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In case anyone is counting


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Most of the 25 wins were from teams inherited from Carlock coached team. He screwed the pooch with them also, The team on the field now is totally Marrs coached.





Yeah, he started 16-8. Everyone loved him in year one. Year two is when this started. By the way I just watched part III of Va High vs Graham over on the CMD site..........At the 4:31 mark of part III the final onside kick happens. When V-High recovered, there was literally one Graham player within 10 yards of the ball. And he ran up to field it by himself. That is just terrible coaching, absolute horrible. Worst coach ever at Graham. EVER.





Here is the link......http://www.youtube.com/user/dwtcvc#playlal...1/0/PQ2bmx4bSfU

Edited by CPF
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Yeah, he started 16-8. Everyone loved him in year one. Year two is when this started. By the way I just watched part III of Va High vs Graham over on the CMD site..........At the 4:31 mark of part III the final onside kick happens. When V-High recovered, there was literally one Graham player within 10 yards of the ball. And he ran up to field it by himself. That is just terrible coaching, absolute horrible. Worst coach ever at Graham. EVER.





Here is the link......http://www.youtube.com/user/dwtcvc#playlal...1/0/PQ2bmx4bSfU


I can remember when Marrs was an assistant coach at Richlands under Heldeth. He was a terrible assistant coach then, I thought. All he did was scream all the time about nothing productive. A complete joke. I think, if I had a kid now playing I would try to transfer him to a coach that could teach him football and life lessons. How he ever got the Graham job is questionable to me.

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I can remember when Marrs was an assistant coach at Richlands under Heldeth. He was a terrible assistant coach then, I thought. All he did was scream all the time about nothing productive. A complete joke. I think, if I had a kid now playing I would try to transfer him to a coach that could teach him football and life lessons. How he ever got the Graham job is questionable to me.




It is simple, the TCSB gave it to him without any interviews from other candidates.

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Graham will beat either Grundy or Abingdon, if not both. I figure I might aswell say nobody else will.


Graham will not beat Grundy.

From what I have heard Abingdon sucks it up.

I also heard Marion sucked and look how that turned out.

Graham will go 0-10 no doubt in my mind!!


I was bored :)

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