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Congrats to the Grundy kids..


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what a great game to watch...Grundy came out a little flat and got down 13-0 then rolled up 28 points 14 in each half...pretty balanced. Grundy's defense put them in position to win though...great effort by the kids on defense all the way around...several times Haysi had the ball in good field position only to end up losing 10 or 20 yards and turning the ball over on downs or punting...I was really impressed with the way they played. Offense looked ok, a few dropped passes and a few bad passes...glad to see the play calling is making more sense these days...very balanced approached.


Play of the night for me was the pass that I think ended up being the 3rd TD for Grundy...it was some sort of hitch or slant...timed play pass...the Haysi DB just lit up and KNEW he had an INT on the play...the pass was headed right at him and he had his hands up...at the last second the Grundy WR cut him off and snatched it out of the air and was off to the races....it was one of the coolest plays I've seen in a while...the kid was looking at his hands in disbelief.


There were some complaints about the ref's...and every time Grundy did anything in the first half there was a flag...I couldn't really tell if they were legit or not, but Larry Fields was going off on the PA...which, I'm not so sure that is always a good idea to be calling the ref's out like that lol...it's kinda funny to hear it but I can't help think there could be a price to be paid...gotta love Larry though he is emotional about his Wave lol. Overall though I couldn't really tell if there were any legit bad calls going on or not as most of the flags seemed to be on the other end of the field from where I was...I think if there were any bad calls it was going both ways...seemed to be a lot of flags flying.


so...4-0 and two weeks to get ready for Marion...which starts the SWD run for the Wave...keep up the good work guys and above all else, enjoy these days as much as you can.

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do have one question for u lance could u tell from where u were at on the fumble what happened the grundy kid came out of the pile with it and then they gave the ball to haysi wasnt really for sure what happend there


no...i saw Kelly somehow come out of that pile with the ball...i was down at the other end of the field at that time...I wondered about that one myself...I have no idea how Kelly ended up with the ball in that mess.

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I agree with Lance about 100 in that first post. After the first quarter the D played about as good as it gets, they contain Fleming which was the main key. The offense made some mistakes, some bad passes....some droped passes and missed blocks but they got the job done. Especailly killing the clock on that last drive. The offense will continue to get better.


Heres the real test for the Wave in two weeks. There starting to get a little bit of talk but if they want to get some respect and let people know that Grundy football is back they have to win some district games. They will have all kinds of mouentiom, there 4-0 and its homecoming which will be the biggest crowd they will have all season.


Lance do you know any reason why the went for two of there first 2 tds? I meaned it evend out since it was successful once but theres no need for that, we have a good kicker

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I agree with Lance about 100 in that first post. After the first quarter the D played about as good as it gets, they contain Fleming which was the main key. The offense made some mistakes, some bad passes....some droped passes and missed blocks but they got the job done. Especailly killing the clock on that last drive. The offense will continue to get better.


Heres the real test for the Wave in two weeks. There starting to get a little bit of talk but if they want to get some respect and let people know that Grundy football is back they have to win some district games. They will have all kinds of mouentiom, there 4-0 and its homecoming which will be the biggest crowd they will have all season.


Lance do you know any reason why the went for two of there first 2 tds? I meaned it evend out since it was successful once but theres no need for that, we have a good kicker



I think they have a shot to win some district games this year and hope they do just as long as its not against us (Richlands). LOL

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I don't know why they went for two other than maybe they had been moving the ball good and Rowe figured they could get it? I was curious about that one myself...Grundy pretty much ran out the clock the 4th qtr...first time i've seen them in control of a game like that against an evenly matched team in a long time.

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Can't say this is why, but some ppl. say that if a team gets down 8-0, it gets to 'em a bit, because most of the time, even when they answer, they're still behind, and that messes with their head.

If you get that 8-0 lead, then you can go XP's the rest of the night and the other team can't beat you just by playing even.


only problem with that is... it was 13-0 when Grundy scored the first TD and went for 2? lol

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That was a pretty good game, grundy's defense played very well later in the game, and if im not mistaken i think their RB, verglowe?(SP) had around 200 yards if not more. That kid is a pretty shifty little guy lol. I'm very glad to see grundy get to 4-0, been too long. I'm glad i got to go to that game. But the one thing that really stood out to me.....was how dang tiny they are lol. Their all midgits compared to when i played lol, but i'll be darned if they didnt play good friday, good job guys.

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yelp i think hurley would give grundy a good game hurley is not a push over they lay some hard licks they are a littlebit more phisical than grundy and yes i think they will give james colley all kinds of trouble i wish grundy the best the rest of the way



I would love to see Hurley win the BDD this year. Long over due.

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