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Everything posted by traveler4
  1. And if he doesn't get convicted the backlash is going to be ugly. I hope they will have police mobilized in Sanford when the verdict is read.
  2. Agreed. The only problem is finding the reasonable people. Some people think you should be able to own weapons of mass destruction, cause it is their "hobby".
  3. He didn't ask WHAT is full name is, he asked what is wrong with it. That is the President's full name. A 3rd grader could destroy Sarah Palin's credibility. As a matter of fact she has done it herself. Please don't bring up her name in a serious political discussion.
  4. Haysi 13 Grundy 0. 5:45 left in first.
  5. Wrong. Tunstall finishes with 148 points or a 14.80. Graham ends with 147 points or a 14.70. Tunstall goes to Grundy 1st round.
  6. Lance, you were on the sidelines. Did any adult hit a player?
  7. If he was still in Grundy, he still would not see the field, except to warm up. Who could he be ahead of now. Know something about the game before you ask stupid questions.
  8. Russell Prater and J.M. Bevins are K-5 schools now. All those kids come to Riverview in the 6th grade already.
  9. Oh, that was you. Thank goodness CP wasn't listening to it.
  10. Just so you know, Coach Plymal is the one responsible for most of the offensive decisions that were made. So you can put his name on that award.
  11. Las Vegas? I thought they went to Reno?
  12. Your principal has to vote for it at the regional meetings. Do not blame anyone else, look no further than the principals in region D.
  13. At half time Grundy 14 Abingdon 7
  14. I don't recall anyone saying that people here didn't live in trailers? Did they? Of course they do, they are everywhere here. Some of them are very nice actually. Not sure what you meant by that. The stereotypes that you refer to don't belong to anyone who has posted here. I know that I would prefer the ideas that others have about this area change. That is why the posters have objected to the portrayal of us all as poor hillbillies. They sterotypes are the ones held by they people out of here that will see the film. What other projects has the guy moving here completed. That will show you if he knows what he is talking about, not if he moves here for 5 months. That is great. Wouldn't it be awesome. I hope that they can attend and remain at a school like Notre Dame. Did the coach respond to their talent or that they are trying to "get out" of this poorest county in Va and wrestling is their only way?
  15. Junk? Everyone is giving their own opinion, of which we are entitled. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean that it is junk. We have applauded the young men. The only thing that anyone has a problem with is how our home is shown.
  16. Who said anything about how the kids talk? I think you are mixing up your message boards, T. I don't think that anyone who has posted has anything at all to say about those young men. Everyone should be proud of them. Believe me, everyone knows that we have a lot of problems and I'm not sure but I'll accept your statement that we are the poorest co. in VA. We probably also have one of the lowest costs of living. As of july our unemployment numbers were just .1% lower than the national average and higher than several other Va counties and cities. The point is most of Buchanan Co. residents do not live like it was depicted. I know 2 of those kids don't live like that. I hope that many people see this film and admire the kids for what they accomplish, but I hope that they understand that a small percentage of residents live like what is displayed. Of course, it's the same old Appalachian story and most that view it will think we are all living in a shack with a truck up on blocks.
  17. I totally agree as well. The methods were underhanded and the motive was selfish. School administrators and staff are hired to make certain decisions. It isn't the school board's area of expertise (to say the least).
  18. Again I will have to disagree. She may have answered honestly but it wasn't a good interview, especially in Miss USA terms. The contestants are supposed to get their point across in a poised, intelligent way, similar to a television newscaster. In this respect, she did not give a good interview.
  19. As am I, all of this talk after the fact was his way of parading what he did, and got her to do. He is gloating and stirring.
  20. BTW everyone, this was the Donald Trump owned Miss USA pageant, not Miss America. "national regard and adoration"??? Really? I think you are giving her much more credit than she deserves. I don't think what Hilton did was ranting. I think it was more along the lines of gloating. He baited her and she did exactly what he expected and got the result he wanted. Now the national media is rehashing the whole issue. She didn't answer the question well in any case, whether she is for or against the issue.
  21. Single A or Double A?
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