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Everything posted by RichRich
  1. Or I could just get it. Your pretend world is weird
  2. Wow now you are gonna make up quotes and attribute them to me. For some one who keeps reminding us he has no horse in the race you sure post a lot. It was a response to your butthurt that you deny having
  3. Haha you just decided to hop in and run your mouth out of ignorance. You didn't ask where union fans where making excuses. The butthurt is being felt all the way to Craig county. Its deep
  4. I'll post right here hotshot. You can quote people smarter than you all day long. Doesn't change facts
  5. You trying to say all union fans post on here?
  6. 9 times out of 10 we don't get this result. I think this loss will be one of those that light a fire under their asses and it won't happen again.
  7. Gotta love the excuses some union fans come up with
  8. Haha owens had parents telling how to coach
  9. Post game interviews was quick to say other coaches had to step in and tell Owens how to coach.
  10. 92.5 bigstone gap and there is a link posted in the union vs central thread. https://www.spreaker.com/user/centralsports/central-warriors-vs-union-bears-football?autoplay=1 We need a sticky for each teams and games media coverage
  11. Looks like store policy has changed
  12. Thanks I'll check it out. Pretty surprising game atm
  13. Do either of these teams post a live video feed of the game?
  14. Haha yeh it's pretty lame. That dead horse had been beat enough
  15. 2:26:30 I know it was unsportsmanlike call . What happened? cant see on film. Just two players Jawing at each other? 2:30:22 is that just from 10 clapping? 2:47:20 is another if folks want to see penalties. Havent got to watch whole game yet
  16. Up next is your love of pork belly. !
  17. Kinda surprised you didn't tell us about your favorite IPA .
  18. Dude Tyler has been around a while. Wtf do you even mean before it was cool? I doubt anyone put you down for liking him. Hell 88.7 has played him for yrs. Quit acting like you discovered him and are now bored because other folks like him. Freaking hipsters.
  19. I'll try and find it. I know some do theirs online. They are just hard to find at times
  20. I'm pulling for Central but I don't see them adding a win to the column this weekend
  21. Noticed no discussion on this. Think Central can hang? Wonder any of the schools that make Central up have ever beat Abingdon? I can't remember any games between Kelly or Pound and Abingdon. Also anyone know if this game will be on the radio? Be nice to have a thread posting games and the media broadcasting them.
  22. Pretty sure you look right into the setting sun for a bit too
  23. The game of the week is gonna be Virginia teams. Anyone have a link to watch that? Chilhowee at VA high is game
  24. You realize he really didnt play much dont. Ya
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