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Semi final games


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I have heard numerous rumors that all semifinal games in West Virginia will be played on Turf fields. Is this true and does anyone know the total amount of Turf covered fields in the state?? Location??? I pray that some of our teams in this area will benefit from this ruling if it is true.

Edited by phatbeaver
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There's enough around that if this is the case, most teams wouldn't have to travel to far with the exception of some of the teams in the coalfields. I know of 3 in southern wv, bluefield, princeton, greenbrier east, then laidley in charleston might be the closest after that.

It's sort of surprising how many there are anymore, but it seems people are realizing the benefits of them outweigh not having them.


Anyone know how many there are in va.?

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There has been some talk about a "semi-final weekend" much like "Championship weekend" in Wheeling were all 12 teams would travel to a single location to play the semi-finals. Mercer County would be an ideal location for such an event should the WVSSAC opt to try and make this happen. With three turf fields in Mercer County the games could be played on Friday night and Saturday afternoon that weekend with the A games at Concord, the AA games at Princeton and the AAA games in Bluefield. This would also be on Thanksgiving weekend and with Black Friday being the biggest shopping day of the year it would be a real boom to the local economy. The local hotels and resturants would also benefit from this idea, and teams and fans from all over the state could be exposed to our "southern hospitality". The down side would be the travel that some schools would have to endure but the SSAC does not seem to have a real problem with that given the fact that they have no problem with the Championships being in Wheeling the next weekend.


I would really like to see this idea catch some traction. No school would be playing on their home field, since even if Princeton made the finals they would play in Bluefield, and Bluefield would play in Princeton should they advance that far. Since no school calls Concord its home field, a neutral field would be be insured for all games.

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Where did you read this at? I don't know if that would be productive or not, it wouldn't be much fun to travel so far for a semi game that was supposed to be an h game, and my guess is as with anything else, the south wouldn't really be considered as a site.

If they prefer the semi games be on turf so be it, that's reasonable, but attempting to turn the semi's into an event is really going overboard in my opinion, just have the semi games and be on to wheeling with it, as much as I enjoy hs football it's just a game, it doesn't warrant be billed as more.

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They do that stuff here for the regional championship games, playing both divisions at UVA-Wise. The majority (other than Wise County residents) absolutely hate it.


I think if you earn the right to host, you should host.


I completely agree with on being able to host. I'm hoping though that if Gate City is fortunate enough to make it to the regional championship game and if they are seeded #1 then maybe Coach Houseright can pull some strings to be able to get that game at Legion Field. I have no idea why the prior coaching staff would agree to play it up there if you are the #1 seed.

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I completely agree with on being able to host. I'm hoping though that if Gate City is fortunate enough to make it to the regional championship game and if they are seeded #1 then maybe Coach Houseright can pull some strings to be able to get that game at Legion Field. I have no idea why the prior coaching staff would agree to play it up there if you are the #1 seed.


that's round 3 in the va playoffs?

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There has been some talk about a "semi-final weekend" much like "Championship weekend" in Wheeling were all 12 teams would travel to a single location to play the semi-finals. Mercer County would be an ideal location for such an event should the WVSSAC opt to try and make this happen. With three turf fields in Mercer County the games could be played on Friday night and Saturday afternoon that weekend with the A games at Concord, the AA games at Princeton and the AAA games in Bluefield. This would also be on Thanksgiving weekend and with Black Friday being the biggest shopping day of the year it would be a real boom to the local economy. The local hotels and resturants would also benefit from this idea, and teams and fans from all over the state could be exposed to our "southern hospitality". The down side would be the travel that some schools would have to endure but the SSAC does not seem to have a real problem with that given the fact that they have no problem with the Championships being in Wheeling the next weekend.


I would really like to see this idea catch some traction. No school would be playing on their home field, since even if Princeton made the finals they would play in Bluefield, and Bluefield would play in Princeton should they advance that far. Since no school calls Concord its home field, a neutral field would be be insured for all games.


With the WVSSAC's love affair with Wheeling I doubt this will never happen. Not in Mercer Co. I'm afraid. Just like Buzzsaw said I wouldn't want to have to travel to watch Bluefield play in the semi-finals if they made it that far when it should be a home game for them.

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Seems like it would make more sense to just have multiple approved sites available across the state and let the higher seeded team choose a nearby location to host. If there are enough sites available and they are spread out among different areas, no one should have to travel too far for a "home" game.


With the economy being what it is, it probably isn't a good idea to centralize the semifinals. This creates the possibility of BOTH teams having to travel, maybe even overnight.


There was talk several years ago of Virginia doing the same thing (neutral, or at least "non-home field" semi-final sites) but I'm not sure what became of the idea.


IMO, since WV's playoff system is based totally on power points, the higher seeded team should host the semis.

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Thanks guys... I personally believe that that the higher seed should play as the home team on a turf field closest to their home field. We all remember that swamp up in Tolsia a couple of years ago.... with there being so much rain this year I am sure that there are quite a few locations that are now mudholes. No one should have to play in those conditions with so many well kept and turf locations around this great state.

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Thanks guys... I personally believe that that the higher seed should play as the home team on a turf field closest to their home field. We all remember that swamp up in Tolsia a couple of years ago.... with there being so much rain this year I am sure that there are quite a few locations that are now mudholes. No one should have to play in those conditions with so many well kept and turf locations around this great state.


If I recall james monroe played in 2 mudholes last year at weir and magnolia on their side of the bracket. In my opinion if bluefield has to travel to 1 of these types of fields anywhere, it should either be in top condition or they should protest for a different location.

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They do that stuff here for the regional championship games, playing both divisions at UVA-Wise. The majority (other than Wise County residents) absolutely hate it.


I think if you earn the right to host, you should host.


The only reasons that was ever voted in place was to keep the Wise County Schools from having to travel and give them the better advantage. That place is a joke. The visitor stands are smaller than most High School visitor stands. It really pisses me off to see this happen every year. There has to be a way to get this changed. It is not fair to anyone outside of Wise County. I just wonder if a petition could be made to the vhsl to over turn the Region D buttholes?

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The only reasons that was ever voted in place was to keep the Wise County Schools from having to travel and give them the better advantage. That place is a joke. The visitor stands are smaller than most High School visitor stands. It really pisses me off to see this happen every year. There has to be a way to get this changed. It is not fair to anyone outside of Wise County. I just wonder if a petition could be made to the vhsl to over turn the Region D buttholes?


Do they do that for all regional title games in va.,, if not who voted for it, even more, if not, it should be easy enough to protest or change.

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I'm of the opinion that weather and field conditions were a factor from the 1950's through present, and that's just part of the game. Part of being the better football team is being able to handle adverse field conditions. Both teams play in it.


That said, I'm hoping Pioneer Field gets turf soon...it's been drilled by weather on gamenights for over a year now.


But I do believe NATURAL field conditions should play a part of the game (i.e. no watering down the field). If we go to turf for all postseason games, where do we stop? What's next, nothing but domes for use in cold weather?

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Do they do that for all regional title games in va.,, if not who voted for it, even more, if not, it should be easy enough to protest or change.


Region D is the only Region to do this. Regions A,B,and C is #1 seed hosts the finals. In fact I think Region D is the only Region to do this in all 6 divisions(24 Regions). I truely feel this is an unfair situation. The Region D principals voted for this. Should have been voted on by the coaches.

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Region D is the only Region to do this. Regions A,B,and C is #1 seed hosts the finals. In fact I think Region D is the only Region to do this in all 6 divisions(24 Regions). I truely feel this is an unfair situation. The Region D principals voted for this. Should have been voted on by the coaches.


If that's the case then the h team, if it's gate city, should simply tell the vhsl folks that they're hosting the game at their place, if they don't care for it.

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I'm of the opinion that weather and field conditions were a factor from the 1950's through present, and that's just part of the game. Part of being the better football team is being able to handle adverse field conditions. Both teams play in it.


That said, I'm hoping Pioneer Field gets turf soon...it's been drilled by weather on gamenights for over a year now.


But I do believe NATURAL field conditions should play a part of the game (i.e. no watering down the field). If we go to turf for all postseason games, where do we stop? What's next, nothing but domes for use in cold weather?


I disagree because it effects some teams more, and since we all know what we're talking about here it effects teams with speed more. Suggesting that effects the other team equally even if they're slowed down some to isn't accurate in my opinion because a team that doesn't rely on speed doesn't forfeit any of their advantages. Field turf doesn't reduce the elements, it simply provides the best footing possible in any conditions, it makes it so all aspects of the game are still an equal factor, such as the kicking game,. passing game, ect.,

It doesn't make fast players or slow players any faster, it simply enables them all to perform at 100% in most any weather.

That said it doesn't matter to me personally if they don't make semi games have to be on field turf, I'd just assume that they have teams have games at their stadiums, as long as they honor protests from any teams that don't care to play in muddy conditions.

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