the first win for the varsity girls in a long time and the first district win since.....???? Strong performances by Megan Robinson, Rachel Alley, Cassie Ringstaff, Cassidy Richardson and Kelli Hess. Megan's shot was on, 17 pts, and she hustled all night. The two freshman, Alley and Richardson, helped solidify the effort. Alley had 13 pts, numerous rebounds and blocks and Richardson had only three pts, but her ball handling skills and assists are noteable. Interesting note....Kelli Hess, Cassidy Richardson, Jordyn Cole and Rachel Alley were all part of the Lady Blue travel basketball team that had a lot of success in local and AAU tournaments. For a few moments during the 2nd quarter Friday night, this group along with Micka Brady accounted for a 9-0 run. A formidable combo that Moose may want to use in the future.
  12. Go Big Blue!!! Da boys will show everyone what we know....we know more than football.
  13. Heard through the grapevine it is not Fred, so all the nay-sayers can stop the negativity. I hope the person who is selected is knowledgable about the sport and has the best interest of the girls in focus.
  14. It will be a good game, but I pick BIG BLUE by 10. GO BLUE!
  15. I don't like namecalling, but has anyone tried to speak to this coach, to the athletic director, or to the administration? Would it do any good? Just wondering????? If several people were to voice their opinion, would they get the hint?????
  16. I agree completely!! What Richlands Varsity needs is someone whose knowledge about the sport and who dedication extends beyond the 2 1/2 months playing season. Rife was successful because he built it. He didn't wait for it to fall in his lap. He drilled and practiced more than two weeks prior to the season. He encouraged the girls to attend skill camps and practices throughout the year. Kudos to coaches who understand what it takes to make a successful team. (Practice with a qualified coach.) Our football team is an example of this philosophy. What the girls need is a competent coach not a buddy.
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