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Union @ Clarke Co


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I sure wasn't expecting that,  but Union still had a great year !  I know it's hard to hear that right now so soon after a loss like this so close to the end,  but when you when you look back after some time has past,  you will realize what a truly good year it was.

Going undefeated in the regular season and making it to the semifinal game.

You guys have a lot of talent coming back and will reload !

See you next year at Ernie for another good, close and fun to watch football game ! 

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A quick note on the extra bleachers upon closer inspection. They were attached to a 4 wheel trailer frame. Like a miniature flatbed tractor trailer. The bottom half folded up and over to sit on the top half. Maine license plates. Don't remember the rental company name. Pretty neat idea.


Game thoughts...


In a nutshell. Clarke's O line dominated the line of scrimmage COMPLETELY. Union was ill prepared for the wing.


Union's first turnover was a fumble. Couldn't tell if it was stripped, knocked out , or just dropped. First int was a direct result of great film study. That kid sat there and waited for that pass and jumped in front of it. 2nd int was a wounded duck that was just simply under thrown. 3rd int was a great individual effort by the Clarke defender. He tipped the pass up in the air and was able to come down with it.


Union had 4 turnovers, one vital player that was out on defense, some bad penalties, and was simply not prepared on defense. With all that said, had Union not had a single turnover, penalty, or mistake I don't think they could have won this game. Even if you have the opposing teams playbook in hand, if you can't stop the O line from driving you 3 yards off the ball every play you can't win. I believe that Bearcat Bob said they were the physically strongest team he had seen, and they lived up to that billing. Not only could the Bears not stop them, but they couldn't even hold their ground.


I realize that nobody from this end of the state had seen Clarke play, but even folks elsewhere. that had seen them play greatly underestimated this team. They were WELL coached, and WELL prepared. I know people talk about how Giles has perfected the wing, but they may have some competition as far as wing execution goes. They were like a machine that methodically marched down the field. Every time Union held them to 3rd and something they got it by a yard. 3rd and 4, they got 5 yards. 3rd and 6, they got 7 yards. Clarke's O line did stand up, but they were still able to stop our kids in their tracks.


The miscues on offense contributed to the fatigue of the Bears' D and certainly the score. On the only two possessions that Union didn't turn the ball over or make a stupid mistake they marched straight down the field and scored with relative ease.


One thing not talked about and not really expected was Clarke's speed. They may not be as fast as Appomattox, but they were every bit as fast as Union. Probably faster.


In a somewhat unexpected and awesome move by Coach Turner, he took each senior off the field one by one on Union's last O possession. After each play a different senior came off the field, to an ovation from the crowd, with a heavy heart and tears in their eyes. Very touching and moving for everyone.


I won't predict a Clarke win over Appomattox, but I do think the run D is Appo's weakness. It will certainly be a contrast in styles.


Congratulations to all the Union players that set THE standard for all future Bear teams. These seniors were unbelievable! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. These years will always be looked upon with a smile as you go down life's road, and these lessons will always be referred to when you need advice with future crossroads.


Looking forward to more "firsts" in the coming years.

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Union_Fan.. I don't think it's irony that we shared basically the same thoughts. I posted on the "Updates" topic this morning and we basically said the same thing. Anyone who knows football could see what happened Saturday. On a side note.. I'm not 100% sure who you are but I have an idea...haha

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