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Tazewell forfieting???


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Don't be suprised if they don't play. Last year, the Dawgs walked away in baseball and claimed the game meant nothing. Once you walk away the first time, it is easier to do after that. All they have to do is say the game doesn't mean anything and we don't want to play. Tazewell has always been a front runner when things are going well they are all in, when it gets tough they just stay home.

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This sounds to me more like an issue with a sense of entitlement by some of these kids.


Exactly what I was thinking.


"The coach has a job to do, and if some of the kids are quitting because they don't like the actions of the coach, and they are backing this one player at the expense of the team, that's definitely a character issue that goes back to the parents."

"These kids who are refusing to practice should be ashamed of themselves, and their parents should snatch a freaking knot on their heads and make them finish what they started. This is totally ridiculous, and it looks really bad for Tazewell."


I do admire that the kids are sticking up for their teammate but if the coach is kicking him off the team then how bad must his attitude be? And he is so much of a problem that the coach to kicks him off the team why are the other players standing up for him? If they really care they should have set him down while he was still on the team.


As players you have to trust your coach, its not your place to question him. If hes not doing something right the administration will take care of it, all you can do is play. As for the QB not being utilized correctly and the disagreement over playcalling. Well thats just rediculious. Hes a new coach let him settle in and find his way.


Although I never had to deal with having a new coach; we knew who the coach was, who it was gonna be and what he had done. I didnt agree with alot of what Coach Colley did while I played (playcalling, personell decisions, etc) but it wasnt my place to say anything. But he did make an effort to see what was on our minds, how we felt and as far as playcalling what did we want to do and what did we think would work.


I feel bad for Tazewell; it looks bad and has got to be hard for everyone involved but it sounds to me like the coach is doing the right things.

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as far as Mance goes...he is a class act and I'm sure he well knows how to handle things on his end...once the game is secure i'm sure he will play down as needed. Probably get it to a rolling clock and work on running it out.


Hope some of the people who claim all this stuff we say about Tazewell is "made up" got a good look at what the real story is this year...it's no different than the past, just more in the public eye now.

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Always??? Thats a pretty strong statement. Lou Peery has nothing to do with Tazewell football. He is not even a teacher anymore. He is the baseball coach.


I would like to know which radio station reported this. I hope there isn't any truth to it. Somebody said Richlands should play there JV, well Tazewell is down to there backup JV players in most positions. I am very proud of the ones that stuck it out. For the first time in years, These kids are acting like football means something to them and don't care about what Mama and Daddy say. It looks bad now, but things will turn around when Coach Tate gets some coaching help and kids understand he won't put up with Little League parent input. Good Luck Dawgs!

Edited by barondawg77
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Just heard on a radio show that tazewell may be forieting next weeks game against richlands i know this cant be true because tcsb would not miss out on the money it garners from this game but if it was my school and my team i would.much rather lose on the field than to just give the game up i dont know if this is true but has anyone else heard anything about this


We won't do that. We will end up getting beat like a drum and it would probably be a great idea. As far as the money Tazewell people won't show up it's cold, we will be 0-9, and we will be pounded. I'll be there just saying. I thought that it was a horrible idea to make this the last game. The only reason for people from Tazewell to show up is to watch the Southwest Virginia Southern West Virgina all-star team.

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This sounds to me more like an issue with a sense of entitlement by some of these kids. The coach has a job to do, and if some of the kids are quitting because they don't like the actions of the coach, and they are backing this one player at the expense of the team, that's definitely a character issue that goes back to the parents. I have always told my kids if you're going to start something, you're going to finish it no matter what. These kids who are refusing to practice should be ashamed of themselves, and their parents should snatch a freaking knot on their heads and make them finish what they started. This is totally ridiculous, and it looks really bad for Tazewell.


I am trying to say as much without finger pointing, naming, or calling out any individual but you nailed it dead on. Certain players do have a bad attitude and should have a knot jerked into them for acting that way.

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If RHS is ever has a down year people will try to hang 100 on them. It's not right I realize but they have destroyed everyone for so long.


So should Richlands hang 100 on Tazewell? We all know they could. Coach Mance has played second and third string guys in the second half of every game except the Union game this season, and that game went down to the wire. I don't think you're giving Richlands or the coaching staff the credit they deserve for keeping the scores as respectable as they are. Richlands could have named the score in 5 of their games this year...three of them shutouts. The blues have only scored over 50 once this season, and that was against Abingdon last Friday night. I think we all know it could have been a lot worse. So talk that revenge stuff all you want, but coach Mance has shown class for years.

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So should Richlands hang 100 on Tazewell? We all know they could. Coach Mance has played second and third string guys in the second half of every game except the Union game this season, and that game went down to the wire. I don't think you're giving Richlands or the coaching staff the credit they deserve for keeping the scores as respectable as they are. Richlands could have named the score in 5 of their games this year...three of them shutouts. The blues have only scored over 50 once this season, and that was against Abingdon last Friday night. I think we all know it could have been a lot worse. So talk that revenge stuff all you want, but coach Mance has shown class for years.


I never sad anything about revenge. If you look in my quote I said "I know it's not right." I was just saying. Everyone was making fun of a mercy rule so I stated my opinion. I never said revenge or anything. I like coach mance. You may want to read my quote again it wasn't mean.

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I never sad anything about revenge. If you look in my quote I said "I know it's not right." I was just saying. Everyone was making fun of a mercy rule so I stated my opinion. I never said revenge or anything. I like coach mance. You may want to read my quote again it wasn't mean.


You're right. I probably over reacted to your comment. My apologies.

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I am not on here much this year but just found out the situation in Tazwell. I have to agree with whoever said hats off to the coach at Tazwell and the players who stuck it out there. I know wins are what the players look for at thier age but Integrity is more important the older you get. To show up for practice and play when the team has had a mass exodose of quitters befall their team shows true character for those who are remaining there. You have my utmost respect and just play the game with you're heads high. I know in the long run you will be the winners for it. The score will not matter as you look back on it, only that you stayed true to the team and program. Tazwell will have its day again and this coach may just be the guy to help them get there. Undisciplined players can never take over the team. NEVER

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I am not on here much this year but just found out the situation in Tazwell. I have to agree with whoever said hats off to the coach at Tazwell and the players who stuck it out there. I know wins are what the players look for at thier age but Integrity is more important the older you get. To show up for practice and play when the team has had a mass exodose of quitters befall their team shows true character for those who are remaining there. You have my utmost respect and just play the game with you're heads high. I know in the long run you will be the winners for it. The score will not matter as you look back on it, only that you stayed true to the team and program. Tazwell will have its day again and this coach may just be the guy to help them get there. Undisciplined players can never take over the team. NEVER


Agreed ! And Tazewell will find it's way back up............after the "grown-ups" that have the ego's and think they know whats best for their program are gone !

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