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From what i've seen today, I have to say that i'm dissappointed. Things i saw that need to be taken care of to slavage the season.


1. Run an offense to the strengths of Logan Thomas! The kid has a cannon attached to his arm and yet we let the young running backs get there carries, we call end arounds, we run Logan up the middle and tons of option plays. If we ran an offense similar to WVU's (yes I said it) we would be a very very tough football team. Spread the field and let Logan go to town, from there the defense has no clue as to what is going on eg, options, pass plays etc.


2. Our defense has to rest, they cant play the entire game and expect to carry us to victory every week. Yes we are talented as we have been in past , and yes defense wins Championships, but you have to score points to win also.


3. Steinspring is the most overrated, sorry, 1 dimensional coach that I have ever seen. He knows nothing about the game of football and does not put his playes in a position to win.


4. Frank Beamer's time in Blacksburg is over. Yes you read that right!!! Absoutly he is a fantastic coach, one that will be in the CFB hall of fame, yes he has brought our program to national prominence but, I believe that he has done all he can do with the team, Beamerball is non-exsitent, every year we "choke" the big games, and here lately it's been small games. His bowl record is 8-11, I say we wipe it all clean and start fresh.


Probably going to catch a bunch of hell for this but I will use my right to express my self while i still can lol

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When Logan is throwing this year he isn't accurate half the time and the receivers have proven more often then not there are no play makers this year.


It's a run first philosophy with Frank and always has been. If anything the players they recruit on offense should run an Oregon type read option and I think that style would serve the type of players they are getting better. With "Stineyocain" you won't see them switch to that full time.

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When Logan is throwing this year he isn't accurate half the time and the receivers have proven more often then not there are no play makers this year.


I was fileted and served with a glass of chianti on this board last year for suggesting that (1) a QB with a ~50% completion percentage isn't something to build into a LOLHeisman contender and (2) that Coale and Boykin bailed Thomas's rear end out more than Lindsay Lohan's attorney does for his client. Yeah...


The growing pains will be a plenty this year. If nothing else, it ensures that Thomas will be back at VT next season.



4. Frank Beamer's time in Blacksburg is over. Yes you read that right!!! Absoutly he is a fantastic coach, one that will be in the CFB hall of fame, yes he has brought our program to national prominence but, I believe that he has done all he can do with the team, Beamerball is non-exsitent, every year we "choke" the big games, and here lately it's been small games. His bowl record is 8-11, I say we wipe it all clean and start fresh.


Probably going to catch a bunch of hell for this but I will use my right to express my self while i still can lol


I agree. Time to run Beamer out of Blacksburg. How can I contribute to this cause?

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Logan has been off at times, but Corey Fuller and Marcus Davis are very talented players, there is no chemistry at all on the entire offensive side of the ball. Oregon's offense would make sense for us, but like you said with the moron we have as OC we have no chance of seeing change


Corey Fuller is the only real receiving threat they have in my opinion. Davis is way inconsisitant and that's be going on since day one with him. I see no timing, chemistry, or confidence on offense.

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I was fileted and served with a glass of chianti on this board last year for suggesting that (1) a QB with a ~50% completion percentage isn't something to build into a LOLHeisman contender and (2) that Coale and Boykin bailed Thomas's rear end out more than Lindsay Lohan's attorney does for his client. Yeah...


The growing pains will be a plenty this year. If nothing else, it ensures that Thomas will be back at VT next season.




I agree. Time to run Beamer out of Blacksburg. How can I contribute to this cause?


Couldn't agree with everyone more.

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I was fileted and served with a glass of chianti on this board last year for suggesting that (1) a QB with a ~50% completion percentage isn't something to build into a LOLHeisman contender and (2) that Coale and Boykin bailed Thomas's rear end out more than Lindsay Lohan's attorney does for his client. Yeah...


I also got beat up in the Clemson thread last year for saying Clemson will win by at least two TDs and believing that Logan Thomas is still a converted TE playing QB.


Logan is regressing like DeShazo did under Gary Tranquill.

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Say what you want about how talented these guys are, but there's only one thing that really, really irks me: it simply looks to me like they're not trying as hard as they can on every play. And that is utterly unacceptable and inexcusable.


If VT has had something over the past however-many years, it's that they worked hard. That's what Beamer and Co. instill into the guys he recruits and coaches, and it won them ball games. This year, that is completely gone. And it's DISGUSTING to watch.

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GMan says five losses and he's been saying that for a few months. I think it could be six with what I've seen so far. There have been some improvements thus far but they are far away from where they need to be. I'm not sure they make enough improvements to win seven games this season.


This team will be lucky to win six games and they'll have to beat Duke, BC, and UVA to do that. Not sure they can...

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Beamer is too loyal to his assistants. It is time for him to realize that some of these guys need to go (Newsome, Stiny, O'Cain to name a few) or Beamer may end up going out with them. Beamer has done great things for the VT football program but he has taken them as far as he can take them, unless he is ready to clean house and get some real assistant coaches.

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This team will be lucky to win six games and they'll have to beat Duke, BC, and UVA to do that. Not sure they can...


Fret not over us. Well, unless London actually starts Sims the rest of the way AND the O-Line can get its head out of its rear AND the DBs learn that they can play less than a 10-yard cushion AND we get out of our own way.

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This team will be lucky to win six games and they'll have to beat Duke, BC, and UVA to do that. Not sure they can...


I started thinking the same thing about their ability to beat Duke and B.C. about a week or so ago. I hadn't thought about UVA yet.


I'm actually kind of glad (and hoping) the 10 win streak and bowl streak comes to an end this year. Both of those are stale to the fans while Beamer uses them as a justification that they are doing just fine. If Jo Pa didn't make changes after losing seasons at PSU I doubt anything changes in Blacksburg until Beamer retires. Maybe a 3-9 season changes some things, maybe not. Maybe some coaches leave on their own. The stress looks to be getting to Beamer though. He's starting to look like Don Nehlen in his last few years before he retired from WVU. I hope some jackass doesn't hire a plane to fly over the stadium with a banner that reads: "Beamer must go." That happened in Morgantown to Nehlen and I'd like to think that VT fans have more class than WVU.


Beamer is now dodging questions to the media about problems within the offensive unit after games.

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From what i've seen today, I have to say that i'm dissappointed. Things i saw that need to be taken care of to slavage the season.


1. Run an offense to the strengths of Logan Thomas! The kid has a cannon attached to his arm and yet we let the young running backs get there carries, we call end arounds, we run Logan up the middle and tons of option plays. If we ran an offense similar to WVU's (yes I said it) we would be a very very tough football team. Spread the field and let Logan go to town, from there the defense has no clue as to what is going on eg, options, pass plays etc.







No! You need a scheme more along the lines of what Urban Meyer used/is using at Florida/Ohio St.

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