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I agree. In my opinion, Tim Tebow doesn't deserve the Heisman trophy this year, but he will likely win it, with the first 20/20 touchdown season statistic leading the way. The one who deserves to win the award lost his season to an injured right knee Thursday night: Dennis Dixon. He suffered a tear in the ACL at Arizona State on November 3rd, and still attempted to gut out a performance twelve days later. He is completely indispensible to his team: without Dixon, the Ducks imploded against a 5-6 Wildcat team. This separates him from Tebow: Florida is stocked with a surplus of good, young talent. His team depends on him, sure, but Florida would still be in good shape without him. Oregon looked like a totally different team without Dixon.

He has solid quarterback statistics through nine games: 67.7% completion percentage, 2136 yards, 20 TDs, 4 INT. He also has great rushing stats for a quarterback: 586 yards, 5.6 yard per carry average, and 9 touchdowns. I could understand withdrawing an athlete's Heisman consideration if he is injured after five or six games into a season. Dixon left in his tenth game; personally, I feel that this should not keep him out of the Heisman consideration.


For two of the other top-4 candidates:

Darren McFadden is a stout athlete with fantastic stats, but Arkansas' overall performance is hurting his chances. I think this keeps him out of it.

Matt Ryan looks fantastic at times, but he also appears to look rattled and shaken at times. He has come through in hostile environments, but has also failed when his team has needed him the most against Florida State. The stats are fantastic, but his performance as of late has done just enough to knock him out.

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my top 5----


-Dennis Dixon (probably wont get it due to injury)


-Tim Tebow (great stats, but 3 losses, including big upset at home)


-Matt Ryan (two great comebacks wins but one bad upset)


-Michael Crabtree (breaking every freshman record, has the stats to get it, but most likely wont because of freshman status)


-Pat White (great rushing and passing stats, some costly turnovers in some games, but most ESPN reporters still have him as a possibility.)

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Yeah - Tebow may not deserve it b/c of the losses, but he is the best football player in the country - there has not been any other players that could do what he has done in the history of college fb, so that has to count for something...not to mention he takes a pounding in one of the most physical and toughest conferences in the country

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...White will have votes taken from him cause of Slaton and Reynaud....


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What???? Reynaud??? How is he going to take votes away from White???


Honestly, unless White has two OUTSTANDING games to finish the season, don't expect him to be invited to the Downtown Athletic Club in December...

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I do not think he is the best player in the nation even tho ive been on the Tebow band wagon since i saw him on ESPN while he was still in high school but in my opinion Tebow will more than likely win it he has the stats to back it and a nice fan base i know stats are not everything or Colt would win it but i dont believe anyone in that time zone will ever win it . . .

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who was runner up to troy smith last year? mcfadden maybe? who else?


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Arkansas running back Darren McFadden finished second, Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn was third and West Virginia running back Steve Slaton was fourth.


[/ QUOTE ]did slaton get invited?

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if linemen could get it, Dorsey would definitely win it. Maybe his stats arent as high in tackles and such, but just knowing he is there has opened up opportunities for the other linemen to bring people down. Dorsey is always double teamed, as a lineman to be double teamed, you know you are good. Dorsey would without a doubt win the heisman if they were to include, but we all know that will never happen.

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if linemen could get it, Dorsey would definitely win it. Maybe his stats arent as high in tackles and such, but just knowing he is there has opened up opportunities for the other linemen to bring people down. Dorsey is always double teamed, as a lineman to be double teamed, you know you are good. Dorsey would without a doubt win the heisman if they were to include, but we all know that will never happen.


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Glenn Dorsey is a great defensive player, there's no doubt about that. However, I think people simply assume he's the best, because he plays for LSU, and LSU gets quite a bit of national exposure. If you look at the stats, George Selvie from South Florida is the most dynamic defensive player in the country. Chris Long from Virginia is always double-teamed, even triple-teamed, and often held, and still has 12 sacks on the season (also sixth in the nation in tackles for loss). That also allows Virginia's other defensive end, Jeffrey Fitzgerald, to make plays of his own (5 sacks, a pick-6, among other things).

Those three are the cream of the crop, no doubt. However, I think that an assumption that Dorsey is automatically the best defensive player, hands-down, is incorrect.

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