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High school kids transferring from one high school to another seems to be the

Trend these days all across the State. We didn't see much of it several years ago, but now it is common. If the proper guidelines are followed, the VHSL has

No problem with kids transferring, again as long as the VHSL rules are followed.


Why is this happening now, more than a few years back. Well, let me give you my

Take on it, which may be way off base. Say a football player is a rising senior

At a small school, or a large school with little or no football tradition. That

Student may want to transfer to a school where he can excel, and play against

Tough competition, and possibly get a college scholarship, which in the long run

He gets a chance to play at the next level with financial help.


It makes for some interesting conversation when it occurs. It usually doesn't set to well with the small school, but there is absolutely nothing that can

Be done about it. We all live in a very mobile society. Families move from one

Area to another, sometimes out of necessity for employment. I really see no end

In site with transferring students. It is a family decision. Some have legitimate reasons that are very necessary for the sake of the family, others

May do it simply for more or better exposure for the player.


Either way, get used to it folks. Unless the VHSL makes it totally illegal,

It may get even more common place than what we see happening today. What is good

For the goose,may be bad for the gander!

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And some do a fake move....


There are rules in place, that, if enforced, would stop this from happening and cause schools to be on probation and coaches to be fired. Problem is you have to have some pretty concrete evidence for the VHSL to do anything about it.  


I'm already hearing rumors of kids transferring here and there....

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I refuse to believe that one year of good coaching and playing against better competition (deep playoff competition) really improves a players stock. I just don't see it. If you're a stud then you're a stud, plain and simple.


I completely understand moving to a school with a better program, but it needs to be done before high school. Once you make a commitment, own it.

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I refuse to believe that one year of good coaching and playing against better competition (deep playoff competition) really improves a players stock. I just don't see it. If you're a stud then you're a stud, plain and simple.


I completely understand moving to a school with a better program, but it needs to be done before high school. Once you make a commitment, own it.

Agree 100%.



With the way recruiting is now if you're not on a big time college's radar before or during your junior year then you have a slim to none chance of them ever looking your way. You get on their radar by making a "good" highlight tape and getting it exposure and attending camps and combines during the off-season. Transferring to a more successful school in southwest Virginia for your senior year isn't helping your D1 dreams one damn bit.

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I refuse to believe that one year of good coaching and playing against better competition (deep playoff competition) really improves a players stock. I just don't see it. If you're a stud then you're a stud, plain and simple.


I completely understand moving to a school with a better program, but it needs to be done before high school. Once you make a commitment, own it.

Well said.

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I refuse to believe that one year of good coaching and playing against better competition (deep playoff competition) really improves a players stock. I just don't see it. If you're a stud then you're a stud, plain and simple.


I completely understand moving to a school with a better program, but it needs to be done before high school. Once you make a commitment, own it.

A-Men to that.

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Agree 100%.



With the way recruiting is now if you're not on a big time college's radar before or during your junior year then you have a slim to none chance of them ever looking your way. You get on their radar by making a "good" highlight tape and getting it exposure and attending camps and combines during the off-season. Transferring to a more successful school in southwest Virginia for your senior year isn't helping your D1 dreams one damn bit.

It's helping your Emory and Henry Dreams... 


Not that getting to go to College to play football is a bad thing.... 


I tend to believe reasons for kids to transfer are quite a bit more selfish than just getting recognized.  Either their Dad wants their kid to be part of a "winner"... or the kid does.  

Immediate Gratification has become a cancer in our society.  People must have what they want right now or they are not satisfied.  Just go try to stand in a line at the grocery store for 5 minutes and you'll see what Im talking about.  Look at all of the people starting to get upset because they are not the center of the cashier's universe at that moment.  People in our society are SPOILED and that's what it boils down to, in my opinion.


You don't have to go to a good 2A school in SWVA, if you are currently on bad 1A school.... not much of a difference in the eyes of College Scouts...


As EH said, you have to be an advocate for yourself, get your name out there on a highlight tape, attend camps and combines and get yourself recognized.  Who would have ever thought that Hard Work, dealing with adversity and determination should be what these young kids are learning from this sport?

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Any more,most kids get that exposure from camps. Less and less do coaches rely on HS game tape. I think that being at a good program with a coach with college connections certainly helps, but a good showing at a camp means a lot.


But I'm no fan of transferring to a school for one season is just about pointless and I too believe it's often parents pushing kids to make the move instead of a kid wanting to leave his group of friends he has grown up with to play one season and be integrated into a new program.

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I am really surprised that there isn't more transfers, in our world of AAU athletics. Just look at basketball, soccer, volleyball, and to some extent girls softball, these teams play travel ball year round and the coaches put these teams together and keep them together for years. The most successful volleyball team in our area has a travel team and guess what all the girls that travel happen to end up on the varsity team. I think in our culture of winning is everything and the only thing, the concept of team is fleeing fast. It is a culture of me and I and the parents are worse than the kids, they all think my child deserves to win and will move heaven and earth to make that happen. When I played baseball we lost a lot, and then we were very good, the winning is sweeter when you have had the bitter pill of defeat crammed down your mouth a few times. You can look no further than the Kentucky basketball program to see the full blooming flower of the AAU culture, put all the all-stars on one team and see what happens and in most years the individual players are good but can't play as a team. My how things have changed.

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