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well...I wrote that off to GWU being next door and college kids (who it looked like to me made up most of the crowd) dont need much of an excuse to party lol.


I was thinking Georgetown and American. Figured they were taking a study break... about finals time.

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Let's see Clinton tried with Cruise Missiles, Bush with Predator Drones, and Obama went with boots on the ground. High risk move - great result. Today should be hug a SEAL day.


This is my absolute favorite part of the entire outcome. I love the fact that Bin Laden had to stare an American soldier in the face as he was brought to justice. Granted a bomb could've done sufficiently, I do find a bit of comfort in the fact that Bin Laden finally "saw" us coming. As morbid as it sounds, I hope it was a slow and painful death.


It was like that time an ad came up and said "9 of your friends like Nickelback, do you like Nickelback?" I promptly clicked that ad, discovered the 9 "friends" and deleted those 9 "friends" from my friend list. Fortunately, I didn't consider any of them close.



Edited by hokie07
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Guest The Variable

Obama has largely been a sideline player in AQ since 9/11. He may have been issuing orders but his participation in subsequent terrorist plots have been minimal. We can be happy on this day for avenging the losses from a decade ago but like you say, today is no different from yesterday- terrorism lives on.


You mean, Bin Laden right?



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well...I wrote that off to GWU being next door and college kids (who it looked like to me made up most of the crowd) dont need much of an excuse to party lol.


Look at the Radford University kids last night. Hell, a group of them were setting off mortars not more than 150 yards from my house until after midnight!



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OBL's "death" has been conveniently timed with the beginning of the withdrawl of US troops from the Region. Buried at sea??? BULL$HIT...I want to see proof. I want his cold, dead, bloody body on display, hanging where the WTC towers once stood...that will be my proof.


And don't try to tell me this is proof...




This picture has been around for a long time...


This is nothing more than Obama political BS...just like his "long form birth certificate" was conveniently produced last week after being questioned by Trump...that "certificate" couldn't have been any more fake...


You sheeple can stand around and raise your glass to our Deceiver in Chief if you want, but I'm not buying it...


And while your at it, you can go ahead and praise him in advance for the $5-$6/gallon gas you're going to be paying for in a few months...after all, he is the President, he did give the order...to print more paper money, devaluing the dollar...

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This is my absolute favorite part of the entire outcome. I love the fact that Bin Laden had to stare an American soldier in the face as he was brought to justice. Granted a bomb could've done sufficiently, I do find a bit of comfort in the fact that Bin Laden finally "saw" us coming. As morbid as it sounds, I hope it was a slow and painful death.


If it turns out that Bin Laden was the one that was using the woman who died in the operation as a human shield.....what a coward!!!! No way he was ever going to be taken alive.

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From what I read on a news article, The Navy Seal gave him a double tap to the head.


That is awesome...but...


I would've rather them taken out both knee caps...subduing him for transport...tying him to the ground zero memorial and let us all have a turn at peeing on his face.


Double-tap is pretty sweet, though. The movie in the next five years detailing the operation will be pretty awesome too I bet.

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Guest The Variable
Oh Dear Lord...it was a typo.


I have found that it is a mistake that EVERYONE is making for some reason.

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I have found that it is a mistake that EVERYONE is making for some reason.


I've seen it too.


I can understand why, it's only a B insted of an S. Plus where everybody is talking about those two, it's sometimes hard to get them correctly without forgetting who you were talking about.

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I know what you mean. I had to go through and hide so many posts this morning because of the ignorance. Although, my favorite one was "let's see a death certificate!" It was crafty, I let it stay.


It was like that time an ad came up and said "9 of your friends like Nickelback, do you like Nickelback?" I promptly clicked that ad, discovered the 9 "friends" and deleted those 9 "friends" from my friend list. Fortunately, I didn't consider any of them close.


But seriously..


I try to think to myself, if this was Bush instead of Obama, how would I react?


Instead of discounting Bush's hypothetical job well done, I would have avoided it altogether and just praised the men and women of the military who brought the mission to fruition. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the high road and would instead prefer to further dichotomize our country.


I agree....I'd like to think that no matter the president, I would give credit where it is due. No he didn't pull the trigger, but our President's no longer serve inthe military (something I think was great about our history). He did however make the decision to follow up a lead with intelligence and the decision to carry out raid. I could on and on about how some leads weren't followed up on prior to 9-11 but I won't go there.


I'm happy of the job that our government agencies and military have done in regards to this. There is so much we don't know about the SEALS and the JSOC teams and probably never will, but they are highly trained and do what they do to protect our rights and our way of life. Good job!

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OBL's "death" has been conveniently timed with the beginning of the withdrawl of US troops from the Region. Buried at sea??? BULL$HIT...I want to see proof. I want his cold, dead, bloody body on display, hanging where the WTC towers once stood...that will be my proof.


And don't try to tell me this is proof...




This picture has been around for a long time...


This is nothing more than Obama political BS...just like his "long form birth certificate" was conveniently produced last week after being questioned by Trump...that "certificate" couldn't have been any more fake...


You sheeple can stand around and raise your glass to our Deceiver in Chief if you want, but I'm not buying it...


And while your at it, you can go ahead and praise him in advance for the $5-$6/gallon gas you're going to be paying for in a few months...after all, he is the President, he did give the order...to print more paper money, devaluing the dollar...






Why don't you move to a small remote part of Pakistan and run for office? I hear they are looking for a new leader. Not the country the crazy fools who hate everything we stand for. I hear a mansion is available too!


Look , I'm messing with ya, but really? This whole thing is a political ploy? I call BS on you. If they have followed him for 8 months and built a model of the compound just to practice the drill on, why didn't he wait until close to election time for his next term and just keep following him and pop one in his head at that time? It's kind of pathetic to see a grown man act like this. It's like the kid who didn't win at kickball stomping his feet and going home. No need to be on Obama's case, he's an American, he has a birth certificate, te majority of your fellow Americans put him in office, and he was the head of the operation. He made the decisions based on the hard work of the people in positions to do it. No President will be in harms way , Grant isn't coming back from the dead and bringing Washington with him.


Great job !

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I have found that it is a mistake that EVERYONE is making for some reason.


I've even confused it linguistically a couple of times today and had to stop myself. It's an unfortunate, yet innocent mistake to make.

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well...I wrote that off to GWU being next door and college kids (who it looked like to me made up most of the crowd) dont need much of an excuse to party lol.


GWU and Georgetown. Spontaneous, yes.


OSama has largely been a sideline player in AQ since 9/11. He may have been issuing orders but his participation in subsequent terrorist plots have been minimal. We can be happy on this day for avenging the losses from a decade ago but like you say, today is no different from yesterday- terrorism lives on.


That's spin. Osama was as important as he ever was: the new terrorists didn't swear allegiance to Al-Qaeda, they swore it to OSAMA. He was the heart and the lifeblood of the organization. Yesterday ripped the heart from Al-Qaeda.


I agree that terrorism will continue, and Al-Qaeda will still live on until we eliminate the support mechanisms. But to downplay the blow to Al-Qaeda is simply incorrect.


It was like that time an ad came up and said "9 of your friends like Nickelback, do you like Nickelback?" I promptly clicked that ad, discovered the 9 "friends" and deleted those 9 "friends" from my friend list. Fortunately, I didn't consider any of them close.


Good man.


For those not aware of the time difference, this happened around 2-3:30 pm Eastern.



My guess was off by 2 hours.

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