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Tony Stewart's Future

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I posted it on the ChatBox, but how can NASCAR or any other sanctioning body allow him to race after this incident? Particularly with Stewart's past and anger control issues, I think he should be parked for the rest of the season, and a lifetime ban should absolutely be in play. I would give it to him.


I watched that video. Kevin Ward, Jr., was reckless. But Tony was certainly not trying to avoid him. In fact, it looked like Tony drove at him to intimidate him. I don't think Tony tried to hit him, but his anger out him in that position.

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The video is doctored to add a Rev. This was not intentional. It's a 20 year old kid who got mad and ran down the track in front of cars. If Stewart was trying to hit him, he would hit him with his front tires. It was absolutely an accident. It's tragic, and it's truly upsetting, but a lifetime ban? No.

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Because when you fishtail on those dirt tracks it kicks the tail up the banking. That's how they are designed. Do you think he didn't realize that? He's only raced on dirt his whole life. Do I think he meant to kill him? No. hurt or hit him? No. But he did, he was in control of the car and he has enough experience to know better than play that game.

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The guy went back uphill toward him...he's was fortunate that the first car didn't hit him and it almost did.  Running out in front of moving cars?  I think its on both of them just as much but the guy put himself in serious danger to begin and you see what happened.  The first car fishtailed out the same way as Stewart's did just as it passing him, again fortunate to have not been hit then.

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From the clip I have seen I don't think much fault is going to be placed on Smoke.  I am not a Tony fan, and think he acts like a jerk most of the time.  The car in front of Tony didn't avoid the guy by much.  I bet the guy wasn't easily seen in the black suit on what appears to be a dim track lighting.    Also, Kasey Kahne mentioned sometimes in sprint cars you don't know exactly why there was a caution. If spotters aren't being used, and the wreck happened outside of Smoke's vision since you cant see out of the right side of those cars he may not have had a clue about the guy.

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I'm amazed that someone can watch that video clip and deduct so much from it. You guys ought to put such talent to use doing something productive for man-kind. The fact is this kid made a very poor decision by running onto a poorly lit racetrack wearing a black helmet and firesuit with RACECARS still operating at a reasonable rate of speed. Unfortunately, he paid for his poor decision with his life; hopefully someone will learn from this and not make a similar poor decision.

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I'm amazed that someone can watch that video clip and deduct so much from it. You guys ought to put such talent to use doing something productive for man-kind. The fact is this kid made a very poor decision by running onto a poorly lit racetrack wearing a black helmet and firesuit with RACECARS still operating at a reasonable rate of speed. Unfortunately, he paid for his poor decision with his life; hopefully someone will learn from this and not make a similar poor decision.

That's what I've been saying all day. None of us are either of those drivers. They are all that know what happened. Kid shouldn't have ran down track. It's sad. But it's still an accident.

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I'm amazed that someone can watch that video clip and deduct so much from it. You guys ought to put such talent to use doing something productive for man-kind. The fact is this kid made a very poor decision by running onto a poorly lit racetrack wearing a black helmet and firesuit with RACECARS still operating at a reasonable rate of speed. Unfortunately, he paid for his poor decision with his life; hopefully someone will learn from this and not make a similar poor decision.

You do know what I do for a living, don't you? My practice focuses on taking fact patterns and determining their applicability to criminal offenses in a court of law. I do this 3+ times per week on a LIGHT week. So spare my ass the whole holier-than-thou tripe. I will, however, be glad to recommend seasonings for that industrial-sized portion of crow you're ingesting.

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That's what I've been saying all day. None of us are either of those drivers. They are all that know what happened. Kid shouldn't have ran down track. It's sad. But it's still an accident.

Similarly, everyone knows that Ward's behavior was incomprehensibly reckless.


As humans, we have the cognitive ability to make deductions about situations. Stewart put Ward in the wall. Ward was pissed to a level where he became incomprehensibly reckless. Stewart has a history of being a jackass to other drivers and using intimidation tactics to bully. The video footage shows Stewart altering his line in relation to his fellow drivers and moving toward Ward.


I reasonably deduce from this that Stewart was trying to intimidate Ward.


Other reasonable interpretations are possible. However, what disturbs me is that people who disagree with the view I've stated are, somewhat oddly, vigorously attacking that position, as if it were per se unreasonable. And it's not. Neither position is. But it doesn't exactly weaken my perspective to see it under assail.

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You do know what I do for a living, don't you? My practice focuses on taking fact patterns and determining their applicability to criminal offenses in a court of law. I do this 3+ times per week on a LIGHT week. So spare my ass the whole holier-than-thou tripe. I will, however, be glad to recommend seasonings for that industrial-sized portion of crow you're ingesting.

Pardon me, but I don't give a flying whoop WTF you do. You aren't any better than any of the rest of us and your opinion holds no more value either, especially with me. Keep beating your chest though bro, maybe someone will bow to your inflated sense of self-importance and superiority.

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Obviously the author is pro-Stewart but still a good read. The author says it was Stewarts rear tire that hit the Ward. Maybe Stewart held his line to get close to Ward and intimidate him but he was on the track and imo clearly put himself in harms way. Tragic, sad but I really don't think he meant to hit him.


Stewart did gun it but the car did fishtail to the left, away from Ward. The Blue/silver car almost hit Ward too.


Granted in not really a race fan and dont know a whole lot about the sport beyond a basic knowledge.

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I haven't looked at the video online because I don't want to see someone fataly struck by a racecar. I did see the video on Foxnews which stopped the footage just before Tony struck him. There is no doubt that Tony is a hot head and can be very aggresive at times but I can't imagine he intentionally tried to hit this you man. From what I have read and heard concerning the matter it sounds like the other driver made a dangerous move walking out so close to the cars on the track and that the car ahead of Tony almost hit him.

I think it was an accident plain and simple. Both he and Tony probably could have made better choices to avoid the accident but I don't think you can condemn Tony based so heavily on his past.

I think Tony made a wise move that showed consideration for the family by choosing not to race at Watkins Glen. I could forsee NASCAR instituting a rule in their series that prohibits drivers from walking toward cars on the track in the future to avoid an incident like this, in one of their series.


Just a sad situation and my heart goes out to the Ward family and to Tony.

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