Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
I have been a member since 2007 on this board...almost 17 years. I've enjoyed it, been frustrated at times, but always keep returning to read, post and reply to others. We have a common bond, not always common teams, just our love of sports.
The most important year of having my name listed occurred in 1984...almost 40 years ago. That Sunday, I surrendered my life to Christ. It has been such a blessing in my life, knowing through battles, trials I always have that constant, I have a Savior who walks with me.
This morning I was reading a monthly newsletter I receive. The author said this and I would like to share. It may not be for all, but it may be just what some need.
"A question often arises in our trials, one that seems universal: "Why?"
The backdrop is the story of Martha and Mary's brother Lazarus death and Jesus delayed coming there 4 days.
"Many of us address God as Martha did, "Lord why did you let this happen? Why weren't you here for us."
The author said, "I believe we need to ask a different question, not "Why?", but "Who?' as in "Who is my redeemer? Who is always for me? Who walks with me through the valley of the shadow of death? Who is in control always? Whose promises have never failed me?"
He adds, "The difference in asking "Who?" rather than than "Why?" can shift our path. Asking "Why?" is an intellectual pursuit; even if we receive an answer, our spirit gains nothing. Asking "Who?' is personal. If we ask it, God will reveal himself to us, and we'll experience his faithfulness. We'll also be able to trust that our steps are in line with his glory."
This wish for a Merry Christmas to all, is a little long. I guess you could compare it to being at Christmas dinner, if all you enjoy is the aroma of the day, and not sit down and feast from what's been prepared, your day isn't complete.
One last note, this quote is from poet Robert Frost, and I think it is a good way to close my wishes.
"If there are no tears in the writer, there have been no tears in the reader."