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To make things fair

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you missed the entire point of what he said...try again Jr.


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No...I was right in what i said. Because the bum at home eating nachos stoned out of his mind or whatever you said is int on somebody else's property using machinery that is dangerous...


Have you ever thought about it like that?


I understand what you're saying about if you cannot smoke weed and keep a job. then why should people who get a check at the beginning of the month still be able to let the check roll in and them still smoke weed.


But theres more to it than that


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rocks, again, missing the point.


The POINT is that the bum at home smoking weed is using GOVERNMENT MONEY TO BUY HIS DOPE.

The bum is able to keep up his habbit by using social assistance with no drug tests, but Tully, the hard working blue collar man is being tested just to keep his job.


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But, a person doesn't have a right to a job either though, and if they want to work then they have to go by their employers rules, and if that's no drugs then that's that.

Is that right or fair exactly, not really, but as my latest company commander in the guard would say, you can take a hard right, or an easy left.

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And he is getting a check every month? While I work every day drug-free? Now that's fair... I wasn't saying to take the testing out of the workplace.... I was saying test the people getting a free payday every month. Your simple might not understand this now... but you will, when half your payday is taken out every month to support the "checkers" out there.


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that I agree with, didn't read far enough, but it wasn't apparent that's what you were suggesting in the other posts, but anyhow, I agree.

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don't discount fred thompson as I've written, he's the best candidate in decades. But, that doesn't mean this country isn't beyond repair, I won't surrender hope, but the strongest nations "impode", basically the way the country is doing. the country might simply be to far along towards socialism that there isn't really anything people can do.

I know i read like an extremist at times about this country, but maybe I am and maybe it's for a good reason, america really is under attack in so many ways it's scary and big problems are right around the corner, but, as they said in the movie gladiator, "rome is the mob". and it's that way in america, and the mob is weak and much more concerned with their reality tv, sports, and ignorance such as celebrity scandals. Not that some of these things don't have their place, but as priorities that actually matter, absolutely not......

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A good point was brought up to me the other day. America hasn't had another absolute crisis that completely tested their character in way too long. As far as our government being too big and stuff like that, yeah, it's true. But if something like a Great Depression would happen, then the Gov't would become more honest and care a little more about us, the every day person.


Democracy is something that always has to be tinkered with. For democracy, you have to have the attitude that our system will fail. If you don't have this attitude then you get too comfortable with the system, which leads to carrying out their own agendas instead of taking care of the constituency. But, in the end, we are resilient enough to make it through these "hopeless" times.

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But the problem is we haven't really seem the troubled times yet, and I doubt the overall strength of the american public anymore will be up for the challenge. I somewhat disagree that the government will care about the people, they are all about power, and as long as they maintain cable and online service, much of the public will be satisfied regardless of what america erodes to or what goes on outside the borders.

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That's really sad... When there's not help in sight. What is this country coming to? No change though... The working man been getting screwed for years.


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well how do you think chuck norris feels for you stealing all his jokes and putting your name in them.....i bet he feels screwed

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That's really sad... When there's not help in sight. What is this country coming to? No change though... The working man been getting screwed for years.


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well how do you think chuck norris feels for you stealing all his jokes and putting your name in them.....i bet he feels screwed


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Why did you even bother responding if you are just going to take away from an actual discussion??

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ehhh idk but seriously its true that there arent many good candidates in this election i mean hilary,guliani,obama,romney we need someone like abe lincoln lol, btw idk if any of you have ever thought about this....and maybe you don't believe it...but throughout history great civilizations and great empires have risen and fallen, now alot of these empires have been well very dirty people, many homosexuals, adulterers, now call me crazy but the way america is looking, or is becoming the exact same way and every single time God has destroyed that city (ex. sodom and gomorrah) or civilization (persia was taken over by alexander, alexander was overthrown or w/e happened, then i think rome came and it fell im not sure if thats correct order but you get the idea) so basically i think the next president needs to be a person who won't legalize gay marriages, or pull our troops right out of iraq as soon as he/she is in office, because that will make things worse and well we may be next, everyone knows how many terrorists hate america and would love to see our country disappear i just hope we elect someone who cares..and that was simply my 2 cents you can take it or leave it

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Fellas Canada is soundin pretty good..


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Canada is possibly the worst choice, something like 30 bucks for a case of beer up there, or something like that.


They are freaking socialists, so not a great option

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ehhh idk but seriously its true that there arent many good candidates in this election i mean hilary,guliani,obama,romney we need someone like abe lincoln lol, btw idk if any of you have ever thought about this....and maybe you don't believe it...but throughout history great civilizations and great empires have risen and fallen, now alot of these empires have been well very dirty people, many homosexuals, adulterers, now call me crazy but the way america is looking, or is becoming the exact same way and every single time God has destroyed that city (ex. sodom and gomorrah) or civilization (persia was taken over by alexander, alexander was overthrown or w/e happened, then i think rome came and it fell im not sure if thats correct order but you get the idea) so basically i think the next president needs to be a person who won't legalize gay marriages, or pull our troops right out of iraq as soon as he/she is in office, because that will make things worse and well we may be next, everyone knows how many terrorists hate america and would love to see our country disappear i just hope we elect someone who cares..and that was simply my 2 cents you can take it or leave it


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actually that's well said. And as for the other suggestions of other countries, I vote for america. Let's not surrender it just yet, even though history says it will eventually fall and it does seem to be imploding from within, myself though I'm not going to quit. And I know yall won't either.

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Of course Abe had a rebellion being fought in his country. I guess Draconian measures were seen as necessary. Look at FDR and WWII. I get the feeling we will look back on the war on terror and some of the measures passed by Congress with the same comments in 50 years. (If I live that long, or can remember.)


As for drug testing those on assistance or disability, why not. When I was running a business, I always made sure my name was in the drug testing pool, even though it was not required. (If you're clean, you have nothing to worry about, and it set a good example.) So why not test those folks, the ones who administer the programs, and the politicians that create them.


When it comes to defining "disability," that can be a sticky area. First of all we need to remember there are multiple disability programs. There is SSI, Workers Comp, and disability programs through private employers. From experience, I have seen people on disability who truly needed it, those who truly needed the help not able to get assistance, and those who were scamming someone. Then you have disability programs that determine a percentage disabled and pay on that. My dad was 20% disabled from military service and I received SSI in college. His war injuries and other health problems made him completely unable to work, but he was only 20% disabled to the VA.

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Im finally glad to see someone not LUMP people with disabilities into one group. Not all people with disabilities are just living off your tax dollars as one of the previous posters put it.


I am disabled myself and draw SSDI but I still work part time. So with all that said, not all people with disabilities are druggies as some have implied.


I could care less if they drug test me or not because I know all is well in my case.

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Excellent post Hacker! I've been disabled for the better part of 10 years now and I have the type of disability that makes most people roll their eyes. I hate reading things like "checkers" and "bums living off our tax dollars". I paid taxes too and when I needed the benefits they were there. I'm sure there are many scammers out there living off the government but there are many more that are truly disabled.


Now I'm working part-time with the photography and hopefully I can eventually earn a living from it. I became serious about photography after an aptitude test at the VADRS... So disability programs do work.


As for drug testing, I'm not a user so I don't mind.

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The only ones who complain about drug testing are the one's using drugs...and the liberal bleeding hearts who cry that drug testing is infringing on someone's civil rights...

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i myself got hurt in 1997 and had to have back surgery i never missed a days work til then,i was glad that there was such a thing as workers comp. what if there wasnt?how would i support myself,wife,and then 3 yearold child?since then ive had 2 more disc surgeries the latest one was april of this year ive worked off and on since then more on than off.probably shouldve never gone back at what i do(truck driver) but i cant send my daughter to college on 1300.00 a month.when i can make that in a week.and my wife doesnt make enough to buy food to feed us between her paydays.i know where your coming from and there are slime out there that lie and take advantage of the system because their to damn lazy to earn it,so the working man must pay but remember the ones who cant help theirselves who depend on good hard working people like you.and if it wasnt for people like you they would truly suffer.by the way im going back to work monday.yee ha

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In 2001 my cousin who had a great job at a Mercedes plant in Alabama injured his foot in a fork-lift accident. Because he's diabetic the foot became infected and he ended up having three amputations (toes, ankle then knee) over a period of several months and in 2005 he was in a coma for over a month. Presently he has to have dialysis and is on the kidney transplant list... He's only 31 years old. He waited several years before applying for disability because he wanted to go back to work. He now knows that will never happen but at least he has an income... however small it may be.

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Tully, i dont know what crawled up your ass but let me tell you right now. Im a 100% disabled veteran due to a devastating injury i sustained in 1989, i completed my tour and after college i was hired by the USPS and worked there for 7 yrs. I was FORCED into a retirement by my employer and the Veterans Admin. The crap that i have to suffer with and deal with and live thru everyday isnt worth the money YOU supposedly pay me. YOU couldnt handle what i do and what i go thru EVERYDAY!

Ive been determined to be 100% disabled by 3 GOVT doctors and a federal judge so if its so easy for us to abuse the system, why dont you go get your disability??. Oh and just to shoot your solution full of holes, i AM drug tested every other month along with a mandatory pill count b/c of the drugs i take! You shouldnt run your big mouth and make a blanket statement about 'disabled' people until you know what you're talking about. There are people out there abusing workers comp and the like but for you to make a statement that includes those of that got injured defending your whiny ass is selfish and self serving. I seriously doubt the lil contribution from your piddly paycheck goes to help anyone buy any drugs or lay on their ass! This is life and the real world and you best think again before you make idiotic comments about me! I couldnt care less of how bad a day you had and how you peepee'd on your hand while doin your lil drug test.

You just opened a serious can of worms with me boy and you best edit your comments or im more than glad to give you you're chance to let some stress out on us 'disabled' people that you despise! You have to do something in life before you get the right to piss and moan about others! Until you know every single person's situation, keep your mouth shut b/c one day it just might be your sorry ass on that 'disabled list'

tom sizemore

you want to discuss it further ill gladly give you my number or visit you in person, YOUR choice!

one more thing, YOU dont pay anything of mine, i get my VA pension and i get my pension from the USPS, so dont include me in rant about SSI, SSDI or whatever!

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Guest JJBrickface

Good Lord people calm down haha....I think this was the most pessimistic thread ever. Here are my thoughts


1. America isn't perfect but we are so lucky to live here, remember that


2. There are people on disability who don't deserve money, and some that deserve it very much (I think we all agree on that)


3. I am a conservative so none of the Democratic candidates are attractive, if I had to pick one it would be Joe Biden. The Republican candidates aren't much better. I use to like McCain but he has changed a lot with age. I really don't like Guliani at all, so far I like what I have seen from Fred Thompson even though I don't know much about him yet.


4. Back to the US, I know some things may seem unclear right now but I think 10 years now we are going to be a lot better off. Terrorism is definitely a main concern, other than that I think we are on the right path.


God Bless the USA!

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