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Transfer scenario

Sleepin nuts

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This is a scenario that I see play out this time of the year every year in high school sports: (Names have been changed to protect innocent and guilty parties)

The coach at West County High School typically opens the weightroom at 8am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 20 kids show up and workout until two a days start in late July.

The team goes 5-5 and earns a playoff spot but gets booted in the first round. An average of 1000 fans show up for home games and maybe 300 make it to road games. Nobody from the school gets a scholarship but 6 kids do make all district.

West County is your average High School football program.

The coach across town at East County has a schedule that looks something like this:

M W T weight room with 50 kids.

Tuesday 7 0n 7 passing league with 3 other teams.

Wednesday pm and Friday the coach takes 12 players to a college for a recruiting workout.

Saturday 7 on 7 tournament at UVA.

Sunday the coach takes 20 players to the Va Tech combine.

The team goes 9-1 with a 36-7 victory over West Co. and makes it to the Regional Finals.

An average of 4000 of your fans show up for home games and 2500 travel to road games.

7 players get a scholarship of some sort and 1 gets an offer from Va Tech.

If your kid was serious about football and had a real shot at playing at the next level would you consider finding a way to play for East Co or take your chances and stick with West Co?

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If your kid was serious about football and had a real shot at playing at the next level would you consider finding a way to play for Richlands or take your chances and stick with Graham?


Here's the thing, the "kid" in question isn't as good as his daddy thinks....

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Gman, I admit that I know zero specifics about the kid and the schools you are referring to and many times kids do want to transfer because daddy thinks they are the next Michael Vick and the coach won't run the offense daddy wants them to.

But some parents and some kids want to be where their efforts have the best chance to be rewarded.

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This is a scenario that I see play out this time of the year every year in high school sports: (Names have been changed to protect innocent and guilty parties)

The coach at West County High School typically opens the weightroom at 8am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 20 kids show up and workout until two a days start in late July.

The team goes 5-5 and earns a playoff spot but gets booted in the first round. An average of 1000 fans show up for home games and maybe 300 make it to road games. Nobody from the school gets a scholarship but 6 kids do make all district.

West County is your average High School football program.

The coach across town at East County has a schedule that looks something like this:

M W T weight room with 50 kids.

Tuesday 7 0n 7 passing league with 3 other teams.

Wednesday pm and Friday the coach takes 12 players to a college for a recruiting workout.

Saturday 7 on 7 tournament at UVA.

Sunday the coach takes 20 players to the Va Tech combine.

The team goes 9-1 with a 36-7 victory over West Co. and makes it to the Regional Finals.

An average of 4000 of your fans show up for home games and 2500 travel to road games.

7 players get a scholarship of some sort and 1 gets an offer from Va Tech.

If your kid was serious about football and had a real shot at playing at the next level would you consider finding a way to play for East Co or take your chances and stick with West Co?


I would take my kid to Richlands also... Uh, i mean East Co.


Just kidding, it makes alot of sense. As a parent, of course, anyone would want their kid playing for a program that gets exposure and have a better chance of a scholarship.

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I would take my kid to Richlands also... Uh, i mean East Co.


Just kidding, it makes alot of sense. As a parent, of course, anyone would want their kid playing for a program that gets exposure and have a better chance of a scholarship.


This line of reasoning was more true before the internet made football recruiting so open.


Nowadays, if you've got (1) a digital video recorder, (2) a Youtube account, and (3) postage to mail DVDs to recruiting coordinators, you WILL be found, whether you play at Clintwood or TC Williams. Word travels fast on the web, too.


Of course, the LEVEL of competition still means a lot. If a kid 6'4'', 270 has been mauling people at Clintwood vs. a kid 6'4'', 270 mauling people at Varina, the kid at Varina will get the offer first because the competition has been stiffer. In our neck of the woods, Richlands aside, the best teams are in Single-A. So that's not as much a consideration moving from Graham to Richlands.


Besides, which is better? Rotting at QB at Richlands or potentially being a star at Graham? Were it me, I'd rather be the bigger fish in a medium-sized pond. YOU will get the glory from carrying your team, whereas you're wasting talents elsewhere. Again, people WILL notice if you're outperforming your peers to a level that would suggest playing days after high school.

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Guest king kone
This line of reasoning was more true before the internet made football recruiting so open.


Nowadays, if you've got (1) a digital video recorder, (2) a Youtube account, and (3) postage to mail DVDs to recruiting coordinators, you WILL be found, whether you play at Clintwood or TC Williams. Word travels fast on the web, too.


Of course, the LEVEL of competition still means a lot. If a kid 6'4'', 270 has been mauling people at Clintwood vs. a kid 6'4'', 270 mauling people at Varina, the kid at Varina will get the offer first because the competition has been stiffer. In our neck of the woods, Richlands aside, the best teams are in Single-A. So that's not as much a consideration moving from Graham to Richlands.


Besides, which is better? Rotting at QB at Richlands or potentially being a star at Graham? Were it me, I'd rather be the bigger fish in a medium-sized pond. YOU will get the glory from carrying your team, whereas you're wasting talents elsewhere. Again, people WILL notice if you're outperforming your peers to a level that would suggest playing days after high school.

It would be OK to be a bigger fish in a medium sized pond...if your not going 5-5 or worse...and getting pummeled. Attrition can change a persons outlook on things.
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I agree that a D1 potential kid will be found no matter where he plays.

But the kid that is hoping to get some help from E&H or William & Mary needs a coach with connections and a coach that cares enough to put in the legwork to get them noticed.


William and Mary isn't THAT much below D-IA talent, in which case, they'll fine you.

E&H, one would hope, would know this area like the back of its hand. A special case.

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Gman, I admit that I know zero specifics about the kid and the schools you are referring to and many times kids do want to transfer because daddy thinks they are the next Michael Vick and the coach won't run the offense daddy wants them to.

But some parents and some kids want to be where their efforts have the best chance to be rewarded.


In this particular case....their loss (East County) is our gain (West County).......Hope they have fun driving 40 minutes to school every day this year...so he can sit on the bench for a few weeks in the fall...... in front of those big crowds that you're talking about...I'm sure it'll be a thrill for him.


And besides...every dog will have their day.... Not too long ago, the roles were reversed... Graham had beaten Richlands about 17 out of 20 times in a row.... the roles have reversed...but I see Graham rising from the ashes again....and sooner than you may think... in 2 or 3 years...I do believe that Graham will be back....and we'll all forget about these kids that want the instant gratification....

Edited by futbolking
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Did Graham ever have kids transfer in to play for Coach Carlock when he had all those great teams ? Did any of the kids from Bluefield or Tazewell or the surrounding area come to play for him and those great teams ?

It seems like I remember some talk about it back then.

There may not have been as many as you hear about now because back then, Tazewell was doing great as was Bluefield so you had all 3 of those schools playing great football and making the playoffs each year and winning or playing for state championships, so there was wasn't as much incentive to transfer to one of the other schools. Here over the last few years, only Bluefield and Richlands have been consistent in winning and winning big, so kids from the other schools want to be a part of that.

But even back then there was still talk about kids transferring to Bluefield or Graham or whereever.

My point is, it happens to all schools that are on a high as far as winning and sending kids to college, and it probably always will weather we like it or not.

When Richlands roll is over ( hope it never is ) it will be another school that they will want to play for.

Right now, like it or not, Coach Mance and his staff are about as good as they get in this area and kids and their parents want to play here. The crowds, and facilities doesn't hurt either.


I truly hope that Graham and Tazewell get back to where they both belong, at the top, and have stated it several times on here in the past !

There is nothing I would like better then to see all 3 Tazewell Co teams at the top of their game.............it would make for some great football Friday nights !

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I agree that a D1 potential kid will be found no matter where he plays.

But the kid that is hoping to get some help from E&H or William & Mary needs a coach with connections and a coach that cares enough to put in the legwork to get them noticed.


I would guarantee Coach Williams has good connections due to his time at FUMA. Being an E&H alum probably guarantees a connection there also.

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The scenario I gave is not in regards to any particular situation involving any particular schools. I do not know the kid that is transferring to Richlands or why he is no longer at Graham. I also do not know the coach at Graham or what his work ethic is or what his connections are. Please don't think that I am taking jabs at Graham because I have no axe to grind with them.

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Don't know if it has changed significantly, but there has been a pretty constant ebb and flow of transfer students between Bluefield and Graham for several years. Most of that is related to academics, and the perception of many Bluefield residents that things on the Virginia side of the line are/were "better." Although the football teams at each school have certainly benefited when one or the other have had a surplus of talent in any given season.


This issue isn't specific to SW Virginia by a long shot, either. In areas where there are several adjacent and available school options, recruiting is a fact of life. (This is particularly true in the Shenandoah Valley where there are several independent city school systems as well as private schools within a relatively compact area.) Some school systems also have very liberal attendance zone policies. (In Bedford County, for instance, kids can pretty much attend any school of their choosing as long as they have their own means of transportation. The recent emergence of Jefferson Forest as a soccer power is neither organic or accidental.)


As much as politicians like to bray about school choice, those with the means or inclination to do so have the ability to jump to "better" schools pretty easily. The only real limits are geographical -- specifically, a population density sufficient in any given area to support real alternatives.

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The scenario I gave is not in regards to any particular situation involving any particular schools. I do not know the kid that is transferring to Richlands or why he is no longer at Graham. I also do not know the coach at Graham or what his work ethic is or what his connections are. Please don't think that I am taking jabs at Graham because I have no axe to grind with them.


It's just that West Co., in your hypothetical, who went 5-5 and was ousted in the first round, is oddly similar to Graham, who went 5-5 and was ousted in the first round. And East Co, in your hypothetical, appears very similar to Richlands, and even beat "West Co." by a score that closely resembled 36-7 (38-0). I wouldn't think that anyone could reasonably assume that you had an axe to grind against Graham, though. Just the hypo was maybe a little too realistic.

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Don't know if it has changed significantly, but there has been a pretty constant ebb and flow of transfer students between Bluefield and Graham for several years. Most of that is related to academics, and the perception of many Bluefield residents that things on the Virginia side of the line are/were "better." Although the football teams at each school have certainly benefited when one or the other have had a surplus of talent in any given season.


This issue isn't specific to SW Virginia by a long shot, either. In areas where there are several adjacent and available school options, recruiting is a fact of life. (This is particularly true in the Shenandoah Valley where there are several independent city school systems as well as private schools within a relatively compact area.) Some school systems also have very liberal attendance zone policies. (In Bedford County, for instance, kids can pretty much attend any school of their choosing as long as they have their own means of transportation. The recent emergence of Jefferson Forest as a soccer power is neither organic or accidental.)


As much as politicians like to bray about school choice, those with the means or inclination to do so have the ability to jump to "better" schools pretty easily. The only real limits are geographical -- specifically, a population density sufficient in any given area to support real alternatives.


Nailed it. As to your Shenandoah Valley example, that's the case all the way up through MM 30 in PA. The football teams along I-81 in southern PA are AWFUL...and that's not a coincidence, with solid programs in Hagerstown and Martinsburg, WV. Not an accident that Martinsburg was a powerhouse in WV AAA...

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It's just that West Co., in your hypothetical, who went 5-5 and was ousted in the first round, is oddly similar to Graham, who went 5-5 and was ousted in the first round. And East Co, in your hypothetical, appears very similar to Richlands, and even beat "West Co." by a score that closely resembled 36-7 (38-0). I wouldn't think that anyone could reasonably assume that you had an axe to grind against Graham, though. Just the hypo was maybe a little too realistic.


Purely coincidental. I admit that the discussion came to mind by seeing it on the other post but my knowledge of the 12 or so kids in the Roanoke area that are transferring is more of what I am referring to.

I follow the AA ranks in the state and honestly couldn't have told you if Graham was 0-10 or 10-0.

I know of 4 kids that left a Roanoke City school because they feel like the program was merely providing babysitting services rather than coaching them to play football.

2 more left another school when the coach refused to do combines because he isn't paid for doing them.

Of course there are a few that left when they realized they wouldn't be starters at the position they wanted rather than working to take the spot.

I'm just saying that it is not always "recruiting" and crybaby traitors although I know it is in some cases.

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Transfers happen!!! Happens in every state and in every school district.


Most high school kids have played electronic games, virtually since kindergarten, geared toward one goal...winning. As adults, we must recognize the desire to win in today's youths, doesn't abate or diminish out of loyalty to a community or a school.


The high school days many of us remember are not the realities of today... academics are more advanced (AP classes) and the sports culture gripping the secondary schools is pervasive. The importance of sports programs has now moved to the passenger side of the front seat in many high schools.


Less we forget, it's not the students of today that begat this sports culture...it's the adults... once students and/or athletes, who attended or aligned their loyalties with colleges and universities sport programs... now parents...desiring, demanding and insisting on winning sports programs in their high schools.


High school coaches must win ...and win...and KEEP winning. If the coaches do not produce as the community expects...there's usually a clamor for a change in job description/title as noted on this board. It seems to be one of the gauges of success for high school communities now. So if, we, as adults, expect our local high schools to be at the forefront in successful sports programs, ...why would any of us think young men or women should react differently?


Following is a preview of the upcoming 2012 high school football programs for Gwinnett County. You will see several of these programs have transfers



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Here's what popped into my head...


the year - 1986. "Central" goes 8-2 and makes it to the state title game.

"West" goes 4-6 (then 8-2 the following year). Somehow, a "West" kid ends up blocking for Barry Sanders & wearing 2 Super Bowl rings. Don't think any of the Central kids made the NFL.

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