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Everything posted by FoxTrot
  1. Wouldn’t count out Central Wise on a given night.
  2. Thats not my point at all, and I am not saying concussions don't happen in football. I am saying a concussion can happen just as easy in another sport, Soccer in particular is the leading sport for concussions!
  3. Anyone that played football has seen "Stars" or "Glitter". Concussions happen, but your son would have a very good piece of "Headgear" on. Today's technology is unreal, and will be even better as he grows up. I have heard this same sentiment from other former athletes. Football is a great contact sport, and needs to be taught better at the youth level. Guys like you need to step up and coach, and teach kids the proper fundamentals of "Head Placement" on tackles and proper form. Soccer is the sport that leads in concussions. Have fun watching him grow, and hopefully he is a football player one day.
  4. SWD and Region will release after Graham is finished. Hopefully not released for 2 more weeks.
  5. Graham might not make it to the final, but it won’t be from a loss to Richlands
  6. Thank God! Good luck to the Pioneers. Their kids deserved it. That “Pioneer Pride” is back.
  7. Lebanon physically beat va high, congratulations. I will stand up and take it. Congrats to the Pioneers. I am just saying as well... you are still a hypocrite.
  8. No one is crying over your predictions. Keep speculating, PRIDE!
  9. How many times have you said va High is bad and they will lose by 50 or the other team will name the score, and please patronize us with your holier then now response. Your honesty about Va High doesn’t bother me at all, and YES I will say that the seniors that quit have a false sense of entitlement and that goes for their parents as well. Being a Christian has nothing to do with it. I call it just like I see it as well. Yes, Va High isn’t very good, due to youth, and only 2 seniors that quit even played in previous years. No one is on this board talking about how bad Lebanon is, because they do not care. Keep shading what you say about VA High, I promise you I know a lot more about the situation than your hearsay!
  10. Not 1 kid that quit plays baseball!!!
  11. What is your fixation with VA High? You constantly come on here and bash how bad they are. Stick with Lebanon, Pioneer Pride. Guess what, they are still better than the Pioneers. Your agenda of bashing them has gotten old. Yes, they had players quit, yes, they don’t have the same team they have had. They are playing freshman and sophomores. Seniors had a very false sense of entitlement.
  12. Of course Lebanon can beat Va High though!
  13. What was your prediction for the central - va high game?
  14. Chilhowie, how many seniors did they graduate?
  15. Don’t think Richlands steals one from Graham, though! Think their tough schedule will help them come playoff time.
  16. I would take that bet, BIG GUY!
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