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Hammer time for cell phone used to run up $5K bill

3 hours ago


CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A cell phone used by a Wyoming 13-year-old to run up a nearly $5,000 phone bill will text no more thanks to her angry father and his hammer. Dena Christoffersen of Cheyenne sent or received about 20,000 text messages over about a month, and her parents' phone plan didn't cover texting.


Gregg Christoffersen told KUSA-TV of Denver this week that he thought texting had been disabled on her daughter's phone, which he smashed hours after getting a phone bill for more than $4,750.


The family said Verizon has been willing to knock the bill down to a reasonable level.


Dena has been grounded until the end of school. She said she feels bad and has learned her lesson.




Information from: KUSA-TV, http://www.9news.com/


Life has many choices---eternity two

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OK, someone explain some things to me since I don't own a cell phone nor do I have kids...


1) What's the big deal with texting???

2) If you've got that much to say and have a cell PHONE, why don't you just use the PHONE to CALL and talk to whomever you're texting???

3) What the hell does a 13-year-old "need" a cell phone for???


IMO...parent's fault...make them pay the whole bill...

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My parents just got into using text messages, and I use it with them a lot when they have to get me information and im in a class or meeting. Often they call because its so much easier, and Ill reply with "in class." and then they send me the info I need, or they want me to know.


As for being 13 with a phone, you really dont need one. I only got one because baseball practice would always run late and my parents would have to wait forever. That being said, I was a month from 16.

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Texting is very convenient and informal. "Are you close?" "Lunch today?" "Seen my keys?"


Beats the crap out of a phone call and I'd rather read a text than go through the hastle of checking a voice mail. The thing I hate about texting is that my 8 key is a d-bag. I have to flex extra hard to get "t-u-or v" into a sentence which really jams my jelly. But other than that, texting is nice. I'm anti kids 15ish and under having phones, at least their own. Its ok to give them one if they're going to need it (over night parties, long trips, etc.) but not one to keep at all times.


My Dad might have smashed it with a hammer and then set the biggest remaining pieces on fire and then made me clean it up barehanded before it was finished melting. And then write "I will not make mommy and daddy take out a second mortgage to pay for the cell phone bill" 10,000 times.

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20K text messages per MONTH?!?!?!

On my biggest month, I might crack 700.

It's good for conveniences sake, but no 13-year-old needs a cell phone for that purpose.

And I'd have done the exact same thing were I a father. I'd have made her see me smash it, too.


i didnt have a cell phone til my senior year. now im on my own contract. and as for the texting. i have sent or recieved 7400 and i still have about 3 weeks left on this month lol. im glad i have unlimited haha

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probably the reason why teens prefer texting is you can talk to more than just 1 person at one time, it is just convenient but yea I'm a senior and just recently got a cell phone as of like 3 weeks ago I don't see why a 13 year old needs one either i went all of high school almost without one and I did alright and I probably could go without one now but i just got a job now that i'm out of sports and i figured it'd be easier for my friends and family to reach me now but i gotta pay my own bill.

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I probably could go without one now but i just got a job now that i'm out of sports and i figured it'd be easier for my friends and family to reach me now but i gotta pay my own bill.


Why do you need a cell phone at work??? You don't need to be texting and talking to your friends while you're on the clock...there is a reason its called "WORK". And besides, if its important enough, its not like the business where you work doesn't have a phone by which your parents could get in touch with you if they needed to...

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It's kinda like this message board but mobile.


Not really. I know of no one that has ever made 6,783 posts in a month...and this message board doesn't charge you by the post...

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Not really. I know of no one that has ever made 6,783 posts in a month...and this message board doesn't charge you by the post...


It's the same principle. You leave a message and the another person can return it when they get to it. More like a mobile messeger.



My opinion is its one the worst cases of "A D D" you can get a kid.

The father of the child should have been wiser but the phone companys' do use this as a impulse item to make money on. Phone company shouldn't charge by the post neither should be a set fee.


And another thought for you. Texting and computers have made a big change to the social structure of things. It allows kids today be in contact with friends 24/7 if not controled. This can allow their friends to have more impact on their being than the parent.

Edited by thundercloud
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