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    cityofRaven got a reaction from Deleted Account in District Champs!   
    I knew it'd be a cold day in Hell before Abingdon won the SWD but I didn't know it would snow. 
  2. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from Bearcat Bob in District Champs!   
    I knew it'd be a cold day in Hell before Abingdon won the SWD but I didn't know it would snow. 
  3. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from starcityfootballfan in District Champs!   
    I knew it'd be a cold day in Hell before Abingdon won the SWD but I didn't know it would snow. 
  4. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from BlueRazor in District Champs!   
    I knew it'd be a cold day in Hell before Abingdon won the SWD but I didn't know it would snow. 
  5. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from Ryan4VT in District Champs!   
    I knew it'd be a cold day in Hell before Abingdon won the SWD but I didn't know it would snow. 
  6. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to GMan in Week 10 FB UPDATES 10-30/31-14   
    Where's VTDavis4321????  His team SUCKS, THEY LOST TO GRAHAM...AGAIN!!!  LOL!
  7. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to fastpitch7 in A Falcon Night To Remember   
    Stripes is the only kitty southy has ever petted.
  8. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to Deleted Account in A Falcon Night To Remember   
    Cats are largely lactose intolerant, many of them severely so, due to the lactase present. And whole milk has more lactase than 2% milk. And organic milk has more lactase than non-organic milk.
    So, you intentionally gave your cat something almost certain made your cat very sick in celebration of National Cat Day. How macabre. I think a call to Washington County Animal Control is in order...
  9. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from Hacker in I Feel So Sorry for This Victim   
    Where were these teachers when I was in school? 
  10. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to redtiger in Halloween   
    Bad move with the weather rolling in
  11. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to Bearcat Bob in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    Yes.  Yes you do.  
  12. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to GMan in SWVASports Survivor II - Week 10   
  13. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to EH31 in A Falcon Night To Remember   
    Only thing Cuz's gives me is an empty wallet and the squirts
  14. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to the_general in Abingdon @ Tazewell   
    Protect against the skinny post. Richlands refused to cover it properly and it cost them 21 points!
  15. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from BigO in A Falcon Night To Remember   
    So... Falconman took advantage of you...
  16. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from fb-fan24263 in unofficial updated rankings 2A west   
    I hope someone like Appomattox or Buckingham has to go to Lee for a playoff game.  
  17. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from BlueRazor in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    The worst part of all this is we'll all have to hear about it until the end of times from the two bird turds. 
    Abingdon shocked me tonight and got after the Blues. Hats off to all the athletes and coaches. 
  18. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from BigO in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    The worst part of all this is we'll all have to hear about it until the end of times from the two bird turds. 
    Abingdon shocked me tonight and got after the Blues. Hats off to all the athletes and coaches. 
  19. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to V-Cats in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    Abingdon wins the Southwest District; is this life?
  20. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to redtiger in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    They were talking about a JV game from 3 years ago!  We will NEVER hear the end of this haha
    Its gotta feel good to be a Falcon this season
  21. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from redtiger in Richlands @ Abingdon   
    The worst part of all this is we'll all have to hear about it until the end of times from the two bird turds. 
    Abingdon shocked me tonight and got after the Blues. Hats off to all the athletes and coaches. 
  22. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to stu_bean in 10-24-14 Week 9 FB UPDATES   
    I can only imagine what the two buzzard fans have to say
  23. Like
    cityofRaven reacted to stu_bean in Falcon Warning   
    I don't even know what to say on this...
  24. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from Deleted Account in Falcon Warning   
    I'm proud of you coming out of the closet, let everyone know of your life choice and be proud!
  25. Like
    cityofRaven got a reaction from Ryan4VT in I Feel So Sorry for This Victim   
    Where were these teachers when I was in school? 
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