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Graham-Giles game


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Giles didn't play very well offensively IMO tonight but still got a big win.....My thoughts on Graham are....they have some talented kids and some good sized kids but look to be VERY poorly coached....I may be off on this but it's just my thoughts after seeing them only once tonight.


I do know one thing #12 for Graham took numerous cheap shots tonight and if he played at Giles doing that stuff he would have been on the bench....totally uncalled for IMO.


Game was 55-13 and Graham scored on our JV then got the onside kick and scored again with their starters still in I might add....hey coach let the other kids play at that point, they practice all year too

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Graham has a lot of sophomores and juniors playing.  A freshman and a couple of seniors.  Most of their talent is in the sophomore class.  Notable Sophomores are QB Ben Meade , WR  Dequan Booker,  RB Israel Harris.  Taymon Cook #5 is a freshman and has a lot of potential.  If they can get organized on the defensive side of the ball as GMan pointed out.....they SHOULD be a force to contend with the next 2 seasons....but....we will see....they have to buy into the system and be coached up.  Graham's defensive coordinator certainly has the pedigree....but the kids look confused and they are young.  Plus it doesn't help that the defense is not very agressive.


You pointed out the cheap shots, HokieBird....  I saw some cheap shots when I watched Graham play Tazewell...a couple of knees to the back....holding players down after the play....etc.....  


One thing I have noticed on this team is the attitude amongst the older players. Somebody in that group needs to step up and take a leadership role.  It seems to me that the QB (Meade - a sophomore) has some leadership skills.  


They need to get back to playing Graham football, which is hitting you hard and defense.....that hasn't been at Graham for a while.  The rest will take care of itself.  The successful teams in Graham's past played conservative on offense, but were very strong on defense and were always in a position to win a game late in the game because of the good defense, no matter who they played.....I very rarely remember Graham getting blown out until after about 2006 or so.....Now it seems like it happens more often than not.


Also, Graham's best defensive teams always seemed to have smaller, quicker linebackers....and the bigger guys on the defensive line....Currently, Graham has a couple of dudes in Kyshon Lee and Adrian Gray who I think would be excellent Linebackers with their quickness...and they are a bit undersized to be linemen....but what do I know.....still waiting for that call from the NFL.

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  • Futbolking I'm new to this message board but agree with alot of things you say. The D does struggle and they look confused most of the time, but everyone keeps talking about the D I'm not impressed with the O. I mean besides the BLFD game the O has looked pretty bad in my opinion, they score on everyones JV teams toward the end of the games cause they are down by 50 points.

I trully believe until they get rid of Salem the G-MEN will continue to struggle!! The worse coaches I have ever seen!! I wouldn't let Williams coach the BLFD VA CHARGERS

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I agree, the offense hasn't impressed much either....it's frustrating, because there certainly is talent on the field.  You are correct that they have scored a lot of points on opponents 2nd team or j.v. team  I still have faith that they will turn it around next season.  With the talent they have returning, they should be pretty good....if they are not a good ball club again next season...you really have to wonder....because the excuse of youth will be gone...



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