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So...what's the answer?


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Our system is broken...it sucks.


Question is...how do you fix it?


Seriously...just want your opinions on what you think needs to be done to fix it.


No "get rid of Obama" crap...what do you guys think the answer is?

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Tax companies that have sent jobs outside the US.


Tax the $hit out of imported products...and tax the products of American companies that sent jobs outside the US even more.


Reinvest in America's infrastructure.



Lt. Dan said "take care of your feet and they'll take care of you"...same can be said for America...

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Our system is broken...it sucks.


Question is...how do you fix it?


Seriously...just want your opinions on what you think needs to be done to fix it.


No "get rid of Obama" crap...what do you guys think the answer is?


Communism! jk jk. I'm not much into politics but i just thought i would throw this out there...no more investing in foreign countries goods and making our own. And finally Resurrect Ronald Reagan,FDR,Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington.

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these are all points that are more problems...what i'm asking is how do you go about fixing the two party system that is a total cancer to the USA right now? vote everyone out? who do you put in there? tea party is a joke...and a radical joke at that...why can't we have people who are more central that run as indys?

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I long for the days when our representatives voted the best interest of their district and state and weren't ostracized for voting against the party line. Go against the party and they find someone to run against you and fully finance them.


Twenty years of working with politicians taught me one thing, they spend surpluses like horny teenagers looking to get lucky. If they are not protected from themselves, they will spend everything available and then some. A balanced budget amendment sounds like a panacea, but it is not a quick fix. It would also probably be written with outs in the event of "national emergency."


To get us out of this crisis will take hard decisions. Are we willing to cut S.S. benefits, Medicare benefits? If not are we willing to raise the retirement age for medicare, and the Social Security and Medicare rates. Do we back down from our military involvements overseas? The tax code has become a slush fund for many special interests and also needs to be reformed.


Tough times comes for tough leadership, and sadly we have only partisan hacks in the leadership positions. Sadly, we can not wait until 2013 to start on the solutions, so we must work to get the hacks to lead.

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I don't see why we can't throw party aside and vote for the candidate. That's what I do. I think people who blindly cast their vote for either Dem/Rep are ignorant because they claim whichever one to be "thiers."


Also, have the representatives vote for whatever will help their district/state, not what will help their party.


Also, the media doesn't help either. It essentially brainwashes people. Kind contradicting myself since I'm an aspiring journalist (sports mind you and not this political mumbojumbo)

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I don't see why we can't throw party aside and vote for the candidate. That's what I do. I think people who blindly cast their vote for either Dem/Rep are ignorant because they claim whichever one to be "thiers."


Also, have the representatives vote for whatever will help their district/state, not what will help their party.


Also, the media doesn't help either. It essentially brainwashes people. Kind contradicting myself since I'm an aspiring journalist (sports mind you and not this political mumbojumbo)


That's what I tell everyone, don't pay attention to the party, look at the individual candidates. Also people need to pay more attention to local and state politicians (everyone just wants to blame the President or federal Congress, but never pay attention to state government or local governments).

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Our system is broken...it sucks.


Question is...how do you fix it?


Seriously...just want your opinions on what you think needs to be done to fix it.


No "get rid of Obama" crap...what do you guys think the answer is?


What will fix this problem, no president has the guts to do.

What will fix this problem, no Congress is so free from lobbyists as to do.


The IRC needs a massive overhaul, especially pertaining to businesses.

There needs to be significantly more taxes AND significantly slashed programs.

The military needs to see some spending cuts, but not enough to render it any less effective.


Of course, I'm just speaking in generals. I don't have the bandwidth to go item by item.

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Guest The Variable
these are all points that are more problems...what i'm asking is how do you go about fixing the two party system that is a total cancer to the USA right now? vote everyone out? who do you put in there? tea party is a joke...and a radical joke at that...why can't we have people who are more central that run as indys?


A radical joke? Please back that statement up. Im asking because I am part of the tea party.

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Guest The Variable
these are all points that are more problems...what i'm asking is how do you go about fixing the two party system that is a total cancer to the USA right now? vote everyone out? who do you put in there? tea party is a joke...and a radical joke at that...why can't we have people who are more central that run as indys?


Kinda what I thought. Everyone has complaints but no one has any real answers.


Actually you are both wrong. Deuces, the first few responses were real answers, and Lance, the only reason those points will cause problems is that others do not necessarily agree with them.


Just because someone else doesnt like the solution doesnt mean its not a solution. G-Man has excellent points.


We need simple and concrete legislation. We need to close tax loopholes. We need to negotiate fair trade with other nations. We need to repeal galactic healthcare. We need to cut spending and probably capital gains taxes too.


We tried the opposite. We have almost doubled our unemployment % in less than one presidential term. We are paying the unemployed for 2 years. We are paying illegals to go to school. We are overpaying labor unions for benefits nobody else gets these days. We reward failure.


Nowhere in our history have we shrank the size of the federal government. Instead we have created this bloated beaucratic mess run by lawyers. We dont have managers or executives running the country. We should try putting it on a diet now.


But what do I know? According to Lance, Im just a radical joke.

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Actually you are both wrong. Deuces, the first few responses were real answers, and Lance, the only reason those points will cause problems is that others do not necessarily agree with them.


Save for GMan, the rest were not what I would consider serious takes on how to solve our problem. I saw some suggestions on how to vote better, lol.

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That's what I tell everyone, don't pay attention to the party, look at the individual candidates. Also people need to pay more attention to local and state politicians (everyone just wants to blame the President or federal Congress, but never pay attention to state government or local governments).

Agree with getting rid of the party. Are we not individuals that are unable to think for ourselves? It's to easy for people to know nothing about a candidate and say oh that's the republican/democrat so I'll vote for them.


The other point is because you are a member of the party then you have to think a certain way. That's my biggest problem there.

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Guest The Variable
Agree with getting rid of the party. Are we not individuals that are unable to think for ourselves? It's to easy for people to know nothing about a candidate and say oh that's the republican/democrat so I'll vote for them.


The other point is because you are a member of the party then you have to think a certain way. That's my biggest problem there.


what you are suggesting is about as impractical as it gets. We have been a nation divided along political groups (mostly between 2) since before the revolution. Its in our DNA.

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Guest The Variable
Tax companies that have sent jobs outside the US.


Tax the $hit out of imported products...and tax the products of American companies that sent jobs outside the US even more.


Reinvest in America's infrastructure.



Lt. Dan said "take care of your feet and they'll take care of you"...same can be said for America...


Communism! jk jk. I'm not much into politics but i just thought i would throw this out there...no more investing in foreign countries goods and making our own. And finally Resurrect Ronald Reagan,FDR,Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington.


For a start, spending less than we make might help.


Save for GMan, the rest were not what I would consider serious takes on how to solve our problem. I saw some suggestions on how to vote better, lol.


Grammar mistakes aside, they are real suggestions albeit already made by GMan, but if his ideas were serious, then theirs must be too.

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The Tea Party had good intentions at its roots, but once it got to be a popular movement things changed...you still have people who follow the core ideas, but overall its just split the GOP into polar sides...and it's nothing more than a branch of the GOP...it's not a a true 3rd party with its own set of values and beliefs...they are deep rooted in Republican politics ...not much else.

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Guest The Variable
The Tea Party had good intentions at its roots, but once it got to be a popular movement things changed...you still have people who follow the core ideas, but overall its just split the GOP into polar sides...and it's nothing more than a branch of the GOP...it's not a a true 3rd party with its own set of values and beliefs...they are deep rooted in Republican politics ...not much else.


Okay, how does that define them as a radical joke? From the onset the Tea Party consisted of mostly disenfranchised republicans. Most of them still voted GOP because there really wasnt any other better option (see southpark turd sandwich v giant deuche). So of course there have been roots in the GOP there have been from the get go so its good intentions have either been good all along or bad all along by the standards you set. This has been a long time coming, Rick Santelli just gave it a name. Bachmann has SOME tea party ideals. That doesnt mean all of her ideals reflect the tea party. The basic premise for the tea party is this:


Shrink government.

Spend less.

Individual Sovereignty.

Adherence to the spirit of the Constitution.


This isnt a social movement. Though I will admit there are some anti-islamic feelings within the group. I share some of those feelings because of where I have been and what I have seen. If anyone wants to take the blame for that, it needs to be CAIR and other groups like that.


Nothing about this group is radical unless compared to politicians, and in that respect than most everyone in this country is a radical. Tea Party Rallys dont turn into riots like Union Protests have or anti-war or many other leftist mobs do. We dont throw stuff on politicians (there is still no evidence of the spitting incident during the healthcare event) we dont make mock arrests. We protest and vote. Again, how is that radical and how is that a joke?

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I say radical joke because to me that is exactly what they are...they seem to be more worried about getting in the headlines than they do in actually doing much of anything anymore.


"This isnt a social movement."

"Nothing about this group is radical unless compared to politicians"


I think that about sums it up...it's a political group...thus, why would I not draw comparisons to politicians...that's exactly what I am talking about? Not sure what the argument you have is based on your own statements????

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My answer was serious. Spend less than we make. The only way to get into more debt is spending more than we make. I know what my paycheck is, so why would I go buy a Bentley with my 7.25 summer job wage?

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Guest The Variable
I say radical joke because to me that is exactly what they are...they seem to be more worried about getting in the headlines than they do in actually doing much of anything anymore.

Really? There never would have been opposition to raising the debt ceiling if it wasnt for that group. You would currently be paying higher taxes because the Bush rates would have been repealed. We might even have a VAT if they werent around. That doesnt sound like a joke, and it doesnt sound like doing nothing. They just want the government to do less because whatever the government does, it comes at our expense.


It sounds more like you have not been paying attention.



I think that about sums it up...it's a political group...thus, why would I not draw comparisons to politicians...that's exactly what I am talking about? Not sure what the argument you have is based on your own statements????

You said radical. I said if they are radical, then everyone is radical. Think of how you manage your home budget. Which group operates more like you do fiscally? If you arent underwater in your mortgage and filing for bankruptcy, I guess you are a radical joke too.


I asked you to back your statement up, you have failed miserably to do so.

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Guest The Variable

Let me also point out that you asked at the beginning to leave out the "get rid of Obama crap" and you almost immediately did the same thing to the tea party. You want to know what the problem really is? People not taking the time to understand the other side. You obviously havent. People with your attitude, Lance, are the problem. I havent attacked you at all except for in defense of that which you threw at me. I have taken the time to understand what I am against, and I have either adjusted my opinion/outlook or affirmed my existing position. In almost every case I have learned to live with what I disagree with. I would like the same courtesy extended to me.

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Let me also point out that you asked at the beginning to leave out the "get rid of Obama crap" and you almost immediately did the same thing to the tea party. You want to know what the problem really is? People not taking the time to understand the other side. You obviously havent. People with your attitude, Lance, are the problem. I havent attacked you at all except for in defense of that which you threw at me. I have taken the time to understand what I am against, and I have either adjusted my opinion/outlook or affirmed my existing position. In almost every case I have learned to live with what I disagree with. I would like the same courtesy extended to me.


all i can figure is that you are not reading or responding to the same stuff I am....i dunno...what i was looking for is a viable alternative to the two party system and the tea party is nothing but a rehash of the gop. Also, it's easy to sit back and take credit for anything...people have been doing so since there was credit to be had I'm sure. Yay Tea Party for all you have done. congrats.

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