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Welcome to the NEW SWVA Football Message Board!!!


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Welcome to the NEW SWVAFootball.com message board!!!


I would like to thank Lance and Skylight Internet Service, Inc. in Richlands, VA for creating and hosting this forum...it is greatly appreciated not only by me but by everyone that will enjoy this forum!!!


The rules of this board will be no different than the rules on the old board...let's keep it clean and enjoyable for all!

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Hey guys...glad people are starting to make it over to the new board.


I will be finishing the setup of the newest version of the forums and we'll make it look as much like the old message board as possible in the next 24 hours.


I think you guys will like the new home a lot better once everything is in place...this one will keep the active posts on top and no more searching 5 pages deep to check for new messages on older posts, plus there is a good search function here...and lots more.



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You will be a Pee Wee until you have enough posts to move up to Midgets, then Middle School, Junior Varsity, and so on. That is funny though...you, a Pee Wee! LOL



All the thanks for the message board needs to be directed toward Lance...he had suggested this back over the winter but we lost touch on it. When he contacted me yesterday, all I did was say OK!

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