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Health Care Debacle


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The Dems keep arguing that it is the Republicans that are holding this thing up, when in fact there is no way that the Republicans can hold anything up.


Do the Democrats not have a majority in the House?


Do they not have a majority in the Senate?


The problem with these guys is that they cannot get THEIR OWN to agree on the bill.


They wan't it to be bi-partisan so that they can share the blame in the future with the Republicans.


They own this boondoggle, it is theirs and they are the only ones responsible!

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I don't give a crap what happens, but my darn health insurance needs to stop increasing 10 -20% EVERY FRICKIN year!!! I've got a family to feed, my health insurance is more than my mortgage....pretty soon it'll be choose between insurance and food....and I have a child with a birth defect...gotta have it....something needs to change.



They need to quit giving free medical treatment, free food, free heat, free every frickin thing to people who are too lazy to work or are hooked on drugs. It's time to look out for the working class people who end up paying for the lazy asses of the world and ultimately make the rich folks rich...

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The problem with these guys is that they cannot get THEIR OWN to agree on the bill.


Actually, the problem is wih the opposing party.


There's a few Dems who are... oh, what's the word?

Oh, yeah.... honest, and said "there's a part of the bill we don't like... let's see if we can get it tweaked some more."


Whereas the RepubliPACs are just looking out for their bank accounts.

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Actually, the problem is wih the opposing party.


There's a few Dems who are... oh, what's the word?

Oh, yeah.... honest, and said "there's a part of the bill we don't like... let's see if we can get it tweaked some more."


Whereas the RepubliPACs are just looking out for their bank accounts.


Much agreed!

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I'll just say welcome to tyranny. It passed. Government has now taken over health care. I don't recall it ever being government's right to take over anything. So all who supported this type of government, what do you support government taking over of yours, mine, ours next? Do you expect there to be a line? Do you have a line.?

Edited by buzzsawBeaver
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Actually, the problem is wih the opposing party.


There's a few Dems who are... oh, what's the word?

Oh, yeah.... honest, and said "there's a part of the bill we don't like... let's see if we can get it tweaked some more."


Whereas the RepubliPACs are just looking out for their bank accounts.


Or, the fact that there's no Constitutional support for this bill and that this bill violates substantive due process requirements of the 5th Amendment. Maybe THAT'S why this bill is an abomination...

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I'm FLOORED that Boucher was one of the 34 Democratic "NO" votes. Credit where credit's due, I didn't think he had the cajones to do it, given how much of a partisan hack he is. Though, TBQH, I think the only reason he did that was to save his hiney come November, now that he actually has some strong competition...


But Rahall voted yes. Keep on voting Democrat, WV!

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I'm FLOORED that Boucher was one of the 34 Democratic "NO" votes. Credit where credit's due, I didn't think he had the cajones to do it, given how much of a partisan hack he is. Though, TBQH, I think the only reason he did that was to save his hiney come November, now that he actually has some strong competition...


But Rahall voted yes. Keep on voting Democrat, WV!


Boucher knew it would pass without his vote, so he tried to save his "image" by voting no.

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Actually, the problem is wih the opposing party.


There's a few Dems who are... oh, what's the word?

Oh, yeah.... honest, and said "there's a part of the bill we don't like... let's see if we can get it tweaked some more."


Whereas the RepubliPACs are just looking out for their bank accounts.


When the Democrats have an overwhelming majority in both houses, they do not need 1 vote from the Republicans to pass this legislation.


Therefore, the only hold up to this vote, was within the Democrat Party, once they were able to twist arms, do backroom deals and buy enough votes from their OWN, they then had the votes to pass this piece of Socialism. The Republicans own absolutely nothing of this piece of legislation. NOTHING!


Spin it anyway you want, the facts are the facts, the only folks that held this procedure from passing was the Democrats, they own it and it is their baby.


Stupak proved once again that there is no such thing as a PRO-LIFE, Democrat, because he was willing to sell his "firm stance," for a lousy Executive Order that he and the President both know will be rejected by the courts, because an Executive Order cannot and will not over turn a Statute.


When it gets overturned, Stupak will look to his constituents and say, "well the President promised me but the courts overturned it, blame it on the courts, but still vote for me, I am your PRO-LIFE representative."


Or is it possible that Barry and the Boys are just stupid enough to think that he can overturn a Statute?

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Along with many other negatives in this "one-sided" health vote .......I think the following partial statement by Boucher is just the beginning ......of seeing the "delicious 'looking' icing on the cake, but the actual cake is not going to taste that great" when sampled.

Remember, Boucher is a democrat willing to publicly say, what many have known was just ONE of the "negatives" in this vote.







"Because of massive funding reductions for Medicare, it would adversely affect the quality of care received by Southwest Virginia senior citizens. It would result in health insurance premium increases for those who have insurance. It contains unacceptable special benefits for some states at the expense of the others. It does not correct the unwarranted disparities in Medicare reimbursements that penalize rural areas. It does not contain meaningful tort reform, and it lacks the necessary bipartisan foundation."

Edited by trublue
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Another thing that is overwhelmingly being overlooked, the 5 largest INSURANCE companies in America have been lobbying and financing advertisments IN FAVOR OF THIS PACKAGE!


The President goes on record and refers to the Insurance companies as Evil, and says that he will stop the "revolving door," of lobbyists in the White House.


The LIAR, has over 40 former lobbyist working out of the White House for him.


When all is said and done, the smaller insurance companies will die a slow death, while the big 5 will benefit in a huge way. This is called CORPORATE FASCISM! It is the same thing that happened with the Tobacco settlements, the big 3 were all in favor of being sued out the rear end, knowing that it would trickle down to the smaller companies, in the end, several went out of business and the big 3 reaped the benefits of more customers.

Edited by bucfan64
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Along with many other negatives in this "one-sided" health vote .......I think the following partial statement by Boucher is just the beginning ......of seeing the "delicious 'looking' icing on the cake, but the actual cake is not going to taste that great" when sampled.

Remember, Boucher is a democrat willing to publicly say, what many have known was just ONE of the "negatives" in this vote.







"Because of massive funding reductions for Medicare, it would adversely affect the quality of care received by Southwest Virginia senior citizens. It would result in health insurance premium increases for those who have insurance. It contains unacceptable special benefits for some states at the expense of the others. It does not correct the unwarranted disparities in Medicare reimbursements that penalize rural areas. It does not contain meaningful tort reform, and it lacks the necessary bipartisan foundation."


See my earlier post. He's doing it to save his rear end, for NO other reason. This is the first meaningful time that he's EVER bucked his own party. EVER. This isn't to say that what he isn't saying isn't exactly right, but there's a clear reason WHY he's doing it.

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Obama, Biden, and Pelosi are now my Wormer, Marmalard, and Niedermeyer...


We have an old saying in Delta House, "don't get mad, get even."

One of my all time favorite movies! And an excellent observation on your part!
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Obama, Biden, and Pelosi are now my Wormer, Marmalard, and Niedermeyer...


We have an old saying in Delta House, "don't get mad, get even."


May I have 10,000 marbles, please?

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I'll just say welcome to tyranny. It passed. Government has now taken over health care. I don't recall it ever being government's right to take over anything. So all who supported this type of government, what do you support government taking over of yours, mine, ours next? Do you expect there to be a line? Do you have a line.?


What is next? Immigration reform to grant amnesty to all the illegals, which will give them health insurance, which will give the democrats unlimited terms in power.


I know health care was not even a thought when the Constitution was written, but show me where it says that the government can MAKE me carry health insurance. They tell me I have to insurance, then they can tell me what to think, write, do, and live.


Health insurance cost are out of control! Then work on handling the reasons. Why does it cost a doctor $10,000 a month for malpractice insurance? Why do some many not deliver babies anymore? When I had my children, only one of the four doctors in my wife's OBGYN office delivered babies.


I don't care if Boucher voted no. I agree with many and think he knew the Dems had the votes and could pass it without him so he is covering his butt. He should be removed come November. One less D in "the people's house."


Did anyone watch C-SPAN? Was I mistaken, or did that goofy Pelosi compare herself to the founding fathers? Jefferson, Madison, and Washington are rolling over in their graves.

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See my earlier post. He's doing it to save his rear end, for NO other reason. This is the first meaningful time that he's EVER bucked his own party. EVER. This isn't to say that what he isn't saying isn't exactly right, but there's a clear reason WHY he's doing it.


I don't disagree with you....I would tend to think you're right in your statement.


Following is a poll on msnbc on newsvine.....very telling of how the ppl are "trending" on THE vote:



Excited. It extends coverage to 32 million Americans who lack it and bans insurers from denying coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. This is a tremendous step forward for the nation.

132,747 votes



Angry. This legislation will harm the economy while mandating a government takeover of the health care system.

330,497 votes



I don't know what to feel. I'm happy that more Americans will be insured, but don't think that anyone should be required to purchase coverage under the threat of costly penalties.

31,701 votes



Other. Please sound off below.

4,258 votes

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boucher was obviously granted political cover with his no vote. when stupac flipped his crew gave the needed votes to pass. bouchers no statement did not pop up on his web page till then. as late as sunday afternoon his office was still declaring "undecided" . the fact is he completely sold us out with cap and trade so they gave him political cover to try and save his seat. if someone doesnt give him a legitamate challenge this year we are in big trouble.

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